-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

PLANETNEWS broadcast

Minnesota has made history! The first state in the U.S. to introduce a
bill calling for a 5 year moratorium on planting GE crops.

The Organic Consumers Association is a national consumer advocacy group
based in Minnesota. We have over 25,000 subscribers to our newsletters,
1700 stores, co-ops, and CSAs working with us throughout the country and
receive over 250,000 monthly hits on our web site.

We are calling on all Minnesota Legislators to support holding a hearing
on the important issue of genetic engineering and the bills that have been
introduced in the MN Legislature that relate to: calling for a 5 year
moratorium on all GE crops from being planted; requiring manditory
labeling of all GE foods sold in Minnesota;  and insuring that liability
for genetic drift/pollution be born by the companies that manufactured the
technology, not the farmers.

There are over 250 certified organic farmers in Minnesota whose livelyhood
depends on preserving the integrity of their crops. There are documented
cases of genetic drift - where pollen from GE corn has traveled up to 5
miles away and polluted an organic corn crop. This is not acceptable!!
Just like the FDA was remiss in allowing DDT to be used for so many years
because they didn't do adequate testing to insure it wasn't harmful to the
environment, GE/GMO's have also not had adequate testing done.

Organic consumers, please contact your MN legislators immediately and ask
them to support these bills and hold hearings on these important issues.
For more information on these please check our website at

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