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>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
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From: Weldon Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Toledo Gun Confiscation & Call Congress Prevent Registration
Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 11:49 PM

Toledo Gun Confiscation & Call Congress Prevent

By Neal Knox -- Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch held
quiet discussions last week with House Judiciary Chairman
Henry Hyde about moving a Senate Juvenile Justice bill
stripped of its controversial gun provisions.

Speaker Dennis Hastert is opposed to removing the gun
provisions, according to Roll Call, the Capitol Hill newspaper.

Majority Leader Dick Armey and Whip Tom Delay don't think
it's a good idea to kick a presently sleeping dog.  But all
parties agree that "guns" will be an issue during the year, if
not throughout the year, particularly as amendments to the
13 appropriations bills.

Never mind the rules against legislating on appropriations
bills, that's the way most new gun laws have been passed in
recent years.

Speaker of the US House of Representatives
Rep. J. Dennis Hastert (R-IL-14th)

Washington DC Address
2263 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC   20515
Phone: 202-225-2976
Fax: 202-225-0694

District Address – Batavia
27 N. River St.
Batavia, IL 60510
Phone: 630-879-1114


Confiscation in Toledo Below lines
The Juvenile Justice Bill (Senate Bill S254) contains
provisions to follow private sales at gun shown.  This
produces record that can be used against you in the future.  It
is a registration of sale of a firearm.  Registration is the one
thing that makes confiscation possible.  The only reason the
anti gun politicians can steal the guns is that they have a
record of firearms ownership.  GET BETWEEN THESE

Write the SPEAKER OF THE US HOUSE & your
be accomplished at the speed of light, thanks to
WorldNetDaily's new Legislative Action Center.
You can call your two Senators at (202) 224-3121 and your
Representative at (202) 225-3121 at the Capitol Switchboard.
Here is the URL for Congressional Telephone Directory:
Here's an e-mail link to Congress. http://in-search-of.org/

What To Do If The Police Come To Confiscate Your Militia
Weapons see  www.2ndamendment.net
For legislative updates contact www.nealknox.com and go to
"Scripts from the Firearms Coalition Legislative Update Line"
To spread the word call Rush Limbaugh at 800-282-2882 and
callers may call in from 12 noon to 3PM EST,   M-F

The Toledo Blade
Handgun owners confused by law
February 7, 2000

The lists of outlawed handguns were introduced last month.
Then the calls started coming in.

Is my gun legal? How do I prove I've owned my weapon for
years?  The Toledo police department has received hundreds
of phone calls from the city's registered gun owners who
have been trying to figure out whether their weapons are
illegal under a handgun ban that took effect last week - and
what to do if they are.  "It's very difficult for them to decipher
what's what from the ordinance," said Officer Roger White,
the Toledo police weapon expert who helped members of
Mayor Carty Finkbeiner's administration draft the law.  "It's
very confusing. What can I tell you? I don't think [the law] was
very well-made."

The law, which bans the possession and sale of some small,
easily concealed handguns, met with similar criticism when
city council considered it in the fall. It was introduced by Mr.
Finkbeiner, an ardent gun-control advocate, and provoked
extensive lobbying from pro- and anti-gun camps. Council
approved it by a narrow margin.

About Jan. 10, the police department mailed copies of the
law and lists of legal and illegal guns to more than 6,000
registered handgun owners. Included in the mailings were
blank documents known as handgun acknowledgement
forms - and those forms have been a source of confusion,
Officer White said.

The law contains a grandfather clause that protects people
who owned their guns before the ban took effect. To prove
prior ownership, residents had to list their guns on a handgun
acknowledgement form - before Feb. 1. Then they had to get
the form notarized.

Gun owners are supposed to keep the forms in case they are
charged with owning a banned gun. They could then use the
documents to defend themselves in court.

"The biggest question they have is, 'What do we do with
these forms?' " Officer White said. He said many gun owners
thought they were supposed to mail their forms to the city.
"For something that took so long to hash out, it's been
handled poorly," said Councilman Rob Ludeman, a
Republican who voted against the law. "I'm concerned that
there are a lot of inadequacies, both with the law and the way
this [notification] happened."

Mr. Ludeman last week asked the Finkbeiner administration
whether it would consider extending the effective date of the
law to give gun owners more time to make a record of their

John Madigan, the city's general counsel, said he cannot
change the effective date. But he said council could do so.
"We gave people four months before the law went into
effect," Mr. Madigan said. "We don't send out notices on
many, many laws that get changed. People are responsible
for knowing the law, whether or not they receive a personal
copy of it."

Officer White said the gun owners who are calling the city are
law-abiding citizens - and they are trying to stay that way.
"It is the kind of situation that can put what is your good
citizen, who had a firearm around the house for 40 years for
protection, in violation of the law," he said. "The worst-case
scenario is that they get so scared, they throw it in the creek
and someone finds it, [or] they throw it in the garbage."

Toledo police have proposed a $50,000 handgun buyback
program that would allow gun owners to sell their weapons to
the city for $50, with a limit of two handguns per person.
Council last week referred the measure to its public safety
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