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Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 12:17:56 -0500
From: Toni Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Perhaps more efficiently, Clinton used Echelon to get the goods
on his opposition. Witness Newt Gingrinch’s sorry demise. – Toni
(It may be that the following article should be taken with a
grain of salt.)

Ekstra Bladet




Ekstra Bladet meets former Echelon spy. In spite of illness and
angst, she now reveals how illegal political surveillance was
carried out

 LAS VEGAS (Ekstra Bladet): "Even though I felt bad about what we
were doing, I was very pleased with the professional part of my
job. I don’t mean to brag, but I was very good at what I did, and
I actually felt like Echelon was my baby."

Printed in Ekstra Bladet nov. 17. 1999

Ekstra Bladet meets Margaret Newsham in her home in a sleepy Las
Vegas suburb. For obvious reasons we are omitting the name of the
town where Margaret Newsham is trying to lead a normal life. She
has never mentioned her past to her neighbors.

A past in which Margaret Newsham has been in close contact with
the very core of the most secretive world of all worlds. Margaret
Newsham helped build the electronic surveillance system known as

Today she has broken off connection with the world of espionage
and lives in constant fear that ‘certain elements’ in the NSA or
CIA will try to silence her. As a result, she sleeps with a
loaded pistol under her mattress, and her best friend is Mr.
Gunther - a 120-pound German shepherd that was trained to be a
guard and attack dog by a good friend in the Nevada State Police.

She sent the dog to a ‘babysitter’ before we arrived, since "he
doesn’t let strangers come in to my house," she says with a faint

Only once before has Newsham told anybody about her work as an
Echelon spy: during closed, top-secret hearings held by the US
Congress in 1988. Today, Margaret breaks eleven years of silence
by telling the press for the very first time about her work for
the most extensive espionage network in the world. Margaret
Newsham decided to talk with Ekstra Bladet even though her doctor
advised her not to meet with us. "Since I have high blood
pressure, my doctor thinks it’s risky for me to talk with you,
but it’s a chance I ’m willing to take."


Newsham has gone through hell ever since she was fired from her
job at Lockheed Martin where she designed programs for Echelon’s
global surveillance network. When asked to work on a project in
1984, she refused because she believed it could harm the US
government. Shortly after, Echelon’s wirepullers in the National
Security Agency (NSA) made sure that she was fired by Lockheed
Martin. Immediately afterward, she sued her former employer for
wrongful dismissal and contacted the internal security
commission, DCAA, which arranged the closed hearings.

"Ever since, I have felt like I was under so much pressure that
it has had a fatal influence on my health," says Margaret
Newsham, who up to now has survived a seizure which left her
totally paralyzed. All she had left was her sense of hearing when
she was admitted to the hospital.

"I could hear the doctor pronouncing my death sentence, while my
husband and three children stood by my side. The only thing that
kept me going was the thought that if I died, I would lose my
case. That thought was what brought me back to life."

After regaining her mobility, Newsham suffered a cardiac arrest,
and two years ago she underwent surgery for a malignant tumor.
Today, she dryly states that she is living on borrowed time,
which perhaps explains why she chooses to stand forward at this


"To me, there are only two issues at stake here: right or wrong.
And the longer I worked on the clandestine surveillance projects,
the more I could see that they were not only illegal, but also

Margaret Newsham is not pleased with herself for participating in
spying on ordinary people, politicians, interest groups and
private companies, which is exactly what she did for 10 years,
from 1974 to 1984. Both the satellites and the computer programs
were developed at Lockheed’s headquarters in Sunnyvale
California, and in 1977, she was stationed at the largest
listening post in the world at Menwith Hill, England.

"On the day at Menwith Hill when I realized in earnest how
utterly wrong it was, I was sitting with one of the many
“translators”. He was an expert in languages like Russian,
Chinese and Japanese. Suddenly he asked me if I wanted to listen
in on a conversation taking place in the US at an office in the
US Senate Building. Then I clearly heard a southern American
dialect I thought I had heard before."

"Who is that?" I asked the translator who told me that it was
Republican senator Strom Thurmond. ‘Oh my gosh!’ I thought. We’re
not only spying on other countries, but also on our own citizens.
That’s when I realized in earnest that what we were doing had
nothing to do with national security interests of the US."


