-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Dear Brigade,

"..."I sense a growing panic inside the White House that this has to be
rammed through and done at all” Mr. Buchanan said of the China legislation
...  “I think [Texas Gov. George W.] Bush, if he’s the nominee, and [Vice
President Al] Gore, would like this out of the way”  ... “The looting of our
country in trade and manufacturing must end. We are not globalists; we are

GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


03/03/00 - THE WASHINGTON TIMES - Erica Tuttle

- Says Trade Issue Linked to Taiwan

Reform Party presidential candidate Pat Buchanan warned yesterday that
U.S. –Chinese relations are reaching a boiling point over Taiwan and urged
Congress to delay granting China normal trade relation status.

“Beijing is pushing this to crisis,” the three time presidential candidate
at a National Press Club news conference.     He cited recent warnings by
China to Taiwan, in the lead-up to the latter’s elections, to hasten
reunification talks and to discourage the island from declaring independence.

Given those circumstances, he said, extending normal trade relation (NTR)
status at this time would be “the definition of appeasement.”

Mr. Buchanan has been a longtime opponent of the administration’s policy
toward China.

The Clinton administration wants Congress to vote on the issue by June, and
has begun lobbying hard for passage of legislation that would extend NTR to
China permanently. Such a law would end the yearly debate over China’s
human rights practices and trade policies and would clear the way for that
country’s entry into the World Trade Organization.

“I sense a growing panic inside the White House that this has to be rammed
through and done at all,” Mr. Buchanan said of the China legislation.     “I
think [Texas Gov. George W.] Bush, if he’s the nominee, and [Vice
President Al] Gore, would like this out of the way,” he said.

Mr. Buchanan went on to criticize President Clinton’s policy of “strategic
partnership” with China, in which the administration has sought to strengthen
democratic forces within China through open trade and engagement.     “The
policy has been pursued for seven years - it’s not working,” he said.
“President Clinton can’t change course. It’s up to a new president” to
chart a
new China strategy, Mr. Buchanan said.

He calculated that the United States has a $70 billion trade deficit with
China, and said if he were elected president he would immediately impose
tariffs on Chinese goods sold in the United States to correct the imbalance
and would suspend NTR for one year.

The Reform Party candidate has made his support of a less deferential
stance toward China a hallmark of his campaign. By asserting the need for a
“moral” component to American foreign policy – and on that basis objecting
to continued trade ties with the Communist nation - he has attempted to
distinguish himself from the other candidates.

Mr. Buchanan has criticized Mr. Bush for his views on trade with China, and
has attacked both Mr. Bush and Arizona Sen. John McCain for supporting
U.S. involvement in the war in Kosovo last spring.

While the Republican candidates have advocated a more aggressive posture
toward Iraq, Mr. Buchanan favors lifting sanctions against that country,
saying they have been successful only in murdering innocent children.

Reiterating a theme heard in all of his presidential bids, Mr. Buchanan said,
“The looting of our country in trade and manufacturing must end. We are not
globalists; we are Americans.”

---------------  end  ------------------
T H E   I N T E R N E T   B R I G A D E
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