-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

The Shape of Things to Come?

by Anonymous

Wednesday, May 07, 1997

Omega is a multi-level, multi-structured organization of secrets upon
secrets. The organization was not thrown together overnight, and they did
not, at the time of their creation as a group, expect to bring about the
culmination of their plans in a matter of a couple of days. These plans for
a unified governmental system that oversees the whole of planet Earth
started years ago, near the turn of the century. The plans "jelled" and
escalated in the early 1930's, when first contact with an other-wordly race
was made. These extraterrestrials are not referred to as "aliens" by those
in the inner circles of Omega. They refer to them simply as "visitors". And
they look at them as people.. not "aliens" in the Hollywood sense of the
word or in a derogatory manner in any way. The Visitors are merely people of
a different nature than we humans.

There is within the inner ranks of Omega, a group known only as the "15".
This group is "supervised" by a man known to me only by the name The Zodiac.
Often, in conversation, Zodiac is referred to as "Mr. Z." At one time, Mr. Z
used the alias Mr. Hallaran. This is but one of many aliases this man has
used over the years. Mr. Z is what is known as a "freelance assassin",
having done work of that nature for the CIA, among other agencies and
individuals. He is described as a "chameleon" of sorts, able to blend in to
the local populus in just about any country in this world.

Mr. Z either formed or came into control of the 15 during the later years of
the Viet Nam war. At the time, Mr. Z was in Nam to work with the CIA and
their assassination jobs and drug running. The 15 originally did
assassination work into Laos and Cambodia for the CIA. Their work was known
as "Project Phoenix". The group was formed to escalate the Nam war through
selective assassinations of key figures. At times they even wiped out entire
units of our own men, making it appear as though the Viet Namese were at
fault. And their particular brand of work - assassination on demand -
continued after the end of the Nam war.

The 15 are now in the service of the Omega Agency. They will, after the
planned world government is in place, become "sector chiefs" of sorts. Omega
seems to be set up on a heirarchial platform, with those in authority under
the sector chiefs reporting directly to them. From that level, any
information deemed worthy of calling it to the attention of the Ruling
Council will be passed up the chain of command. The Public Safety Officers -
those given the authority to act as judge, jury and executioner, if the
crime warrants that punishment, fall under the authority of the sector
chiefs...the 15.

>From Omega's point of view, their plans are not for world domination. They
believe they are working toward world betterment. Domination denotes
control, and betterment merely sets the world to rights, so to speak. It
intends to see the world living as one people, not as segregated countries
with segregated peoples, each following their own agenda. Omega would see
the world as one race - the human race - with all of its people working to
contribute to the betterment and advancement of the human race as a whole.
Omega would see the Earth take its place in a universal society, with the
members of the Omega Ruling Council speaking for the Earth in that universal

Omega's plans for the future of the world are based on the history of the
Visitors. As the person who tells me these things said, "It worked for them,
it will work for us." The Visitors (all races of them) each come from a
world that is unified under one system of government. Each had a history
similar to ours, with a multitude of countries on their worlds, each with
its own system of government. The people of their worlds were united as a
race, under one governing flag, prior to their moving out into the universe
and openly interacting with other worlds. Omega intends to see the Earth do
the same. The world will be organized as a unified planet under Omega's
flag, and inter-galactic trade will begin, with Omega as the sole body
empowered to negotiate trade agreements for the planet Earth.

Omega does not intend to "take over" by force. They plan to be welcomed with
open arms by the people of the world. Look around you at the condition of
the world now. Crime is out of control in most major cities. People live
behind closed, locked doors with elaborate security systems. Third World
countries depend on hand-outs from other countries (in particular the United
States) for the very food they put in their mouths. Racial hatred continues
to raise its ugly head all over the world. Religious tolerance is
non-existant in some parts of the world. One of the first things we teach
our children is to not talk to strangers. We are doing this to ourselves,
teaching our children from the earliest of ages that our own kind is not to
be trusted. The world is out of control. We as a people are out of control.
We have been manipulated into segregating ourselves in our own little
spheres of reality. And from there, we cannot see the events going on around
us, cannot see the many parts that make up the whole of the Omega plan for
our lives. And we dare not open our doors to take a look at the world around
us, for fear of getting a bullet in our heads from a random, senseless
drive-by shooting.

