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>From http://www.nytimes.com/library/arts/020500utopia-library.html
Via http://www.philosophynews.com/index.html


February 5, 2000
Paradise Lost: Can Mankind Live Without Its Utopias?

Utopia may be "no place" (as one of the word's original meanings suggests), but
when imagined, it is always some place. Just not here. It is across an ocean
(like Sir Thomas More's noplace that was the first to be called utopia), atop a
mountain (like H. G. Wells's) or in interstellar space (like the science
fiction writer Ursula K. LeGuin's).

In ``Utopia,'' Sir Thomas More envisioned there would be no private property,
much leisure and few lawyers.

The utopias philosophers imagined are just as difficult to reach, requiring a
mastery of esoteric dialogue (like Plato's) or dialectical theory (like Karl
Marx's). Paradise is glimpsed only after strenuous intellectual or physical
effort. And whoever has made the journey to alien shores brings back tales of
lands where labor has been transformed into pleasure and knotty earthly
problems are unwoven with ease. Our world, too, the story goes, could be like
this, if only . . .

And there the difficulties begin. The significance of utopias is not that they
imagine versions of perfection, but that they imagine cures for imperfection. A
utopia is not, like Peter Pan's Neverland, an impossible place; that would turn
utopianism into mere fantasy. The promise of utopia is that while seeming to be
Neverland and Noplace, it has a chance of becoming This Land and This Place.
That is why something seemingly imaginary becomes compellingly urgent.
Utopianism defines a political program; utopianism inspires progress.

But paradoxically, it also results in the opposite. Visions of utopia have led
to extraordinary horrors and nightmarish dystopias. Some have been indelibly
imagined in such fictions as "Brave New World" or "1984." Others, less
literary, have flourished in the hothouse of 20th-century expectations: suicide
cults and terrorism, Fascism and Communism. What goes absolutely wrong is the
attempt to make everything absolutely right. Dystopias are failed attempts at

The last century has been extraordinarily rich in both attempts and failures.
So it is no surprise that studies of utopia have recently taken on a peculiar
urgency. Last year, Russell Jacoby's "End of Utopia" (Basic) mourned the death
of the utopian spirit and the weaknesses of contemporary liberalism. Routledge
recently published "The Utopia Reader," an extensive anthology edited by
Gregory Claeys and Lyman Tower Sargent, with readings ranging from Hesiod to
Huxley. Another anthology of utopian writings has just been published in
England ("The Faber Book of Utopias").

Next fall, the New York Public Library, in collaboration with the Bibliotheque
Nationale de France, plans an exhibition of 400 utopian manuscripts, maps,
images and other materials from the two libraries' collections. The exhibition
will open in France this summer and in New York in October. Here, it will be
accompanied by three public lectures on utopianism, to be published by Oxford
University Press (full disclosure: I am delivering one of them).

A Society for Utopian Studies (http:// www.utoronto.ca/utopia), founded in
1975, also publishes a journal, Utopian Studies, in which such essays as
"Primitivism in Feminist Utopias," "Lewis Carroll as Crypto-Utopian" and
"California as Dystopia" have appeared. The Internet, which has itself been the
object of many great utopian hopes, offers an array of sites with utopian
aspirations, some of them collected at users.erols.com/jonwill/utopialist.htm.

But considering that these are visions of paradise, it is astonishing how few
one would feel comfortable living in. Only those who look for utopia in the
distant, irretrievable past find an unambiguous glow. Ovid recalls a Golden Age
in which rivers flowed with nectar and honey dripped from green trees,
providing a pastoral ideal that survived for over a millennium. More's 16th-
century "Utopia" has a more modern forthrightness about it: no private
property, much leisure and few lawyers -- a fantasy that has proved remarkably
enduring. But there are hints of satire in some of More's imaginings, and
darker intimations that some utopian things one "may rather wish for than hope

