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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
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From: Jim Condit Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [NA] Reader Feedback!
Date: Saturday, February 26, 2000 4:56 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin
February 26, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Reader Feedback!

A good friend in New Jersey suggested we need a new group: “TV Network
Executives for Bradley, Gore, Bush, and McCain.” Right on, Ken!

(In all the emails we keep to our promise to identify emailers only by
one letter and the region they’re from, if we know it. We will only
identify you if you give us permission in advance to do so, or if you
send your name in the capacity of a publicly known position with a known
public organization, in which case we assume you are giving us
permission to mention your name and position, unless you otherwise

Good friend and congressional candidate Ken Lowndes, and also our
Citizens for a Fair Vote Count representative in Indiana sends this

“ WOW! The Primary Election results with NO NEED to wait until the polls
close; the votes tabulated, the results combined. . . . What a Country!”

Next: “Please forward to your lists that Mr. Condit's speculation could
just as well wander to the other end of the spectrum, or anywhere in
between. Anywhere.  Just as plausibly.  With no fact, pure speculation -
anything is possible.” From S

NA response: We’ll have to let our speculations stand the test of time,
or be repudiated by same. Our purpose is to, like a renegade magician,
alert our readers to the “magic tricks” of the Ruling Elite and the Big
Media – and how these tricks are done.

Next: “Brigades, I know this is a repost, but Jim Condit's analysis of
the current Perot/McCain situation is simply awesome. I believe this guy
is right on the mark.  If you haven't read this entire post, do so now.
We're reaching a critical juncture in this nomination period and we need
to be prepared for any possible scenario. T, Kansas Brigade

NA response: Yes, T, let’s be prepared for anything and NOT fall for a
“False Opposition” plant again, no matter from quarter he or she may

Next: “I am a Buchanan supporter in South Carolina who not only
witnessed the balloting in this state, since I was in charge of the poll
at which I worked, but can confidently state that the election from my
point of view and that of my poll managers, as well as anyone in the
Republican Party locally with whom I've spoken, was conducted
professionally, honestly, and within full view of any person who wished
to see or participate in the process. In our precinct, the votes were
removed from the locked box at precisely 7:01 PM, after we had closed,
counted by hand, tallied by outcry, and totaled out afterwards to
ascertain that the number of votes matched the precise number of voters.
The votes were then immediately called in to Republican HQ and were
promptly posted in full view of anyone in the building . . . I
personally secured all our ballots and paperwork, carried them posthaste
to the headquarters building, and thereupon personally verified that our
totals were posted correctly. So much attention was paid to making this
primary, a proprietary function of the Republican Party, conform to the
very stringent conditions of the South Carolina election laws that I
felt proud to have offered my services to the party
Mr. Buchanan has advisedly left. I for one will continue to offer the
Republicans and the state my services in furtherance of the laudable
objective of voting everyone in our county lawfully registered and
helping to secure the most precious of our national freedoms, the
freedom to vote! – from J from South Carolina.

NA response: This email came in after we had called on anyone in South
Carolina to communicate how the primary was held in South Carolina. I
also heard such a report in 1996. The person who sent the important
email above did include a first initial and name, and I have emailed
them back asking if I can identify them and what precinct and county
they worked in. This is important as it would mean that at least some of
the South Carolina Primary, like the primary and General election in New
Hampshire, AND the caucus in Iowa, -- is conducted exactly correctly!
This is welcome news, even though I will have to modify our statements
limiting such correct vote counting to N.H. and Iowa. Notice that the
emailer states that the primary is the “proprietary function of the
Republican party” – so the question arises: how are the general
elections conducted.

In any case, the description of how the votes in the S. Carolina primary
were counted, according to J, represents the finest in vote tallying;
you can’t do any better. Such a system of vote counting is as good as
can be done in light of fallen human nature. It IS citizen checks and
balances in action. I especially like the phrase “tallied by outcry.”

We also have received a forwarded e-mail from a person in Vermont
stating that the votes are counted properly there. More on this in
another ewire.

