-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-


Author: Doug Fiedor


As long term readers of this publication know, the National
Security Agency has been bugging our communications for nearly
fifty years. Lately, in the computer/satellite age, they have
gotten so good at it they can monitor everything and anything
they goes by wire or is transmitted via radio waves -- even your
home wireless baby monitors and the kid's walkie-talkies.

NSA is Maryland's largest employer, with well over 30,000
employees. But, only part of their system is there. The network
includes 120 satellites and stations located in a number of
different countries around the world. According to reports, such
as those presented in the European Parliament, Echelon works with
its counterpart agencies in England, Canada, Australia, and New
Zealand. It also has many other listening stations. Most
interesting to us in the United States are the large ones in
Canada and Mexico. Because, these "system" partner governments
then monitor each other's traffic to circumvent laws prohibiting
governments from spying on their own citizens.

That's right. Our personal communications are being spied on by
the governments of Canada and Mexico, and to a lesser extent by
the governments of England, Australia and New Zealand. These
governments then pipe the information to NSA headquarters in
Maryland for analysis and dissemination to other federal

Oh sure, NSA's defenders say it strictly adheres to the 1978
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which prohibits an agency
from deliberately eavesdropping on American citizens, either in
the U.S. or overseas. They're supposed to have probable cause and
to get a search warrant to do that legally. So, they have agents
of a foreign government commit the domestic espionage for them.
That gives them plausible denial and they can then report to
Congress that they do not illegally spy on American citizens.

That's the story that's leaked out, anyway. Officially, they will
not even admit that the Echelon program exists. Congress cannot
get any information.

However, remember the Senate hearings on communist Chinese
campaign money laundering? Therein, it came out that workers in
the Chinese Embassy in Washington were overheard discussing the
illegal funds from the Chinese government. Communist China was
laundering illegal money into Congressional campaign funds and
some Members of Congress had taken the money. NSA passed the
information on to the FBI, and the FBI warned the Members of
Congress who were accepting the dirty money. Then, for the most
part, it was all hushed up. The Congress critters were not
charged with any wrongdoing because the government did not want
to expose its means of collecting the information.

Generally, that is about as much as recent news accounts are
telling us. There is, of course, a lot more to this story. Many
in the European Community are a bit upset with our spying
techniques. The Clinton administration said that the spook shops
will start doing business spying, and so they have.

A few months ago, London's "Electronic Telegraph" reported that
U.S. spy satellites are stealing the secrets of German
businesses. Security experts in Germany have uncovered evidence
of a big American industrial espionage operation in Europe using
satellite listening posts in both Britain and Germany.

"German business is thought to suffer annual losses of at least
£7 billion through stolen inventions and development projects.
With Europe already locked in a trade war with its American ally
over bananas, Germany's high-tech industry wants its government
to back a counter- offensive.

        The main centers used for satellite tapping of millions
        of confidential company telephone calls, fax and
        e-mail messages are believed to be terrestrial listening
        posts run by the American National Security Agency
        (NSA) at Menwith Hill, near Harrogate, North
        Yorkshire, and Bad Aibling, Bavaria, with the backing
        of the American government."

        Industrial espionage is becoming increasingly
        aggressive. Secrets are being siphoned off to an extent
        never experienced until now,

said Horst Teltschik, a senior BMW board member and a former
security adviser to Helmut Kohl. He is currently trying to
coordinate a German business response to the spying problem, the
Telegraph reported.

To make things easier for the spooks, they wrote a back door into
the popular Lotus Notes business software. The Swedish government
found it. Rumors are that Microsoft was also talked into adding
bugging channels in the new Windows software.

Anyway, when the European Union first learned of Echelon a few
years ago, they became a bit upset and called on our government
to explain. Washington sent over a few representatives from our
FBI and spook agencies and they "talked." Well, apparently we cut
them in on the electronic spy business and the EU formed their
own Echelon, called ENFOPOL.
<http://www.fipr.org/polarch/enfopol19.html> So, it will soon be
mandatory in Europe that the government(s) have easy access to
all communications. In most cases, no search warrant will be

Also busy in the international spy business is an international
organization led by the FBI. Apparently a secret organization,
ILETS (International Law Enforcement Telecommunications Seminar),
is working on building backdoors into all sorts of modern
communications equipment -- including the Internet and satellite
communications systems. No word on how the FBI got approval for
an unconstitutional general search warrant, but we trust that the
FBI would not dare do such a thing without the necessary court
approval. Right? Sure.

Now comes communist China, to the detriment of the rest of the

The world learned of parts of the China connection because a
company named Loral Space Systems received permission to launch
its satellites on Chinese rockets -- which exploded. Loral, and
other companies, are required to place NSA Echelon circuit boards
in their satellites so NSA can spy on us easily.

Well, a funny thing happened when one of those rockets crashed:
The satellite was recovered almost intact, but without those
special boards. The Chinese kept them.

NSA made a mad dash to change all its secret up and down-link
encryption codes, but that's really only half the correction. All
China need do is duplicate the circuitry (which Russia will be
glad to help them do) and send up a satellite. NSA did not and
(probably) cannot change the encryption up there, where the
satellites relay information to each other.

Was this serendipity, or a plan? Who knows. All we know is that,
unless we all use strong encryption, most governments in the
world will soon be able to copy any and all of our private
communications at will.

Background on Echelon:





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        Copyright © 2000 by Doug Fiedor, all rights reserved

            This text may be copied and distributed freely

             but only in its entirety, and with no changes

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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