In all its complicated simplicity, the American intelligence
agency, NSA, together with intelligence agencies in England,
Canada, Australia and New Zealand, has established a system of
satellites and computer systems that can monitor by and large all
electronic communication in the world: phone conversations,
e-mails, telexes and telefaxes. A number of other countries are
affiliated as third or fourth party participants, including

The fundamental concept of the system is to get access to all
important political movements in hostile and allied countries
alike and to keep an eye on all important economic movements.
Knowledge is power, and the NSA knows it. Furthermore, NSA’s
spies function as the only primary authority to supervise who
receives what information and what it is used for.

"Even then, Echelon was very big and sophisticated. As early as
1979 we could track a specific person and zoom in on his phone
conversation while he was communicating. Since our satellites
could in 1984 film a postage stamp lying on the ground, it is
almost impossible to imagine how all-encompassing the system must
be today."


Who came up with the name Echelon?

"The NSA. Lockheed Martin’s alphanumeric code was P415."

What did you actually do?

"Unfortunately, I can’t tell you all my duties. I am still bound
by professional secrecy, and I would hate to go to prison or get
involved in any trouble, if you know what I mean. In general, I
can tell you that I was responsible for compiling the various
systems and programs, configuring the whole thing and making it
operational on main frames [large computers, ed.]."

Which part of the system is named Echelon?

"The computer network itself. The software programs are known as
SILKWORTH and SIRE, and one of the most important surveillance
satellites is named VORTEX. It intercepts things like phone


You worked as an agent for the NSA, but were employed by private

"Yes, it is almost impossible to tell the difference between NSA
agents and civilians employed by Lockheed Martin, Ford and IBM.
The borderlines are very vague. I had one of the highest security
classifications which required the approval of the CIA, the NSA,
the Navy and the Air Force. The approval included both a lie
detector test, and an expanded personal history test in which my
family and acquaintances were discretely checked by the security

The sky darkens over the cascading neon lights of Las Vegas when
Margaret Newsham tells of countless infringements of security
regulations and about her colleague who suffered brain damage
when she partipated in the development of the Stealth bomber.
Though Margaret Newsham is totally exhausted, she also seems

"This is the first time I have ever told anyone some of the
things I told you today. But now I want to get Mr. Gunther soon
so I feel safe again". She measures her blood pressure and looks
very alarmed. "I had better go to the doctor tomorrow morning, so
maybe we should meet later on in the day."

When she returns with Mr. Gunther an hour later, the dog inspects
every room before Margaret goes in. The last thing she does
before falling asleep on her king size bed is to check her pistol
to make sure it is still loaded.


Lockheed Martin is the largest supplier of munitions to the US
military services and to their intelligence agencies, the NSA and
the CIA. During the eighties, Lockheed Martin took over LORAL
Space Systems and Ford Aerospace which also deliver monitoring
equipment to the espionage agencies. Margaret Newsham worked for
the NSA through her employment at Ford and Lockheed from 1974 to
1984. In 1977 and 1978, Newsham was stationed at the largest
listening post in the world at Menwith Hill, England. She
received on-the-job training at NSA headquarters at Fort George
Meade in Maryland, USA.

Ekstra Bladet has Margaret Newsham’s stationing orders from the
US Department of Defense. She possessed the high security
classification TOP SECRET CRYPTO.

According to information found by Ekstra Bladet in the Pentagon’s
databases, the NSA had 38,613 employees in 1995. This figure does
not include the many employees at private companies who work for
the NSA.

Ekstra Bladet has documented the existence of Echelon in a long
series of articles over the last months.

Denmark is affiliated with the Echelon network as a third party,
and the most important Danish listening post is located at
Aflandshage on the island of Amager.

By Bo Elkjaer and Kenan Seeberg

Clinton aides accused of snooping in files Jerry Seper Washington
Times 1-8-00

A former White House employee said in a sworn statement yesterday
that she saw high-ranking Clinton administration officials
looking through top-secret personnel files in 1993 in the office
of the CIA liason to the National Security Council.

Deborah Perroy, a member of the NSC support staff, said the
classified files included documents kept in the safe of the CIA's
liason office intended for use by CIA officials to evaluate the
suitability of security clearances for White House officials.

Mrs. Perroy, who worked at the White House from 1988 to 1993,
said the files included copies of FBI background reports and
other FBI information on persons who worked for the NSC and in
the West Wing during the Reagan and Bush administrations.

She said the files included those for persons who no longer
required either access to the White House or security clearances.

Mrs. Perroy, who helped run the offices associated with the White
House Situation Support Staff and the NSC, said she witnessed
Robert Manzanares, director of NSC administration, and his
assistant, Marcia Dimel, looking through the files in an office
on the third floor of the Old Executive Office Building.

