From: "David Guyatt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It's a small world.

Fox Pitt Kelton - a blast from the past!

I was 21 years old and Oliver Fox Pitt was one of the senior men at White
Weld & Co., London where I then worked.  In those days in the City it was
customary for junior (young) staff to address senior staff by title - for
example "Mr. Fox-Pitt" - but having a proclivity for spoonerisms at the time
I called him "Mr. Fix Pott."  Ha, ha, ha.  His shocked face was a picture
astonishment I shall never forget.  Within a couple of months he left to
establish Fox Pitt Kelton following defeat in a boardroom battle to take
control of WW & Co.

But it's a small world.

Another boardroom casualty was Stani Yassakovitch - an urbane White Russian
Polo player - who went on to become Chairman of Western American Bank (WAB)
which later became European American Bank (EAB).  EAB is most famous for
stepping in and taking over the failed Franklin National Bank after Michel
Sindona had sucked it dry.  Stani attended my City wedding "good luck" party
along with David Mulford (if memory serves) who was soon to be seconded to
run the Saudi Investment Authority (SAMA) and direct the flow of
petrodollars - following the 1973 oil shock - to the appropriate Eurobanks
in London.

On the Barings front, I contacted ING at the time they bought Barings fro
£1.00 asking if I could get access to the Barings files.  I was politely
told to clear off.  The Barings story is still subject to state secrecy.
After it crashed a regular visitor to its offices was Sir John Cuckney - a
long serving senior MI5 officer.  What was he doing visiting Barings --
cleaning out the sensitive files, or maybe something else?

But, as I say, it's a small world.

A few years earlier, Cuckney was the Chairman of Midland Bank Group
International Trade Services (MibGits for short) which wholly Midland Bank
Aval Ltd, where I was a Director and Treasurer.  MibGits had a Defence Sales
Dept., staffed by half a dozen serving MI6 officers including Stephan Kock a
former SAS type who was once head of "Group 13" - a team that operates for
the Foreign Office by providing "services to the nation."  In short Group 13
is an assassination team.

When I was conducting research for an article exposing 13 I spoke to one
writer I knew who earlier wanted to write a book about this outfit.  One day
he was grabbed in the street, dragged into the back of a van, had a gun
placed against his temple and asked if he would prefer to write a book on
another subject.  He choose to write about Military Police Dogs, he told me.
Fortunately, I didn't experience anything similar or I would have done
exactly the same, I guess.

However, I did interview Gerald James, the former Chairman of Astra - a
leading arms manufacturer working with the Thatcher government during the
1980's which was deeply embroiled in the Arms to Iraq affair and that
connected very closely to Oliver North's "Enterprise.".

Stephan Kock, meanwhile, was a director of Astra's subsidiary BMARC as was
the notorious Jonathan Aitken, the former Government Minister who was
recently released from prison where he had been sent for lying in the Al
Fayed libel trial.  Interestingly, Gerald James did business wirth and had
accounts with Midland Bank Aval - although I had never met him during those

Earlier in his career, Gerald was with Barings who he joined in 1968 - just
a year before I joined WW & Co.  In his book "In The Public Interest" he
reveals that Barings had "connections in pre-revolutionary Russia," and had
been purchasing agents for the Imperial Army & Navy.  He adds that Barings
had "huge amounts of money on deposit from those days from the Imperial Army
& Navy and various people who disappeared in the revolution - none of it had
been paid back when I was there."

Maybe it was this money that Cuckney was after?

It is still not clear why ING bought Barings at the time it crashed.  Eddie
George and the Bank of England were desperate to find another bank to take
it over, but one by one they refused.  So some deal must have been cut with
ING to incur the burden of Barings.  One thing I can say about ING is that
it is one of those banks that sit at the very heart of the international
financial establishment and is often represented at Bilderberg Conferences,
for example.  One thing I can also say about Barings is that Nick Leeson was
not the "lone trader" and did not bring down the bank signle-handed.

He had help but how and why remains secret to this day.

But one further question remains unanswered.  Why would a syndicate of
twenty Japanese banks fund Barings derivatives business which was located in
Singapore and amounted to three or four times greater than the banks entire
net worth?  It was Singapore where Leeson operated from and where all the
approx. £1 billion was lost.  Leeson traded only the Japanese market which
crashed suddenly following the Kobi earthquake.  The word Yakuza seems oddly

