This is a must read for algore's supporters,
i.e. ignorant femmes, homos, blacks, welfare tax-suckers, Buddist Monks
and Nuns, baby-killers, members of the NAACP (The National Association
of Communist People) and supporters of the ACLU (The Union of Leftists
for the Deprivation of our Constitutional Freedoms), and all the
parasitic scum who thrive on big government.


Get Educated before November 7, 2000.

If the economy takes a nose-dive, algore has had it.

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On Fri, 28 Jan 2000 14:47:23 -0500, "Mark A. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> >From the Laissez Faire City Times:
>>                                                       Back to Home Page

More on Gore:

Who is Al Gore, and what does he stand for?

The Presidential primaries are underway, and some thought should be given 
to the antecedents of one of the probable or possible Democratic 
candidates: Al Gore.

Let's begin this curious but true tale with the story of the late Armand 
Hammer. Hammer was a dedicated Communist, and the son of the founder of the
American Communist Party. He was a confidant of Lenin's. He maintained 
close ties with both the Roosevelt administration and Joseph Stalin. Hammer
was a money launderer for the Communists and Al Gore's father became rich 
working with Armand Hammer. Al Gore Sr. worked for Hammer for a $500 
thousand salary, and ultimately that money gained them a Senate seat. This 
is the source of Al Gore's family's money, and gives one clue to the source
of his liberalism.

Everyone has heard of the Communist or Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, but 
not many have heard of the story of how it came about, how it was actually 
financed, and by who. This sorry and ultimately murderous tale begins with 
the rich capitalist banker Jacob Schiff of the New York firm of Kuhn Loeb. 
In 1917, he gives the Communist Revolutionary Leon Trotsky $30 million in 
gold coin for the purpose of fomenting a revolution in Russia. Today, the 
buying power of $30 million in gold would be measured in the billions of 
dollars. Trotsky, accompanied by 275 Communist revolutionaries set sail for
Helsinki from New York to enter Russia and begin the revolution. The 
consequences of that are well known. So much for the conflict between 
Capitalists and Communists.

In 1997, another link was forged in this saga of the Communist agents. 
Karenna Gore, most recently in the newspapers over a drug issue, gets 
married. Who does she choose to marry? The answer is Andrew Schiff, 
great-grandson of Jacob Schiff, the financier of the Communist Revolution.

When you talk to your friends, be sure to mention that Gore comes from a 
family of betrayers, and the link continues unbroken. Over 100 million 
innocent people came to their deaths through the Communists. That is 
between ten and twenty times as many as those that the Nazis murdered. To 
the extent that we won the Cold War, do we now want one of them in the 
White House? Can a leopard change its spots?

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