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 page 42 - ATLANTIS RISING - Number 22

     As the `Fateful Day' Approaches, the Author of
     5/5/2000, in an Atlantis Rising Exclusive,
     Examines the State of the Evidence



     [Solar Flare photographed from the U.S. Air
     Force's Cambridge Research Laboratories]

 Are we as a species approaching some kind of abyss or
 not? If we aren't, end of story, not to worry. If, on
 the other hand, we are, then we must attempt to gauge
 whether we are approaching yet another period of
 geological upheaval slowly or rapidly. Or do we now
 stand teetering unsteadily at the brink of a cliff above
 yet another dark void of mass extinction?

 I was asked to express an opinion on what we may expect
 in the first six months of the year 2000 -- with the
 understanding that the article would be on the editor's
 desk before the end of 1999. Yikes! Talk about feeling
 like Shirley MacLaine and being out on a limb. Nowhere
 in 5/5/2000 is it suggested I possess clairvoyance.
 Nevertheless, it was an interesting proposal and, fool
 that I am, I accepted the challenge.

 A Science report released in November '92 made the front
 page of newspapers around the world. The report was a
 four-page warning from 1,575 of the planet's most
 distinguished scientists, including one hundred Nobel
 laureates, among whom were Linus Pauling, James Tobin,
 two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Edward Wilson of Harvard,
 and Carl Sagan.

 Scientists from sixty-nine different countries worked
 together to issue this "urgent warning to humanity." The
 statement begins: "We . . . hereby warn all humanity of
 what lies ahead. A great change in our stewardship of
 the Earth and the life on it is required if vast human
 misery is to be avoided and our global home on this
 planet is not to be irretrievably mutilated."

 The report lists a multitude of problems that are
 destroying -- or have already destroyed -- individual
 segments of our planet's ecosystem. As one part of the
 ecosystem is destroyed this creates strain which weakens
 the other segments, hastening their destruction. This
 continues until an unstoppable domino effect begins so
 rapidly that "suddenly" all systems fail and we are
 extinct. The warning states: "No more than one or a few
 decades remain before the chance to avert the threats we
 now confront will be lost and the prospects for humanity
 immeasurably diminished."

 Dr. Henry Kendall, a Nobel laureate at MIT and chairman
 of "The Union of Concerned Scientists," said: "This
 warning is no exaggeration, and it is not alarmist.
 There is no better way to underline that than to see who
 has signed on to this. Here is a large group of the most
 distinguished and senior scientists in our world today
 who believe we're rapidly approaching a crisis

 Human activity is rapidly becoming so harmful to Earth
 it could render the globe unable to sustain life, the
 scientists warn. Their appeal calls for immediate action
 by world leaders to help curb explosive population
 growth among people already facing chronic hunger,
 deteriorating soil for agriculture, shortages of fuel,
 housing and fresh water, and harmful patterns of human
 activity and development. The report makes it chillingly
 clear that, as we get near the bottom of the barrel, the
 struggle for what's left in that barrel gets more

 Ten years before this warning from scientists, in the
 1982 edition of 5/5/ 2000, I quoted a CIA report
 concerning the political and economic threats to U.S.
 security as a result of these drastic changes which
 would be "almost beyond comprehension."  Changes of this
 magnitude and greater took place millennia ago. Across
 the planet there are ancient pyramids and mysterious
 buildings of powerful civilizations whose builders
 suddenly vanished. The CIA says: "There is considerable
 evidence that these empires may have been undone not by
 barbarian invaders but by climate change."

 Since this scientific report was released almost a
 decade ago, I wondered if world leaders had responded
 responsibly to the scientists' appeal for "immediate
 action." On December 15, 1999, I telephoned the Union of
 Concerned Scientists to get an update on the Earth's
 ecosystem for this article. As luck would have it, they
 had just completed a new update, including a map of the
 world that illustrates the local consequences of global
 warming (www.climatehotmap.org).

 I received a nine-page update, which was flashed around
 the world the next day. By the time this article is
 published, February 2000, chances are you will have
 heard all about it. This update is also available at the
 above web site. This update confirms their worst fears.
 It shows a rapid and continuous destruction of
 ecosystems around the world relentlessly propelling us
 toward an unidentified point where the domino principle
 begins and shoves us all down the extinction drain.