> From: "Linda Minor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Remember the fiasco that occurred a few years ago when rogue trade Leeson
> brought down Barings?  It was taken over by ING, right, which absorbed the
> liabilities?  You would have thought ING would have a hard time recovering
> from all that debt, but then not long after, what happened?
>  ING in $2.3B German bid
> Dutch financial services giant to acquire BHF, boost German banking
> August 13, 1999: 6:39 a.m. ET
> LONDON (CNNfn) - Dutch banking giant ING Group launched a $2.35 billion
> Friday to buy Germany's BHF bank in the latest round of consolidation
> European financial institutions.
>      ING is offering 45 euros a share, a premium of almost one third, for
> the outstanding shares in BHF, valuing the Frankfurt-based group at 3
> billion euros. BHF shares jumped 25 percent to 43 euros in trading on the
> Frankfurt exchange.
>      The Dutch firm has already built up a 41.8 percent stake over the
> three years in BHF, Germany's sixth-largest publicly-owned bank. ING's
> initial 34 percent was bought from German insurer Allianz.
>      BHF's board has recommended the offer to shareholders.
>      ING aims to use BHF to expand its profitable investment banking
> operation. BHF has shed much of its retail operation to focus on asset
> management and investment banking services and has good links with leading
> German blue-chip companies.
>      "BHF is a very good entry ticket into the German corporate finance
> market," said Adran Pilz, banking analyst at London financial brokerage
> Fox-Pitt, Kelton. He noted that BHF is also expanding its presence in
> eastern Europe.
>      ING has virtually no corporate presence in Germany, though it is
> unclear as yet how closely BHF will be integrated into ING Barings, ING's
> London-based investment banking arm. ING said BHF would continue to
> under its own name.
>      ING said the deal would have an immediate positive impact on earnings
> per share and also offered opportunities for cost savings. "The activities
> of BHF Bank ideally complement the business portfolio of ING," said ING
> chairman Godfried van der Lugt in a statement.
>      Analysts said the one potential downside of the deal could be for ING
> to lose its regulatory status as an insurer under Dutch law. The insurance
> classification gives it favorable balance sheet and tax advantages, but
> expansion of its banking operations may see it officially reclassified as
> bank.
>      ING shares climbed 1.8 percent to 48.50 euros in Amsterdam.
> +++
> Now, go to Dope, Inc., bottom of p. 94 to find out who owns Allianz and
> yourself if maybe these people weren't buying both sides of the
> contract and didn't lose any money at all.  That's what Sindona was saying
> about these derivatives trading--it's a money laundering technique.  The
> problem, though is when some institutional investor who doesn't own the
> other side of the contract invests other people's money and loses.
> p. 94:
> Allianz represents a coalition of the oldest and nastiest German family
> fondi, or trust funds, including those of the old Bavarian Wittelsbach
> dynasty, and the most evil family in German-speaking Europe, Thurn und
> Taxis.  It is the Thurn und Taxis family and their in-laws, the defunct
> Portuguese royal family of Braganza, who created and funded the terrorist
> organization Tradition, Family, and Property, implicated in plans to
> assassinate Pope John Paul II.  TFP's Venezuelan chapter was banned by the
> Venezuelan government.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Catherine Austin Fitts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 7:33 PM
> Subject: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] Who is the Octopus
> >David:
> >
> >Some thoughts.
> >
> >On my drive from city to city today, I have been thinking about your post
> of
> >this morning. The key issue that I have been trying to grapple with in
> >of what I have been writing (and hence trying to figure out) is the issue
> of
> >learning speeds or learning metabolism. I believe there is a concerted
> > maintain the 50/6 gap that you framed by doing
> >things that lowered the learning speed of the American people. For many
> >years I thought this was unintended consequences. Increasingly, as I
> >from many of the members of this list and read more and more about
> organized
> >crime, the patterns emerge of a much more centrally organized
> cartel...where
> >in the asset businesses or in finance...they are related. In America, the
> >pattern is one of closing the gap with things that lower fundamental
> >productivity...this increase the addiction...again at the expense of
> >learning speeds. The metaphor of an economy becoming addicted to drugs is
> >similar to that of a body becoming addicted to drugs. It is a liquidation
> >process.
> >
> >I have been reading Dope, Inc. by the LaRouche team. I would welcome
> >comments on what they think of this work. I am struck by how much it
> >resonates with what I have been learning and my intuition on how the
> >works in numerous industries and places. Dope Inc reminds me of the
> >importance of our moving into numerics that describe and frame the
> >of what we are dealing with. The book was published in 1986 and does a
> >job of trying to do that. Obviously, I have no sense of if they got it
> >accurate or not. The DOJ effort to put LaRouche away would indicate that
> >may be as useful as it feels. One of the things that most struck me is
> their
> >description of why they believe that the global drug trade is fairly well
> >centralized as a world wide cartel.
> >
> >It's a big planet, and all organizations have factions and squabbling
> >Consequently, my view is that things are always more organic than folks
> >are angry seem to believe. At the same time, the centralization of a
> "global
> >world government" through organized crime is the only hypothesis I have
> >far that explains all the things we are dealing with. That said, the
> >hypothesis---to have any legs---has to answer the question who governs
> >how and how are they chosen. Since I can not answer that
> >leads me to want to start framing numerics until I have it.
> >
> >I would recommend that you take a look at this one, if you have not. I