In addition, we received an email from Nevada that in the emailers
“small berg”, the votes are counted properly. This is more good news, as
the results in these few precincts can be measured against the national
predominantly computerized results as we get better organized. These
would also be outposts which would provide examples to the rest of those
states. This just means that the Revolution hasn’t gotten to everywhere.
After four years of putting out appeals for such isolated outposts of
handcounting outside of New Hampshire, this e-wire list and the internet
are bringing the first such reports of such places. And that is good
news and progress. Hopefully we will have our Network America Scoreboard
by State and County soon to start putting these places and the rest of
the computerized states before the world. All of these still have to be
verified for certain, but they are encouraging to hear about. . . . The
power of the internet!

Next: “Recording and Counting of Votes ---
Recording of individual votes should be on a hard copy material that can
be retained for physical counting and subsequent verification. The
recorded vote should be clearly visible and readable without the use of
specialized reading apparatus. Counting of votes should be witnessed by
a panel of citizens selected at random from the voter registration
roles. Service on the witness panel should be a required duty.”
Submitted by R.

NA response: We would only add that the counting in each neighborhood
precinct should be drawn randomly from all registered voters, and
perhaps from among certified honors High School students in the precinct
(this was a Jim Collier suggestion, in order to prepare High School
students to run this most important of processes when they get old
enough). Furthermore, that each person selected at random would be paid
in the neighborhood of $50 per hour for two hours work to do the
counting (this would insure that the average housewife and working guy
and gal would WANT the job, and preclude the possibility of party hacks
from cornering the process.) Enough people would be chosen for each
precinct, about 2 people for each 50 votes cast in a general election,
so that the work could be comfortably done in two hours. Finally, just
as everyone is required to take a drivers test, I believe that is should
be mandatory for every registered voter to also take a vote-counting
training test every two years. This would explain to people WHY the
votes must be counted by citizens in public and open view. This would be
a powerful bulwark against the kind of evil trickery which has
computerized our vote counting, simultaneously destroying citizen checks
and balances. If this class keeps people for registering to vote, GOOD!
We don’t need such frivolous people voting who don’t take their right
seriously enough to take the vote-counting class. This would actually
dramatically INCREASE participation, because people would believe that
their vote really counted. It’s only the Ruling Elite who want every
frivolous John and Jane to vote, so that it’s easier to fix elections
with the increased numbers of voters – same goes for registering illegal
immigrants when they get a drivers license, which is happening in
Florida and elsewhere. (Reasonable exemptions from attending the vote
counting class would provided for, like in the Jury Duty system.)
Finally, I believe that there should be a double national Holiday
covering not only election day, but also the Monday before election day.
This would give everyone the weekend and the Monday before election day
to get informed and to participate.

Next: “Jim: Thank you for the work you're doing trying to wake up the
people about the vote fraud going on in this Country.  I am forwarding
this petition sponsored by a friend of mine that I feel would be of
interest to you.  Perhaps you would want to sent it out to your other

Keep up the great work.

For Freedom,

Carol C. Edwards
First Vice Chair
The Southern Party of Texas”

NA Response: Thanks for the very kind words Carol. Info on the important
petition you recommend follows in  next item.

Next: “Jim, -- No where in your missive did you mention the fact that
there is a petition to the Congress of the United States to outlaw
electronic voting. This petition may be signed on line at
www.i-charity.net . It may also be printed out and signatures gathered
and forwarder to all Congressional



NA response: Very important info D. I need to cover this petition in
detail in a future e-wire – and soon.

There’s many more dynamite e-mails, but that’s all for today. More soon.
Jim Condit Jr.,
Director Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

To contact us, e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders. The year 2000 Presidential 
Campaign offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World Order Ruling Elite and 
restore honest elections with citizens checks and balances, true Freedom and true Free 
Enterprise in America.

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the newsmedia 
know -- that we will not accept the 2000 Election results unless paper ballots with 
citizen checks and balances are restored to the process at the local precinct level.

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Our Address: PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

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