-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

don wishart wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> </A> -Cui Bono?-
> In a book I found in the stacks of the Bork (sp?) Law Library at Berkeley
> titled "The War Crimes Trial of I G Farben Co.," I learned several things.
> (The book, since I have publicized these facts, has disappeared both from
> the stacks and from the records, although a book of similar title is there,
> but without the list!!) I G Farben Co was, coincidentally, the company that
> manufactured the infamous gas used in the "chambers," and two things in the
> book caught my attention; first, I G Farben was, initially, a "Jew" owned
> company, and several of its star chemists, etc., were Jewish,

So what's your point???

> and second, in
> a list at its beginning I took note that people of various races, religions,
> political leanings, etc., were candidates for the ovens, and it was readily
> apparent that a tremendous number of people other than Jews were killed in
> the "camps."

Yes, but not for being Jews. The point is, that Christian Europe
used genocide
to solve it's theological differences with the Jews. This is a
bad thing. Baaad.

> I G Farben Co. had offices in America and contacts in
> Washington, and for some strange reason did not get bombed until very late
> in the war even though it also manufactured many significant materials and
> fuel and rubber from coal!
> I do not understand why the world is so ensnared in the concept of a Jewish
> holocaust when at least an equal number of "men and women" of other
> persuasions and nationalities were murdered.  Where is their memorial in
> Washington D.C.?  And in the minds of the rest of the world?

I'll tell you why doc. It's a Jewish plot to annoy good god
Christians like you. And to make the world see how loving your
really is.

> One last point.  Try to be a Christian in Israel!!  There is almost NO
> TOLERANCE for people of other faiths in Israel,

And there doesn't need to be either. Israel is a Jewish State.
The Vatican
is a Catholic State. Neither of them owe other religions
anything. Get it?
Before the Chinese invasion Tibet was a Buddhist Theocracy. So
what? No one
is forcing you to live in any of these places.

> and yet the United States
> sends a huge amount of money to a country that is bigoted to an extreme.  I
> wonder (really?) why Congress appropriates so much money to a nation with
> such rabid intolerance of others.

What intolerance are you talking about? Are you stupid or just
full of shit?
Every religion on the planet including Buddhists, and Bahais are
free to
practice their beliefs in israel. Israel allows the Pope to own
real estate
in Jerusalem. The Pope is an enemy of Israel. I'd say that's
damned tolerant.

> I think we call such treatment "hate
> crimes" in this country!.. I'm afraid there are always more questions than
> anyone has answers to, right!  Dr. Donald Wishart.

I think that you are an ignorant bigot. But lucky for you it's
a hate crime to be an ignorant bigot in this country.


> >From: "Damian B. Cooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: [CTRL] The new Calvinism: "everyone is guilty"
> >Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2000 18:50:13 -0800
> >
> >-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> ></A> -Cui Bono?-
> >
> > >
> > >>
> > >> The Führer Furor
> > >>
> > >>                                          by Joseph Sobran
> > >>
> > >>         Governments, demonstrators, pundits, and even musicians are
> > >> protesting the inclusion of the Austrian
> > >>         Freedom Party in the new Conservative government. The Freedom
> >Party
> > >> is of course led by Jörg Haider,
> > >>         February’s Hitler of the Month.
> > >>
> > >>         "The rise of Jörg Haider in a country whose role in the
> >Holocaust
> > >> still awaits clarification is more than
> > >>         unsettling, it’s shameful and unforgivable," says the great
> >Jewish
> > >> pianist Andras Schiff, canceling a scheduled
> > >>         concert at the Austrian embassy in Washington. Several
> >governments,
> > >> including the United States, have
> > >>         already announced sanctions against Austria because of Haider’s
> > >> anti-immigrant politics and controversial
> > >>         remarks about the Third Reich. He reminds people of Hitler.
> > >>
> > >>         If only Haider were a Communist! Communists still participate,
> > >> without international indignation, in European
> > >>         coalitions. Despite the rather sanguinary history of the
> >"socialist
> > >> republics" from Russia to Cambodia, which
> > >>         have resulted in a hundred million abbreviated life spans,
> >nobody is
> > >> seriously disgraced by choosing to
> > >>         associate himself with the name, symbols, and history of
> >Communism.

But this isn't really about Communism is it????
It's about Austria and it's connection to right wing fascism
and what it did last century.

Do all you right wingers have attention deficit disorder. C'mon
Stay focussed boys. Nazis. We are talking about Austria and
Take your rittalin and pay attention.


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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