-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

This is a response from Ron Goins a Student of The Seven Seals living here
in Waco.



-----Original Message-----
From: ron goins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, March 02, 2000 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: Building a Church on the Sabbath

>   Peace and Blessings to all of an open mind;
>   I've received this request by E-mail from an interested party and
>to answer it in the most logical way. I am often a poor vessel for the
>since I try to look at situations from many angles.
>>From: "John Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 20:36:42 -0600
>>So whats up with Andrew and this new church? What did he mean "the killers
>>of the children of Waco" and "the abomination that maketh desolate". Im
>>familiar with the verse. Not seeing the connection. ~ interested party.
>   Well it's a long story starting with the personal relationship between
>Andrew and Clive Doyle,the interim leader of the survivors group in Waco.
>    Andrew came to Waco in December of 1996 from Philadelphia, Pa. He has a
>long history of fighting authority (especially abusive authority). April 19
>1993 was a traumatic date for this entire country but especially traumatic
>for those sensitive to issues of human rights and religious freedoms. All
>Andrew's circuits were fired that day , seeing men , women and children
>consumed in a fire after being held hostage 51 days by the armed forces of
>The Great Satan ,the U.S. government. Familiar with many aspects of
>misdeeds of the past administrations and somewhat knowledgeable of
>comparative religion, Andrew made a study of this event. It would mark the
>rest of his life.
>    I knew Andrew at this time and saw many of the same things and puzzled
>at the same mysteries. Why the raid ? Why the siege ? Why the assault? What
>had these people done to deserve this gross injustice?
>   Andrew spoke often of finding out the facts regarding Waco, but like
>of us never made the trip down here to find out. Until an accident on his
>motorcycle left him injured and unemployed, Andrew probably would have
>worked and studied at home, but this accident was advantageous to Andrew's
>vision quest, and he decided to face his life and his life-long demons on
>the road.
>    Upon Andrew'a arrival he was faced with not only his issues of personal
>survival , but with issues related to the conditions faced by the survivors
>and the land (Mt. Carmel) itself. He lived in his van, knew nobody, had
>little resources, but with will and determination he pitched in to the
>of people he felt a strong common bond with. He worked on the land,
>Sabbath meetings, guarded the often vandalized property overnight for weeks
>at a time.
>He had many questions at this time related to the history of the land, and
>the people who lived there. Not only the Branch Davidians but as far back
>the original native tribes. He brought these questions and more to the
>   Andrew learned much in his research and in his studies with Clive Doyle
>(though Clive might say that Andrew came in with certain fixed ideas and
>chose what might fit them (also true), and was in constant debate with any
>and all he might talk to .
>   So Andrew and Clive may have been called friends at that point. Of
>there will always be points of difference between friends, and they had
>   One major difference was in the way each thought about the coming end
>times. Both believed that David Koresh was an anointed messenger of God, in
>the role of the Daily Sacrifice spoken of in Daniel. Clive, however did not
>find a way to apply the Bible prophecies to the current conditions other
>than to adopt a wait and see attitude. Andrew, not being a "wait and see"
>kind of guy, wanted to shout from the rooftops the truth as he sees it;
>the messiah long hoped for would be coming from Persia(Iran) to deal
>personally with the enemies of light (the New World Order of The Beast).
>David Koresh means Beloved Cyrus (of ancient Persia, who freed the captive
>Jews to rebuild Jerusalem). Andrew also holds to the time prophecies of
>Daniel, dealing with the cleansing, rebuilding, and eventual destruction of
>the temple due to the "over-spreading of abominations" therein.
>   So, 1290 days passed with no sign, and also 1335 days. At the 2300 day
>point (from the taking away of the daily) no change, but soon (about 40
>)September 15,1999 it was announced that a new "memorial chapel" would be
>built at Mt. Carmel.This was to be a good thing, but for certain
>   Some felt that the location of the chapel in it's original spot would be
>offensive to the memory of the martyrs, considering it to be a crime scene
>and thus an open wound not to be healed until the true judgement be made.
>All accepted the decision to build wherever, but with quiet reservations as
>to the soundness of it in the eyes of God.
>   On Saturday September 18,1999, Clive announced to the Sabbath group that
>the building would commence the following day. He made mention of the fact
>that some workers had already arrived and had begun preparations (against
>his wishes), going so far as to measure and hammer stakes into the earth,
>violation of God's command to remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy).
>This would be worrisome enough as an omen, but we (Andrew ,Peter ,and
>myself) found out that Clive himself has helped in the measuring of the
>dimensions of the chapel. In Clive's defence I would say that he may have
>been cornered into an unhappy compromise by the timing of the workers'
>arrival and the need for them to work as soon as possible on Sunday.
>    Meanwhile, on Saturday night, Andrew discovered at Mt.Carmel the stakes
>and twine placed in the ground and pulled up most of them (a symbolic
>gesture).He also discovered an American flag hung there(an offence to the
>martyrs), which disappeared. Our study group arrived the next morning to
>our concerns over these issues and addressed Clive to that effect. Andrew
>opined that Clive should pull up the stakes remaining to undo the work (at
>least symbolicly) done on Sabbath. Clive was not receptive to that
>suggestion and felt that Andrew was being hostile and belligerent to the
>idea of any chapel on the site (not so ,Andrew would say).I myself felt
>grief at this impasse and wished for a compromise to enable this good work
>to go forward. I wanted a prayer to mourn our sins (of pride ,of
>rationalizing and justifying sin and accommodating strangers to build The
>Lords' house). Clive agreed to a prayer and we (Clive ,Charles Pace ,Andrew
>,Peter , and myself(Ron Goins)) knelt at the site .I don't remember much of
>the prayer itself but I do remember the rush of feelings, one after
>going through me .We each prayed aloud and held our hands up to God in
>of His blessing.
>    We rose and Andrew left to pick up his son so we all might find
>in God's work. In the meantime the workers from Austin arrived and set up
>camp (including the raising of the American flag).
>I myself could understand how these volunteers felt about the flag and what
>it represents to the free citizen, but this same symbol was raised over Mt.
>Carmel while the bodies of eighty two of God's children lay smouldering
>beneath the debris. Andrew would have none of it, and said so on his
>He was asked to leave and did so after a few choice remarks as to the
>character of the workers and Clive Doyle.
>    Since that time the building has gone smoothly for the most part,
>excepting the visit by the KKK, and a peaceful protest on November 28,1999
>by Andrew. He has come to believe that this is an abomination to God and at
>heart a cover-up of the facts involving who David was and his message.
>    Andrew admits that he has a violent nature but has never physically
>attacked any member of the church. He feels he has often been provoked into
>a justifiable defense, sometimes a physical defense.In the many years I've
>known Andrew I've never seen him throw a punch, though I know his history .
>    I am not of the same opinions as my friend Andrew, but I can see where
>he's coming from. He hasn't threatened to burn or destroy the church
>, but sees that as the eventual outcome based on the Bible prophecies in
>Daniel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Zechariah (and other prophetic books,
>including The Koran)
>   I hope this goes some way towards answering your questions and I suggest
>that you talk to Andrew about some of the finer details of his thesis.
>          In the Spirit of Truth
>                 yours truly,
>                Ron Goins
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