Is the current condition of the world the result of human failings, the
result of coincidence upon coincidence leading to the current state of human
life? Or is it by design? Consider the following statement:

"Out of chaos shall come the New World Order." - George Bush

Omega believes that the world will gladly accept them as the sole governing
body of planet Earth. They believe their plan, when revealed in its
entirity, will so greatly appeal to the people of Earth, that there will be
no bloodshed, no revolt, no war for the right to speak for the people of
this planet. They believe that with their help, and the persuasive help of
the Visitors, that the people of Earth will "see the light" and accept
Omega's system for world government. But make no mistake - Omega has the
power to force the issue if they so desire. The military system is a system
that follows orders. It is a heirarchial system that does not allow for
independent thought at the lower levels. And the orders come from above.
Orders are given and orders are followed without question. And Omega pulls
the strings of the military, from the Commander in Chief on down the line.

This systematic breaking down and rebuilding of a world is a plan that was
conceived in the minds of the men who formed Omega Agency. The plan "came
together" after first contact was made in the early 1930's. The Visitors
have told and have shown the men of Omega how a similar plan worked on their
home worlds, and Omega believes it will work here. And they have been
striving to bring that goal to fruition for a very long time.

Consider how often it is said "We are being prepared for something."
Consider just our recent history, such as the increase in movies, TV shows,
books dealing with the subject of ET life, ET visitation of earth, etc.
Consider the governing body of the Star Trek world, the "United Federation
of Planets." Consider NASA's press conferences relating the possibility of
life on other planets. Consider the Catholic Church's reversal of their
traditional stance on the subject of life outside the Earth. Step back and
take an objective look at the history of the world in this century alone. It
would seem that we are being moved toward some goal, that we are being
manipulated toward a certain mind-frame, a certain way of thinking. And it
would seem that, unless something drastically changes, the people of the
world will not survive the current downward spiral of the world's societies.
And then, consider this once more:

"Out of chaos shall come the New World Order." - George Bush

Coincidence? Fate? or Design?

Omega's plans for the governing of the world do not include the right of the
people to vote. The members of the Omega Council will look at possible
candidates for offices of authority (as they do now), will investigate the
character of these candidates (as they do now), and will judge whether or
not these candidates are worthy to hold any given office of authority (as
they do now). Under the Omega system, there will be no presidents, no
senators, no congressmen. No lawyers, no judges, no courts. No jails as we
have them today. Those who must be separated for the good of society as a
whole will be placed on "farms" where they will work for the good of the
Earth's peoples in general - growing food, manufacturing clothing, etc. The
taking of a life will cost a life. An eye for an eye, literally. The Public
Safety Officers, and their patrols, will be charged with the duty of keeping
peace and law at the low levels. They will be the most visible and
accessible of Omega's members to the public at large. These patrols will not
be "wandering murderers", but will act, swiftly and permanently if needed,
against any citizen witnessed committing a crime, such as armed robbery,
rape, etc.

This does not mean groups of men and women physically walking a beat
necessarily. Much of this patrolling of the people of the world will be
accomplished by technology. Technology that is far beyond any that is
currently known in the public sector. Technology that is a result of human
and Visitor research and development.

And the current target date for this new system of governing going into
effect is the year 2000. But Omega is, above all else, a patient lot. They
will wait until the time is right to make their move. They have postponed
the date once already, and will do it again if necessary. For Omega claims
to truly have the best interests of the people of Earth at heart. Based on
the knowledge they possess, knowledge gleaned from decades of interaction
with Visitors, from years of studying the governing systems of other worlds
through first-hand experience of those worlds, from years of observing the
trends in the Earth's societies, from first- hand knowledge acquired through
the manipulation of worldly events, Omega feels that they have what the
world needs. In their minds, their plan for our future is the only logical,
viable means for the Earth to advance and take its place in an
inter-galactic society.