 Many parts of the update seemed remarkably familiar. I
 turned to Chapter Ten in 5/5/2000, and found the report
 by the Council on Environmental Quality and the
 Department of State. In May 1977, President Carter had
 asked them to make a study of what life would be like in
 the year 2000. The report states that our world in the
 year 2000 will be more crowded, more polluted, less
 stable ecologically, the population explosion in Mexico
 will force the United States to guard its borders,
 illegal immigrants from Mexico will quadruple, Mexico
 City will be the largest city on Earth. (Does this sound
 familiar?) The report ends with the statement: "Life for
 most people on Earth will be more precarious in 2000
 than it is now unless the nations of the world act
 decisively to alter current trends." Tick-tock,

 The new Union of Concerned Scientists' warning states
 that the Earth is heating up: "Global average
 temperatures have warmed about 1° since 1900. The ten
 warmest years on record have occurred since 1983, seven
 of them since 1990. Global temperature in 1998 was the
 hottest in the historical record, and recent
 temperatures may have been the highest of the past
 millennium."  They expect problems to intensify unless
 the emission of greenhouse gases are brought under
 control. The list of expected problems is so long the
 reader is encouraged to refer to the original report in
 its entirety.

 Two Columbia University geologists, William Rayan and
 Walter Pitman, after thirty years of research published
 Noah's Flood. They present evidence that melting
 glaciers raised the sea level of the Mediterranean Sea
 around 5,600 B.C. A quick glance at a world globe shows
 the Mediterranean Sea separated from the Black Sea by
 the Bosporus Strait. The Black Sea is 750 miles long,
 380 miles wide, over a mile deep and covers an area of
 about 170,000 square miles which is greater than the
 area of California.

 If we had a globe of the world of six thousand years
 ago, we would see the Mediterranean Sea separated from a
 low-lying valley area larger than California by a strip
 of land which may be thought of as a colossal natural
 dam. As the sea level rose in the Mediterranean
 continued, salt water slowly, insidiously and
 persistently ate away at the land until a small trickle
 found its way into the valley. It was a normal day in
 the valley below, children gathered flowers while
 unnumbered men and women went about the even tenor of
 their ways, never suspecting their world was about to
 end. The trickle became a torrent. The torrent became a
 maelstrom of death as the Mediterranean Sea breached the
 land, poured into the valley and transformed itself into
 a giant tidal wave whose only warning to the inhabitants
 was a faint dull roar in the distance for a minute or
 two before they and all traces of their civilization
 were swept away. Core samples taken recently by Dr.
 Robert Ballard and his underwater team of Titanic fame
 offer independent verification that the flood water dug
 a hole in the surface of the Earth over a mile deep and
 larger than the state of California. That hole is today
 the Black Sea.

 The scientists' warning list a sea level rise as one of
 the problems we face. The Black Sea disaster is an
 example of what could happen. Another item on the list
 is downpours. As the Earth warms, abnormally heavy rains
 fall. When these downpours occur over mountains,
 super-saturated soil gives way, resulting in horrendous
 mudslides like the ones in Venezuela in December where
 thirty thousand men, women and children died, many
 buried alive and 150,000 are homeless as concern of an
 epidemic grows. Thousands more are still homeless in
 Honduras and North Carolina from recent hurricane
 flooding, and this climate change will continue to
 generate more hurricanes, cyclones and tornadoes of
 greater intensity.

 Hold on a minute before you drag out your Bermuda
 shorts. For the new millennium, we may be about to enter
 a new ice age! My article The Hammer and The Pendulum
 (see www.rnoone.com) defines how two groups of
 scientists, both intelligent, may form diametrically
 opposite judgments from exactly the same evidence! An
 entirely different group of famous scientists state that
 global warming will trigger a sudden and catastrophic
 cooling of the planet. Three articles on global cooling
 appear on the first page of the preface of 5/5/2000.

 William H. Calvin, a theoretical neurophysiologist at
 the University of Washington at Seattle, published a
 concise article on this in the January 1998 issue of The
 Atlantic Monthly. "One of the most shocking scientific
 realizations of all time has slowly been dawning on us:
 the earth's climate does great flip-flops every few
 thousand years, and with breath-taking speed. The most
 catastrophic result of global warming could be an abrupt
 cooling. Such a transition would solve the world's
 overpopulation problem, but in a most appalling way.
 Calvin points out that powerful countries would take
 over locations that had crops "driving out or starving
 their inhabitants if not using modern weapons to
 accomplish the same end: eliminating competitors for the
 remaining food."

