-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 4:37 PM
Subject: A Small IRS Terrorism Project...

This is an absolute shame...

Re: IRS Terrorism
   Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 11:02:36 -0600

                A Small IRS Terrorism Project
                       by Paul Stout

    This is a report of the continuing IRS operation to terrorize one old
and his wife.

    Paul Stout is 81 years old and is in feeble health as a result of a
stroke and a heart attack.  His wife is a house-bound invalid, suffering
celiac sprue, aortic aneurism, and other serious disorders.  They live on
Social Security and a small commercial pension which the IRS is threatening
to levy.

    Now the IRS has obtained a US District court order to seize and sell our
home of many years for alleged taxes.

    At issue was whether the IRS has ever made a lawful, procedurally
assessment; that is, an assessment that conforms to statute and the Federal
Tax Regulations.

    The government simply refused to produce any such assessment.  The court
ruled that a substitute document not conforming to the statutory
would suffice.  The court refused to allow this issue of fact to be heard by
a jury, as was our due process right.

    The judge admitted that he had the power to prevent the sale of our home
"in order to protect a co-owner who is not liable" (my wife), in furtherance
of the "innocent spouse" doctrine.  But he refused to prevent the sale, thus
making a mockery of the concept of "innocent spouse", and making my wife an
innocent victim of the vindictiveness of the IRS.

    We cannot appeal these issues, because no lawyer would lift a finger for
what we could afford to pay.

    The IRS claimed to Rep. Henry Hyde that it is powerless to intervene in
the situation on grounds of hardship or for any other reason.  This is not
true.  According to law, the Secretary or the Attorney General can
 The Taxpayer Advocate Office (Ombudsman) has complete authority to order
IRS to cease any action that is a hardship, or for any other reason.  But in
this case of manifest and serious hardship the IRS claims to be "powerless"
to do anything.

    The eventual result of this "caper" will be to render two feeble old
people homeless and destitute.  Hardship? The IRS doesn't think so.  Does

                  Paul and Florence Stout
             150 N. Main St., Lombard IL 60148
             630-627-1421   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    Suggestions, comments, contributions, and expressions of support will be
welcomed.  If you want people to know what the government is doing in the
people's name, please circulate this article.

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