Edward Bellamy, a 19th-century Massachusetts journalist, wrote what has
probably been the most popular utopian vision ever created, "Looking Backward:
2000-1887." A reform movement was based on its ideas, but this world, too,
seems unpleasant. His hero awakens in the year 2000 from a 113-year sleep,
finding a government that is an all-powerful corporation; citizens divide all
profits equally while answering to the strict military discipline of an
"industrial army." The year 2000 was also imagined by H. G. Wells in his 1901
book "Anticipations;" it is an enlightened era in which "whole masses of human
population" are judged inferior and are subject to sterilization, export or

Utopias, for all their promise of freedom, turn out to be extraordinarily rigid
places, full of rules and demarcations -- attempts to dissolve or constrain
desire, greed, envy or other human frailties. In practice, that rigidity has
turned into cruelty. The 20th century was unique not in the kinds of utopias
imagined (which have been inspired by everything from pastoralism to feminism)
but in the relentless attempts to bring them into existence and the technology
to make them seem possible. The utopian "science" of Marxism and the utopian
nationalisms of Fascism carried the model to extremes: grand visions of a new
age combined with horrific exorcisms and totalitarian control.

After such historical experiences, the idea of utopia no longer carries much
moral weight. The philosopher Isaiah Berlin argued that utopianism leads not to
freedom but to tyranny. He regularly invoked Kant in reproof: "Out of the
crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made." The philosopher
Karl Popper, in "The Open Society and Its Enemies," (which he began in 1938, on
the day the Nazis invaded Austria), wrote that those who envision making heaven
on earth will only succeed in making hell.

The Romanian writer E. M. Cioran added an aesthetic fear to the political one.
Utopias, he wrote, are "tedious": "To conceive a true utopia, to sketch, with
conviction, the structure of an ideal society, requires a certain dose of
ingenuousness, even stupidity."

Utopianism enjoyed a resurgence in the 1960's and 70's in some strains of the
counterculture; there were hopes that a spiritual or sexual revolution would
transform human nature and lead to a new form of politics. The hopes still
resonate, but realities have never lived up to expectations. More recently, the
physicist Steven Weinberg, in the January issue of the The Atlantic Monthly,
dismisses five current ideas he thinks are misguidedly utopian: belief in the
free market, in a governing elite, in the powers of religion, in ecological
consciousness and in technological innovation.

As a result of such suspicion, there has now arisen a bit of nostalgia for the
utopian spirit, a wish that it could rise again, older, wiser and perhaps a bit
less . . . well, utopian. Mr. Jacoby, for example, has no patience with
sentimentality, yet he misses the energy that utopianism gave to the political
left. Now, he suggests, "the belief is stone dead. Few envision the future as
anything but a replica of today." Krishan Kumar, a historian of utopianism and
a professor at the University of Kent in England, has suggested that
utopianism, for all its flaws, is in need of some rehabilitation.

What is missed by those who miss utopianism is not the prospect of utopia
itself but the prospect of trying to reach it. What is missed is the conviction
that there are methods that might be reliably used to improve the human
condition. It may be that the most challenging political question in a
knowingly wary world is how to envision progress without envisioning a utopia.
In the influential 1974 book "Anarchy, State and Utopia," the philosopher
Robert Nozick argues essentially that the best utopia we can expect is one in
which utopian consciousness -- the consciousness that each problem can be
solved in advance and imposed from above with a determined solution -- does not
exist. Mr. Nozick proposes, instead, a minimally intrusive government that
allows for elaborate freedoms.

But in one sentence he ends up revealing just how far off even this minimal
utopia lies:

"One persistent strand in utopian thinking," Mr. Nozick writes, "is the feeling
that there is some set of principles obvious enough to be accepted by all men
of good will, precise enough to give unambiguous guidance in particular
situations, clear enough so that all will realize its dictates, and complete
enough to cover all problems which actually arise."

But what set of principles can possibly be so obvious, precise, clear and
complete? The only widely accepted belief seems to be that someday such
principles will be found.

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