 Climate flip-flops (abrupt onset, abrupt recovery) would
 involve a transition period of more violent weather that
 would grow in observable increments of intensity. Is it
 possible the transition was accomplished in 20 years --
 a blink of the eye in geological time? I telephoned the
 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
 for a printout on natural disasters over the past 20
 years in the U.S. that caused over a billion dollars in
 damage. Their report shows that between 1980 and 1990
 there were eight major disasters with Hurricane Hugo,
 disaster number eight, ending the first half of the past
 20-year period. By 1995 only the first half of the next
 10-year period natural disasters doubled, tripled and
 then quadrupled, as Hurricane Opal hit land in October
 '95. Since Opal, the NOAA list shows eighteen more
 disasters ending with Hurricane Floyd in September '99.
 From 1980 to 1990 there were 8 disasters. From 1990 to
 this past September there have been 36 which are
 statistically significant, and I wonder if we are
 inhabitants of a transition period like lemmings with a
 dark fjord in our future.

 The Earth's magnetic field also flip-flops -- magnetic
 north abruptly becomes south and vice versa -- and no
 one knew why (July 23, 1979 -- for details see 5/5/2000,
 page 204). Recently, scientists discovered Earth's core,
 slightly smaller than the moon, is spinning freely and
 faster than the rest of the planet -- like a planet
 within a planet! Drs. Gary Glatzmair and Paul Roberts
 ran this data for over 2,000 hours on a Cray
 supercomputer, simulating 10,000 years of activity,
 until the outer core's magnetic field aligned with the
 inner core's. Glatzmair says: "That's when the entire
 magnetic field of the geodynamo flip-flopped."

 A problem with reviews of 5/5/ 2000 is that, no matter
 how carefully I explain beforehand, stories appear
 stating "Noone says planetary alignment will cause a
 pole shift." Fortunately, Art Bell invited me on his
 show on February 23, '97. I stated that pole shifts are
 not caused by planetary alignments, but because of some
 of the very issues in this article our planet is ripe
 for another shift. The May 5 alignment may trigger one.
 I also warned of problems from a solar storm due in
 January 2000. Two months ago a new government study
 stated that it will reach maximum intensity not in
 January but sometime around late April or early May 2000!

 Past solar storms have caused incredible damage,
 including disruption of radio, television, telephone,
 satellites, radar, power lines, power company grids and
 other sophisticated electronic technologies. These past
 solar storms will be mere blips of inconvenience to us,
 compared to The Storm of the Millennium coming this
 spring. The new government 50-page Executive Summary was
 pointed out to me by a friend and can be located at
 http:// www.nas.edu/ssb/maxnot.htm. The news media can
 refer to this article if they question my statistics.

 My friends also pointed out an article on page 379 of
 5/5/2000 entitled, Position of Planets Linked to Solar
 Flare Prediction by Rex Ray, published in Technology
 Week. This article clearly demonstrates that the
 position of the planets has been linked to the
 occurrence and size of sunspots, solar flares and other
 solar phenomena as far back as 1967.

 During a solar storm there are exciting events called
 Solar Mass Ejections (SMEs) which spew forth huge
 amounts of materials (equivalent to the mass of a cubic
 mile of rock if the matter was compressed). The material
 in the form of a gaseous mix of hydrogen, helium, etc.,
 is blown outward from the sun, and travels to Earth like
 a gigantic tidal wave. This billion-ton wave of
 super-hot, electrically charged gas will crash into
 Earth's magnetic field at 620 miles per second producing
 a spectacular display of the Aurora Borealis. That,
 however, will be its most benign effect. An unanswered
 question is whether or not this Solar Max will produce a
 "flip-flop" of the Earth's magnetic field. NASA
 scientists state in Technology Week that the positions
 of the planets have "some triggering effect on the
 release of solar flares" and that "the magnetic field of
 the earth is related to the position of the planets.
 Because of the impeccable credentials of these
 scientists, we have every reason to believe that the
 coming Solar Max may produce more SMEs than previous
 magnetic storms.

 In his article on global climate "flip-flops" Dr. Calvin
 points out that: "The modern world is full of objects
 and systems that exhibit `bistable' modes, with
 thresholds for flipping. Light switches abruptly change
 mode when nudged hard enough. Door latches suddenly give
 way. A gentle pull on a trigger may be ineffective, but
 there comes a pressure that will suddenly fire the gun.
 Thermostats tend to activate heating or cooling
 mechanisms abruptly." In nature, a rock locked in
 position by a few grains of sand on a high cliff can
 suddenly start an avalanche when the wind nudges away
 the sand. A nudge of the wind will set a large block of
 ice in water in motion. We often look at things in
 nature without knowing what we're looking at.

 As the Solar Max approaches from the abyss of space we
 may wonder if it will speed up or slow down the spin of
 the Earth's core. Either event would produce friction
 and it is an undeniable law of physics that friction
 produces heat. If Professors Hapgood and Einstein are
 correct that the crust of the earth occasionally shifts
 over Earth's interior, then, on May 5, we have a
 multitude of converging conditions that may "trigger"
 another Pole Shift.


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