-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
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This is the part where he discusses breaking into the Wright-Patterson
AFB computer and discovers plans for an antigravity engine:

MW: Where does the story take a turn to where you started hacking military
sites for UFO information?

MB: In a hacker magazine called PHRACK, it gave a list of sites that
people who said they were interested in UFOs would like to see hacked
and that hackers should check these out. Allegedly there were forty people
who were trying to penetrate these sites and they got into some of them but
they all went missing?

MW: A group of forty people went missing?

MB: Apparently so. They said in the magazine that if you were going to do it
then do it carefully and printed a list of the sites. I used that list and used it
and I also used some of the folklore of UFOs like "Roswell wreckage taken
to Wright field", "Lockheed space missile company have connection to
Area 51" etc. It is then just a case then of picking up the addresses and
names of these computers. They are quite easy to find as the military
provide you with as much information on their computers as you could ever

It was a case of "go for it", "lets have a look". As far as I was concerned I
was not traceable and not causing any harm to anybody. If I couldn't get in
then no big deal, if I could then I was not going to screw the system up.

MW: You did gain access to some interesting UFO type files - what were

MB: The information was obtained through the Wright Patterson Air Base
computer system. I was looking for information on the Roswell crash. On
one of the computers at Wright Patterson the systems administrator was
very un-secured. Captain Beth Long was the system administrator she is
supposedly working in a pumping station in Alaska now instead of working
at Wright Patterson - the reason being, because she had no password so
this meant that anyone logging in as her meant they had the highest level of
access on the system with no password needed!

Wright Pattersons' computers were strange because unlike all other
computers I had hacked which had clear warnings to hackers and people
using the system regarding the classified information, their system had a
banner which read in flashing red letters that no classified information is to
be stored on the computer system. This throws you a bit. I was unsure if it
was a real banner or if it was to put off people who had got that far.

In getting into that there was one machine on the network where I read
current files and future project proposals. I read documents which gave me
the impression that they had an anti-gravity engine which was capable of at
least Mach 12 to Mach 15. I don't know how exactly how fast that is but I
think that is faster than most aircraft we know of today. Supposedly the
aircraft which employs this engine uses a reactor to which there were a lot
of detailed numbers and figures for, but I have no idea what all this meant. I
can remember that the documents referred to a super heavy element,
whatever that means. The element is the main fuel for the reactor. The
engine worked by making a disturbance of molecules at the front of the
craft so that it was able to stop the inertia or G-force inside the craft. I got
the impression that this information was the type of material I was looking
for because it was far in advance of our current technology and could be
something to do with the Roswell UFO. Finding this threw me ecause I
didn't know if this information was a disinformation exercise and that
people were meant to get in and find this stuff or if it was real. I can't be
sure and this is the one annoying thing.

In the interviews that were carried out with the police Wright Patterson was
mentioned. Officer D S Janes asked me, had I been in there and I said that
I had. He then asked me if I had got any information from this computer and
I said that I had found details of an anti-gravity propulsion system. He asked
if I downloaded any files from this project and I said no and I had only read
the files online. As I said earlier I admitted to this but no charges were
brought against me on this matter which is a bit odd. Then the interviewing
officer asked me if I knew what Hanger 18 meant. I said "well if you are
thinking of a building where they store extraterrestrial aircraft then this is
what you might mean but perhaps you mean it is a computer or a bulletin
board -is this what you mean?". He replied that this could be the place that
he was thinking of. This was the only time that Hanger 18 was mentioned in
the interview.

In one of the hearings at magistrates' court there was a special agent who
came over called Jim Hanson. When asked what did he feel I was trying to
achieve by my hacking he said that he believed I was not trying to do any
harm but was just looking for information on Hanger 18. The prosecution
then asked Jim Hanson in a light-hearted manner if he could confirm if
Hanger 18 exists and Hanson responded "I can't tell you that because I am
not party to that information".

What surprised me is the fact that I was asked about the little known
Hanger 18 story instead of somewhere well known such as Area 51. Some
members of the press alluded that I had hacked into Area 51, but I never
said this and I refused to comment on the UFO issue to them. There were
things I was not prepared to talk about to the press because I was not sure
if I would be able to sell my story or not, so I did not want to give the
information away.

The point was that I knew where Wright Patterson airbase was but I didn't
know, until I read a UFO magazine recently, that Hanger 18 was located at
Wright Patterson. This was the first I ever learned about this.

When you put it all together it seems weird - the fact that I hacked into
Wright Patterson and found details of a secret gravity engine and then the
coppers asking me about Hanger 18, even to have a secret service agent
in an open court saying about Hanger 18 and then me later on finding out
that the two places are the same.

MW: Wasn't there a ban on press reporting of your case?

MB: The press were there and they heard many interesting things which the
failed to print but yes there was a ban on reporting the case, they said
because they did not want the press opinion to influence the case in any
way. This is the principal of subjudicy.

The prosecution had originally intended to have the case heard in secret (In
Camera) but we did not allow this to happen.

MW: Have you ever seen any UFOs yourself?

