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U.S. Army 'Psyops' Specialists
               worked for CNN

 Trouw, 21 February, 2000
 By Abe de Vries

 Translated from the Dutch by an Emperors-Clothes volunteer [emperors-clothes]

 WASHINGTON, ATLANTA - For a short time last year, CNN
 employed military specialists in 'psychological operations' (psyops).
 This was confirmed to Trouw by a spokesman of the U.S. Army.
 The military could have influenced CNN's news reports about the
 crisis in Kosovo.

 "Psyops personnel, soldiers and officers, have been working in
 CNN's headquarters in Atlanta through our programme 'Training
 With Industry,'" said Major Thomas Collins of the U.S. Army
 Information Service in a telephone interview last Friday. "They
 worked as regular employees of CNN. Conceivably, they would
 have worked on stories during the Kosovo war. They helped in the
 production of news.''

 These military, a "handful" according to Collins, stayed with CNN
 for at least a couple of weeks "to get to know the company and to
 broaden their horizons''. Collins maintains that "they didn't work
 under the control of the army." The temporary outplacement of U.S.
 Army psyops personnel in various sectors of society began a couple
 of years ago. Contract periods vary from a couple of weeks to one

 CNN is the biggest and most widely viewed news station in the
 world. The intimate liaisons with army psyops specialists raise
 serious doubts about CNN's journalistic integrity and independence.
 The military CNN-personnel belonged to the airmobile Fourth
 Psychological Operations Group, stationed at Fort Bragg, North
 Carolina. One of the main tasks of this group of almost 1200
 soldiers and officers is to spread 'selected information'.

 American psyops troops try with a variety of techniques to influence
 media and public opinion in armed conflicts in which American state
 interests are said to be at stake. The propaganda group was
 involved in the Gulf war, the Bosnian war and the crisis in Kosovo.

 So far CNN has not commented on the allegations. "I don't believe
 that we would employ military personnel; it doesn't seem like
 something we would normally do," said CNN-spokeswoman Megan
 Mahoney on Friday evening. But when the U.S. Army Information
 Service confirmed the news, Mahoney said she would have to
 contact CNN's senior officials. However, on Sunday evening CNN
 still could not provide an offical statement to Trouw.

 CNN's coverage of the war in Kosovo, and that of other media, has
 attracted criticism from several sides as having been one-sided,
 overly emotional, over-simplified and relying too heavily on NATO
 officials. On the other hand, journalists have complained about the
 lack of reliable information from NATO; for almost all of them it
 was impossible to be on the battlefield and file first-hand reports.

 For more on the connection between CNN
 and U.S. Army opinion-control operations,
 see 'The American army loves CNN'


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From: "Deuce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brasscheck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Recipient List Suppressed : ;>
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 12:47 PM
Subject: PsyOps at CNN

February 28, 2000

PsyOps at CNN

Sam Smith of the Progressive Review passed
along a summary of this very interesting
article which appeared at:

ABE DE VRIES, TROUW, NETHERLANDS:  For a short time last year, CNN employed
military specialists in 'psychological operations'. This was confirmed to
Trouw by a spokesman of the US Army . . . "Psyops personnel, soldiers and
officers, have been working in CNN's headquarters in Atlanta through our
program 'Training With Industry,'" said Major Thomas Collins of the US Army
Information Service in a telephone interview last Friday. "They worked as
regular employees of CNN. Conceivably, they would have worked on stories
during the Kosovo war. They helped in the production of news"  . . .

CNN is the biggest and most widely viewed news station in the world. The
intimate liaisons with army psyops specialists raise serious doubts about
CNN's journalistic integrity and independence. The military CNN-personnel
belonged to the airmobile Fourth Psychological Operations Group, stationed
at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. One of the main tasks of this group of almost
1200 soldiers and officers is to spread 'selected information'.

American psyops troops try with a variety of techniques to influence media
and public opinion in armed conflicts in which American state interests are
said to be at stake. The propaganda group was involved in the Gulf war, the
Bosnian war and the crisis in Kosovo. So far CNN has not commented on the

FROM AN EARLIER ARTICLE BY DE VRIES: Colonel Christopher St. John is
Commander of the Fourth Psychological Operations Group. In a military
symposium on Special Operations on that was held behind closed doors in
Arlington Virginia in early February, Col. St. John said the cooperation
with CNN was a textbook example of the kind of ties the American army wants
to have with the media. According to a report in the latest edition of the
French magazine "Intelligence Newsletter" the Kosovo experience was the
focus at this symposium. In the Kosovo crisis there was no military
censorship of the kind that existed during the Gulf war. This time NATO
tried to use more subtle methods to regulate the flow of information. The US
Army leadership seems to have concluded that new and more aggressive
measures in psychological warfare are needed. Not only do the psyops people
want to spread hand-picked 'information' and keep other news quiet, the army
also wants to control the Internet, to wage electronic warfare against
disobedient media, and to control commercial satellites.


Brass Check -

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