In an affidavit taken as part of a pending lawsuit by Judicial
Watch, a conservative public interest law firm, Mrs. Perry said
she resigned after the incident and that White House officials
threatened to "come after me with false charges and allegations
in order to smear my good name" if she did not return.

"I then informed the Clinton White House that I would sue them if
they did something so egregious and that I would go public with
information about, what I believed to be improper, activities I
witnessed while working at the White House," she said in the

Mrs. Perry, also said she has since learned that her FBI file was
requested by the White House Office of Personnel and Security in
March 1994, six months after she left her post and no longer
required access or a security clearance.

"Based on my experience working for the Clinton administration, I
believe my FBI file was obtained and repeatedly sought in part
because of fear I would divulge information about improper
activities I witnessed at the Clinton White House and so, if I
did go public...confidential information about me from my FBI
file could be used against me," she said.

Mrs. Perroy is the second former administration employee to come
forward in the past month with complaints of impropriety at the
White House.

Sheryl Hall, a former White House computer specialist who left
her job four months ago, said in legal papers filed Dec. 15 that
the Clinton administration was trying to "stall" the "Filegate"
lawsuit until after President Clinton left office with first lady
Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Mrs. Hall said Michelle Peterson of the White House Counsel's
Office told her in late May or early June "that 'our strategy'
for the Filegate lawsuit was to 'stall' because 'we had just a
couple of more years to go.'"

The Judicial Watch suit claims the White House "willfully and
intentionally" violated employees' rights under the Privacy Act
by receiving more than 900 classified FBI files at the White

White House officials have called the accusations "baseless."

Mrs. Hall, in a separate lawsuit against Mrs. Clinton and the
Democratic National Committee, said she was forced to quit her
job because of actions "undertaken at the direction of Mrs.
Clinton and in retaliation" for her "challenging the
unlawfulness" of the White House database.

In the suit, she said when she complained that the database
violated the Hatch Act, her duties were withdrawn until they were
eliminated altogether.

She said in November 1993 she "was assigned responsibility for
developing the software for a new, taxpayer-financed master
database that Mrs. Clinton and the DNC sought to establish for
partisan, political purposes, including campaign fund raising for
the DNC and the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election campaign."

When she complained about it to Marsha Scott, then the White
House Correspondence Office director, Miss Scott told her she
"should 'use her imagination' to circumvent any legal

Mrs. Hall said that after Miss Scott sent a memo to Mrs. Clinton
and senior presidential advisor Bruce Lindsey on Jan. 26, 1994,
describing her as disloyal, her staff was cut by 10 and she was
relieved of any further responsibility for the development of the

She left the White House on Sept. 10 and moved to a computer
management job at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

In the Perroy affidavit, the former White House employee said
that when she "came across Manzanares and Dimel in the CIA liason
office," the safe where the files were kept was open and that Mr.
Manzanares was "pulling files out of the safe, looking through
them and handing them to Dimel."

"They also were keeping some sort of list...They clearly reacted
as if they did not expect me and had been caught doing something
improper," the affidavit said.

Mrs. Perroy said the FBI files contained information on
"virtually every top political and NSC aide to Presidents Reagan
and Bush," including those of retired Marine Lt. Col. Oliver
North, Vice Adm. John Poindexter "and other prior administration

She said Mr. Manzanares had obtained the combination to all the
safes in the office. although the CIA liason office had been
"off-limits" before the arrival of the Clinton administration.

Mrs. Perroy said she had not come forward because she was unaware
until recently that her FBI file had been "compromised" by the
Clinton administration.

She said recent news reports about Mrs. Hall "inspired" her to
tell "the court and the American people about the activities I
witnessed at the Clinton White House."