> would
> >be curious if any of what they say about Britain and gold sort with your
> >take on things.
> >
> >I have no idea if there is an Octopus. At the same time, I believe that
> >there is a shared intelligence that is running the global economy, it is
> >other than what we are told to believe, and its organizing principle is
> >warfare and organized crime. So often we dance up to this question and
> >back away for fear of looking into the abyss perhaps. One one hand I
> believe
> >that many people in it believe that if they do not do it, they will lose.
> >They are a prisoner of the old model mindset. On the other hand, I
> >that there are more human and coercive forces that need to be looked at
> >understood. What is happening is a choice of a living intelligence. The
> >dominator model does not have to be. For long periods in our history we
> >choice the partnership model--what to me is the Solari Investment Model.
> >are choosing to integrate advance technology that can not work with a
> >dominator model Something has to give. Question is will it be we flip the
> >investment model of commit genocide on a scale not yet dreamed.
> >
> >I for one would like to look at who and what is really running the show,
> >am just not sure how best to do so effectively.
> >
> >Catherine
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >    -----Original Message-----
> >    From: David Guyatt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >    Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 11:38 AM
> >    Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Who is the Octopus
> >
> >
> >    From: "David Guyatt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> >    Slightly off topic but then again...
> >
> >    Who is the Octopus?  I've read many accounts of the Octopus - with
> Carol
> >Marshall's THE LAST CIRCLE ranking top most in my mind to date.  But the
> >actual identity of the Octopus remains uncertain.  This week I read Mae
> >Brussel's essay "The Nazi Connection to the JFK Assassination."  Whoaa!
> >This was written almost twenty years ago in 1983, and Mae Brussel looks
> like
> >she hit the nail on the head back then:
> >
> >    "In A Study of a Master Spy, published in London in 1961, Bob
> a
> >member of Parliament and Kenneth Dunne, presented documentary evidence
> >Allen Dulles of the CIA carried on secret conferences with
> >of Hitler's SS Security Office in February and March 1943. They learned
> that
> >"Official Washington knew Martin Bormann, Deputy Fuhrer of Hitler's
> Germany,
> >master-minded the international 'Die Spinne' (Spider) underground
> >organization which is planning to revive nazism as soon as West Germany
> >adequately rearmed by the United States. Official Washington seems
> >disinterested."
> >    With John J. McCloy, Allen Dulles and J. Edgar Hoover in control of
> >Kennedy assassination investigation, these nazi connections were buried.
> >The Bunge Corporation, Argentina & Germany. The stock market dropped 24
> >points in 27 minutes when news of President Kennedy's assassination was
> >announced. 2.6 million shares were sold off.
> >
> >    It was the greatest panic since 1929.
> >
> >    Somebody made a huge profit selling short in many markets. Somebody
> made
> >half a billion dollars in one day. Coincidentally, the Allied Crude
> >Vegetable Oil Refining Corporation, headed by New Jersey commodities
> >Anthony De Angeles, crashed the same day, driving the market down.
> >
> >    Allied Crude was controlled by U.S. American Bunge Corporation and
> >financially controlled by a group of share-holders headquartered in
> >Argentina, known as "Bunge and Born, LDA."
> >
> >    Business Week of October 19, 1963, one month before the Kennedy
> >assassination, described the Born family in Argentina, the biggest
> >shareholders for Bunge, as being from Europe, specifically Germany.
> >Everything about Bunge has German influence. They have a $2 billion
> >business in 80 countries. There are over 110 offices, all linked by Telex
> >and under-the-ocean telegraph channels. The Bunge Corporation is referred
> to
> >as "the Octopus."
> >
> >    One of the best "Bormann" books ever written in my opinion is Paul
> >Manning's "Martin Bormann - Nazi in Exile."   Manning was a highly
> >journalist.  His story reveals how Bormann was the master-mind behind the
> >Nazi capital flight programme beginning 1944 - once it was clear that the
> >Third Reich was going down the tubes.  One significant implication was
> >the "Battle of the Bulge" was a delaying tactic to ensure sufficient time
> >for the capital flight programme to become effective.  Thereafter Bormann
> >escaped to Argentina and safety where he re-invested the vast assets and
> >Nazi war plunder into the stock markets of the US & Europe via 750
> >corporation Bormann established in secrecy during the last year of the
> >Bormann was not a dogmatic Nazi but rather believed in laizze faire
> >capitalism with a capital C, as I understand it
> >
> >    Mae Brussel also noted that "SS Major Otto Skorzeny's CIA agents
> >participated in terror campaigns waged by Operation 40 in Guatemala,
> >and Argentina."  Skorzeny was, of course, one of the principal SS
> >involved in Der Spinne - and hence connected to the Bormann group.
> >
> >    Manning also states that by 1981, the date the book was published,
> >Martin Bormann sat atop an "organizational pyramid that dominates the
> >industry of West Germany through banks, voting rights enjoyed by majority
> >shareholders in significant cartels, and the professional input of a
> >relatively young leadership group of lawyers, investment specialists,
> >bankers and industrialists, he is satisfied that he achieved his aim of
> >helping the fatherland back on its feet.  To ensure continuity of purpose
> >and direction, a close watch is maintained on the profit statements and
> >management reports of corporations under its control.  This leadership
> group
> >of twenty, which is in fact a board of directors, is chaired by Bormann
> >power has shifted... [to them]."
> >
> >    If anyone can add further to this story I would be interested to hear
> >from them.
> >
> >
> -
> >
> >
> >
> -
> >
> >
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