The people of Omega Agency watch the world closely. By all means at their
disposal. This includes the Internet. America Online is their system. They
use it for communication among their peers. The people of Omega have jobs,
families, lives of their own. They are merely waiting for "the day", as they
call it, finding the term "New World Order" and its connotations somewhat
distasteful and misleading as to their real goals and purpose.

How much of this information given me is verifiable at this point? Very
little. Thus, the argument that "people in positions to know these things
don't talk about them" falls to the wayside. Because this information cannot
be verified immediately, it poses no threat to Omega or their plans at this
time. Telling me these things, and me in turn getting it to the Internet,
presents no problem to Omega. It is, in fact, in their best interest at this
time. What releasing this information does accomplish is a "testing of the
waters", so to speak. By having this posted to the Internet, Omega can sit
back and watch, which is something they do very well. They can observe
discussions of this material on newsgroups, email lists, web sites, IRC, AOL
chat rooms, etc. And they can judge how well it is received, how much
opposition there appears to be to it, but most importantly for their
purpose....how much non-reaction there is. Apathy is the straw that will
break the camel's back in the world today. It is the means by which Omega
will move into power and remain there.

What portions of this information have been verified? Three independent
sources have confirmed the existance of the man known as "The Zodiac." One
even gave me a physical description matching that of my source person. The
existance of Project Phoenix and its assassination teams has been confirmed
by four ex-military people who were in Nam during that time. Descriptions of
the security system in place at the entrance to the underground facility at
Albuquerque, New Mexico, has been confirmed by two sources, one of which
told me about the security system a full year before I got the same
information from the Omega person currently talking to me.

And looking into this person's eyes, I still am left with the impression
that this person is not lying. I may not be receiving the whole truth at
this point...in fact, I'm fairly convinced that I'm not. There have been a
few instances where my source has stumbled, revealing to me that there are
still secrets being kept, and I have been purposefully mislead on some

But overall, I believe, at this point, the information I am supplying here
is basically valid. I strive daily to find a way to confirm these things, to
verify the truth to these matters, or to expose it all as a fabrication of a
sick mind. But I am alone in this, and I am not an investigator or
researcher by trade. I am a nobody. I did not set out to find Omega. They
found me. And they have a plan for me, one that frightens me. But I will see
it through. I will do whatever it takes to get to the truth of this matter,
for to turn away now and bury my head in the sand is not an option that I
can live with. If the price of my involvement here is my life and soul, then
so be it. Nothing comes without a price, and the truth is worth the price in
this case, I believe.

We must know the truth. We cannot survive without it at this point. If these
things are true - Omega, the Visitors, the universal society of which Earth
must become a part - then we have no choice but to see this through. We must
accept the facts that we have, as a race, been lied to and manipulated for
countless centuries. We have been misled as to the real nature of the
universe and all its many planes of existance, from the Creator own down to
the physical world we live in. People of this world have known the truth for
ages, and have kept it to themselves, passing it down to a select few and
keeping the masses in ignorance and darkness. This is the way of our world,
and it is the way that must stop, and stop now.

Reality is a hard thing to face, especially when that reality is not what we
have been taught to believe it to be. If Omega, the Visitors, and a
universal society of many races is the reality of our lives, then we must
know this, and we must face it and learn to deal with it. For if a group
like Omega is the future governing body of this planet, we have no one to
blame for their rise to power but ourselves.

Omega is right on at least one point. The nonsense of this world must stop.
We must open our eyes, see the universe as it really is, and learn to live
within its boundaries.

"There is nothing so powerful as truth,--and often nothing so strange."
- Daniel Webster

Mr. Webster recognized this fact years ago. Why can't we now?



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Opinions founded on prejudice

are always sustained with the greatest violence.

Francis Jeffrey, (1773-1850) Scottish essayist, jurist


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Please send all comments and questions about this site to: R. Dan Woolman


Created: Wednesday, June 18, 1997 -- Last update: Tuesday, November 18, 1997

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