> http://www.newaus.com.au/USReport.html
> The New Australian
> 21-27 February 2000
> US Report - No. 145, 21-27 F
> Blackmail and the Clintons' pervasive corruption
> By James Henry
> Blackmail is an ugly deed, especially when used to conceal
> crimes, political wrong-doing and abuse of power.
> Nevertheless, the reek of blackmail coming from the White
> House and enveloping the Beltway is unmistakable. No one in
> Washington's public arena privately disputes that Clinton
> aides copied from 900 misappropriated FBI files enough
> damaging material to silence most of their Republican
> critics. Recall how the White House attempted to destroy the
> reputations and credibility of Senators Hyde and Burton by
> releasing information revealing their indiscretions.
> No wonder George Stephanopoulos confidently bragged the
> "long-term strategy" of the White House could be "explosive".
> The idea that blackmail is at the heart of White House
> strategy was strengthened by rumours that Clinton aides held
> very private meetings with Barney Frank, Democratic
> representative from Massachusetts and expert blackmailer.
> Frank brought his expertise in to play when he found his
> career threatened by the scandal of putting Steve Gobie on
> his payroll. Answering a personal ad in the homosexual
> Washington Blade, Frank met with Gobie, a male prostitute
> with convictions for theft, drug trafficking and sodomising a
> child. They certainly must have hit it off on their first
> meeting because shortly afterwards Gobie moved in to Frank's
> house, from where he ran a male prostitute business among
> other things. To cut this squalid tale short, Frank escaped
> the consequences of his action by threatening to reveal the
> identities of closet homosexuals. What Frank knows is what
> some Clinton aides wanted to combine with the information
> they stole from the FBI. They had hopeed that this
> information would have given them the "explosive" they needed
> to get their boss off the impeachment hook.
> Anyone who thinks the above is far fetched does not know
> Clinton. This is the man who made Patsy Thomasson — chief
> lietenant of convicted cocaine dealer Dan Lasater — White
> House chief of personnel. This appointment did not surprise
> those who knew of the Clinton/Lasater drug connection that
> many believe existed before Clinton became governor. The
> connection might also explain the extraordinary expansion of
> mob activity that occurred after Clinton became governor.
> That the FBI was concerned about the rise of the 'Arkansas
> mafia' under Clinton and its drug running operations and
> prostitution rackets is no big secret.
> That Clinton 'was' a frequent cocaine user is a well known
> fact that the media chooses to ignore, even though his
> brother, Roger, a convicted dealer,was taped during an
> anti-drug operation saying: "Got to get some for my brother.
> He's got a nose like a vacuum cleaner". That Clinton was
> linked to cocaine smuggling in the 1980s is already part of
> sworn testimony. That his association with the
> drug-trafficking Lasater is connected with the gunning down
> in 1993 of Clinton's chief of security (the man who knew too
> much?) in Little Rock is assumed as given by many of that
> city's good citizens.
> So bad is the situation that it was immediately assumed that
> the killers would never be arrested. They never were. How
> could they be, whispered critics, when one of the first acts
> of the Clintons was to replace all US Attorneys "with our
> people." An unprecedented and dictatorial act that gave the
> Clintons control over the prosecutorial machinery of the
> federal government in every judicial district in the country.
> To top this off, the Clintons even maneuvered to get Webster
> Hubbel installed as Attorney General — before he went to jail
> where he threatened to cooperate with Starr. However,
> $US700,000 plus in hush money, clumsily disguised as
> consultancy fees.
> To strengthen their control further they had William
> Sessions, Director of the FBI, removed. Sessions was noted
> for his integrity and opposition to political interference in
> the Bureau's affairs. (No wonder he had to go.) Clinton
> groupie Louis Freeh was made Director of the FBI. Rumour now
> has it that FBI agents have withheld sensitive information
> from Freeh in the belief, rightly or wrongly, that it would
> be passed on to the White House which is now considered, to
> put it mildly, a security risk.
> The irony and added danger for the Clintons is that Freeh
> might start taking his job seriously, unless they have
> something on him too. That this may be so is why some people
> believe Freeh refused in May 1998 to prevent the New York
> Times blowing an FBI operation that centered on Johnny Chung,
> a Clinton fundraiser, thus endangering his life. Any wonder
> it is now thought that the White House fed the details of the
> undercover operation to so-called hot-shot NYT reporters Don
> Vanatta, Jeff Gerth and David Johnston, confident in the
> knowledge that Freeh would not intervene. No wonder the NYT
> was able to smugly claim it would have postponed the story
> for a couple of days if only Freeh had asked it to do so.
> Yep, there’s one hell of smell round there.
> What is really shocking is how the media, with a few brave
> exceptions, literally covers for the Clintons, even
> enthusiastically assassinating the characters of his critics,
> impugning their motives and smearing their reputations. These
> media storm troopers subjected the likes of Tripp and Jones
> to the most appalling abuse and constantly vilified Starr
> while defending the Clintons’ corrupt practises.
> There is literally no arm of government that has not been
> infected by this morally diseased administration. However,
> the Democratic Party and the mainstream media only remain
> untouched by Clinton’s corruption because their moral
> collapse had take place decades ago. It was this collapse
> that made the Clinton administration possible.
> Editor: Australia’s media, particularly the Murdoch press,
> has stood four square behind the Clinton presidency, making a
> mockery out of the media’s public’s-right-to-know doctrine.
> ####

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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