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Acharya S & The Christ Conspiracy
"The Christ Conspiracy may well be the most dangerous and important book of
our time."
~ ~ Adam Parfrey.

'The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold' (Adventures Unlimited
Press, 1999) is an explosive book which dares to scholarly analyze the
Gospels' depiction of Jesus Christ with pre-existing religious rituals and
mystery schools. Comparing Christ to Mithras, Heracles/Hercules, Dionysus,
Krishna and Horus (The Younger), Acharya reveals the mythopoeic 'cultural
scripts' at the heart of the world's major monotheistic religions. She
publicly reveals information that radically undermines unquestioning faith
and institutionalized mythic-membership structures (churches, clerical
priesthoods, and religious orders) that have censored dissent and stifled
individuality. This goal has been a perennial favourite amongst
sensationalistic and cabal-obsessed conspiriologists, but what sets Acharya's
research apart is her attention to detail and footnoting; the result is a
book that has attracted praise from Adam Parfrey, Kenn Thomas and Robert
Sterling amongst others.

Acharya draws upon wide-ranging material, notably the wealth of
archeaological, anthropological and ethneographic data unearthed by the
'History of Religions' School which flourished during the late Nineteenth and
early Twentieth centuries, alongside theorists who dared to suggest that
Jesus Christ was never an historical figure, but rather a propaganda device
for the Roman Empire's ruling elites to control dissenting Hebrew/Israelite

Much of this material was originally suppressed, ignored or dismissed as the
work of amateurs. The most influential scholar who pre-configures Acharya's
worldview was Gerald Massey, whose epic Egyptian hieroglyph/Sanskrit
cross-referencing influenced a generation of scholars, most notably Alvin
Boyd Khun. Now rarely found outside the innermost depths of university
research libraries, Massey's thorough research disclosed physiological and
'deep brain' influences on primitive psychology and animistic/mythical belief
systems. Massey's research is collected in the seminal trilogy 'A Book of the
Beginnings' (Seacaucus NJ: University Books, 1974); 'The Natural Genesis'
(New York: Samuel Weiser, 1976); 'Ancient Egypt, the Light of the World' (New
York: Samuel Weiser, 1976); and 'Gerald Massey's Lectures' (New York: Samuel
Weiser, 1974).

Acharya's book, interviews and lectures brings Massey's research and others
to a far wider audience at a time when the dissolution of traditional belief
systems is readily apparent in the Global Theater. Amongst her material is
evidence for Old Testament mythological symbolism and the Egyptian mystery
school roots for the majority of Hebrew myths.

In the neon-glare of the Twenty-first Century, the Judeo-Christian espoused
values of Faith, Hope, and Love appear to no longer be enough. Memetic
propagation of Freedom, Sovereignty, and [Objective] Conscience may be the
necessary worldview corrective for the disruptive social 'life conditions'
now coming into being.

This means a trans-valuation of all previous values, belief systems, and
group structures. Not simply an exercise in 'de-virusing the emergent mind',
Acharya's neuro-political research helps to awaken and liberate the necessary
'core intelligences' for this to occur.

Tune out self-enslaving memeplexes. Drop out of your religious institution
and dare to explore alternatives . . .but first leave a few copies of
Acharya's book for others to read! Turn on to Higher Revolutionary Mutations.
Start your own savior god/goddess Conspiracy. Find the Others.

Research by Alex Burns

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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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