MB: There was a time when I was going back to Newport from Cardiff and
there were two very feint lights which were like passenger plane lights at
first. They looked like they were going towards Rhoose airport but in-
between them there was a start which was shooting back and forth
between these two points. I had to force my friends to look at the lights
because they would not look and said was crazy but when eventually they
did look they agreed that they had seen something strange.

My Wife and I went on holiday to Fuertaventura in the Canaries and there
were unusual lights in the sky above us which we watched for many hours.
They changed colour and went on and off. They seemed so far away that
they couldn't be sure if they were satellites or not. I am not saying that this
could not have been explainable phenomena.

MW: What interest did you have in UFOs before the trial.

MB: Just before I got into the hacking scene I was making the free phone
calls and I found a Bulletin Board in Australia which had loads of UFO files.
There were about 500 or 600 text files on offer so I downloaded them all
and waded through them slowly. I found it really interesting and I wanted to
know more. I go into the MUFON files and Keelynet Bulletin Boards and
they had interesting things on them also.

It seems to me that far more people have seen UFOs and have evidence of
this than there is evidence of GOD but people go around believing in GOD
and are not ridiculed for this in any way!

My opinion is that there is a lot of information UFO information out there
and it is hard to separate the liars from the truthful people. The thing is that
some of the wilder claims may also be the truth but sometimes you cannot
be certain of any claims either way.

The types of thing I mean are cases where people say that they have been
onboard spacecraft and seen the classic alien with big black eyes and that
they had experiences which are consistent with other witnesses. You then
hear from the same person that the aliens took her for a ride and they were
walking around on the moon without a spacesuit and the story starts to take
a strange turn. It seems that people seem to go overboard but who knows
that person may in fact be telling the truth.

MW: Do you know much about Bob Lazar? Tell me what you about his

MB: Well yes, Bob Lazar was able to show documents from his previous
work to show that he worked with certain companies, but they deny he ever
worked for them.

As I remember he is a really nerdy looking guy that claims to have worked
at Area 51's S3 complex I think? He claimed to have been working on
crashed UFO technology. He said that he had seen saucers in hangers and
had seen one flying one day. Only recently I saw the original interview he
gave on video where he talked about his work and was drawing on a
blackboard. I think he got prosecuted for running a brothel, I don't know
much more than that.

MW: Do you know anything about the propulsion systems he was talking
about in his work on the saucers?

MB: No not really - I can remember the shape of the craft and I can
remember that the propulsion system was in the bottom of the craft and that
it is like a segmented thing. I remember a little area in the middle where the
"guys" would sit. I don't really remember the details or specifics of that.

MW: I am interested because you used the term "heavy element reactor"
earlier on and I wondered if you have heard about something called
"element 115"?

MB: No I did chemistry at school but was very bad at it and got kicked out. I
don't know anything about elements full stop really.

MW: Bob Lazars story was that he worked on propulsion systems, which
utilised a reactor, fuelled by a super heavy element. Everyday scientists do
not know of the element 115 of which he speaks. Does this mean anything
to you?

MB: Maybe that is a parallel. The only things I know about him really is that
he worked on UFOs and his involvement in the brothel and the fact that he
looks a bit "geeky".

MW: Can you remember any names of people on the project. Were there
dates on any of the letters you saw regarding the propulsion system?

MB: Nope, as for dates all the information was current at 1994. Whether
this was a totally new engine or if it was a new version I can't be sure. I do
know that it was a working prototype.

MW: Did they say what type of aircraft the propulsion system would be
used in?

MB: Not that I remember, although I believe the engine was in use.

MW: Do you fear going to the United States?

MB: I am, not so much worried about being tried in the US for these things
because they still have the same flawed evidence - but I fear that over there
they would just stick me in prison without a trial and leave me to rot. This is
something I have to look at carefully and to study the international law on
these matters because there is a question of where was the crime
committed on my computer in my house in the UK or in the US on their
systems. This is a legal dilemma and is open to question.

A point is that there is a hacker out there now called Kevin Minick who did
some minor hacking and has been in prison for 2 years and hasn't been
charged with anything yet! This can happen.

MW: Why did you do all this? Are you an anarchist or is this political or just
for pure curiosity?

MB: I just get a thrill out of exploring new computer systems. If you could
see my CV I now have knowledge of all these computers systems I have
used. If employers wanted to know how I got that experience it may get a bit
awkward to have to tell them that these were military systems I was playing
with - but it still makes for a good CV! I can now admit to my hacking and
not have any fear because it may be a plus point in that I know a lot about
systems security.

I did it for the pure adrenaline buzz of hacking a secret system. This can
keep you awake on no food for hours and this is one of the other reasons -
because of the thrill.

MW: Thank you very much.

MB: Thanks.

In final clarification on some of the interview I asked Mathew if he saw any
images on the computer systems at Wright Patterson Airbase. He says he
saw one but remembers that the antigravity engine was a working
prototype and is fitted in some form of aircraft and is in use although the
type of aircraft was not disclosed. The information was dated around 1994,
when the system was originally breached. It is now up to researchers and
hackers alike to try and find out more.


Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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