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(More dirty politics from evil reptilian Bush and Co. --SW)

Texas Bush donors responsible for mysterious GOP ads

 Copyright © 2000 Nando Media
 Copyright © 2000 Associated Press

McCain attacks mysterious TV ads


WASHINGTON (March 3, 2000 9:25 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - A pair of brothers from Texas who have
donated and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for George W. Bush
are behind more than $2 million in ads touting Bush's record on the
environment and attacking John McCain.

Sam and Charles Wyly have donated $210,273 to Bush's gubernatorial
campaigns. Charles has raised more than $100,000 for the Bush
presidential effort, and the Wyly family has contributed tens of thousands of
dollars to GOP candidates across the country.

"We have had a lot to do with building the Republican party in Texas and
nationally," Sam Wyly said Friday. "And we'd appreciate it if the elected
Republicans would look at our cause."

The Wylys' group, Republicans for Clean Air, said it purchased close to
$2.5 million in ads in three crucial states holding primaries Tuesday. The
ads were running in San Francisco, Columbus, Ohio, and across New York
state, including Burlington, Vt., whose TV stations reach homes in New
York. But some stations were jittery about running the ads, given questions
about whether the group, which did not exist a week ago, is legitimate.

Republicans for Clean Air began airing its ads Thursday but did not publicly
identify itself until Friday.

The ads would amount to an illegal donation if the Bush campaign were
involved with them, but Wyly and Bush both said Friday that there was no

"There is no connection between my campaign and this ad," Bush said in
New York.

McCain cried foul, and his campaign filed a complaint with the Federal
Communications Commission and asked TV stations to pull them from the

"It's everything I've been fighting against," said McCain. "Two million dollars
in the last few days in this campaign can make a difference in a race that is
a statistical dead heat."

McCain also struck back in new radio ad for New York, noting Texas' low-
ranking on environmental measures and touting McCain's record. "George
Bush has got to be kidding," an announcer says. "Now he's attacking John
McCain on the environment? In New York, we call this chutzpah."

There were other connections between the Bush campaign and clean air
group. The woman who bought the time for the ads also works for a
political action committee led by Republican Rep. Henry Bonilla of Texas, a
longtime Bush backer. The ads were placed by Multimedia, which has
done work in the past for Bush supporters. And Jeb Hensarling, who is
close to some on the Bush campaign, is a consultant for Wyly who helped
connect him to the admaker.

FCC attorney Bobby Baker said he has advised stations to be sure that the
group claiming credit for the ads really exists and is not just a front for
someone else.

The group was informally put together last week by the Wyly brothers -
Dallas entrepreneurs who have made tens of millions of dollars in computer
software and other businesses. Sam Wyly also owns a company that
produces environmentally friendly power, GreenMountain.com, and he says
Bush has worked hard to cut pollution from coal-burning plants.

Their only motive is promoting the environment, Wyly said. He added that
his interest has nothing to do his with the prospect of electing a man who
may feel indebted to him.

"I doubt I'd have any access I wouldn't have had anyway," he said.

The Wylys may have already benefited from their connections to the Texas
governor. One of the brothers' businesses, Maverick Capital Fund of
Dallas, won a state contract to invest $96 million of the University of Texas'
endowment. Under standard fees, the fund would receive some $960,000
each year for managing the money, plus 20 percent of profits it produces
for the university.

The Wylys, who last month sold their company, Sterling Software, for $4
billion in stock, have been active donors to GOP candidates, contributing to
Republicans across the country. That includes Arizona Sen. John McCain,
who got $1,000 from each Wyly brother and $1,000 from Sam Wyly's wife
in 1997.

"We think he's a good Republican senator," Sam Wyly said.

But the Sierra Club complained that the Wylys have given money to more
than a dozen members of Congress who have regularly voted against
environmental bills.

"So what? So what?" Sam Wyly responded, saying he hopes to educate
them about the environment. "I think they're likely to listen."

Environmental groups criticize Bush's record on the environment,
particularly air pollution.

Republicans for Environmental Protection has endorsed the Arizona
senator. And the Sierra Club has spent nearly $100,000 attacking Bush's
record on the environment as governor of Texas.

In their ad, the Wylys charge that McCain voted against more money for
solar and renewable energy - a particular interest of GreenMountain.com.
Funding for the programs was cut during the budget process last year, and
McCain opposed an effort to restore it.

The ad also touts a 1999 Texas law aimed at reducing pollution from aging
power plants. It says Bush led the effort to "clamp down" on the coal-
burning plants. But environmental groups say many of the requirements
were voluntary.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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