Aspartame--Genocide In The Diet Coke

Andy Basiago has one of the more covert and surreptitious of the New
World Order's depopulation schemes well figured out.

It's in the Diet Coke, and Andy's not kidding either.

The brewing human health disaster known as widespread aspartame
(NutraSweet) poisoning is just waiting to explode unavoidably into full view.

And one of the WORST aspects of this story is that there is a plant
known as STEVIA which is about 1000 times sweeter than sugar by weight;
which provides a TOTALLY harmless and in fact healthful alternative not
only to sugar but to all the toxic, health-impacting artificial
sweeteners which our wonderful FDA has approved" as "safe" for human
consumption--after massive payoffs from the chemical and pharmaceutical
companies which produce and market the artificial sweeteners.

Unsurprisingly, this same "impartial" and uncorrupted FDA has REFUSED to
consider Stevia for approval as a low calorie, non-nutritive sugar
substitute and has FURTHERMORE gone after the publishers of a book
called "Cooking With Stevia"--as the book recommended using Stevia as a
sugar substitute.

I've used Stevia. It tastes great, and what's really cool is that unlike
aspartame Stevia doesn't cause brain, kidney and liver damage as well as
degeneration of the sexual organs.

What a concept--an non-nutritive sweetener that's actually totally
harmless. And the FDA doesn't want us to have it or even KNOW about it!
They want people to keep using poisons like the one called NutraSweet.

Boy, those feds. What a great bunch of folks... NOT!

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Aspartame Essay (Corrected copy)
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 00:21:01 EST


Andrew D. Basiago
Special to the Newshawk Newsgroup

There is no such thing as paranoia, only ignorance of the true nature of things.
-- Hunter S. Thompson

Physician Byron Weeks' recent allegation that the New World Order is
planning to reduce global population by as much as 90% of its current
levels, as well as recent news accounts about the negative health
effects of aspartame -- to include male impotence -- gives one pause to
consider how the elites could engineer a drastic "die off" of the human
species so as to achieve their dream of a "steady state" society.

Undoubtedly, one way would be through direct forms of genocide. These
might include a nuclear war, such as a war between China and the West; a
Third World War between the rich, resource-poor northern nations and the
poor, resource-rich southern ones; widespread famine; the release of
genetically engineered pathogens; or the flooding of coastal areas
globally caused by melting polar ice caps, followed by the introduction
into flood-stricken areas of genetically engineered pathogens, hidden
within "vaccines" administered by "humanitarian aid workers."

Another, far less controversial way, and one that would be far less
damaging to the environment that would be left for the elites to enjoy
in in the Internet-linked global renaissance that would follow "the
Great Death," would be to induce male sexual dysfunction and low sperm
count via a chemical substance hostile to sexual potency and fertility
-- what I have called "the genocide of the next generation."

We know that male sperm count has declined by 50% or more in
industrialized countries since 1938. Supposedly, this has been caused by
various pollutants, largely industrial chemicals with toxic,
radioactive, and mutagenic effects.

Perhaps this trend, however, has also been accentuated by food additives
that have been intentionally placed into our ever more synthetic,
refined, and packaged food supply -- food additives designed to
deleteriously affect male virility.

A social ramification of such a program would be increasing levels of
homosexuality, noted in the general tenor of the era, to which the
population would gradually have to be conditioned, via the mass media,
to accept as "just the way things are today."

Is this not, in fact, what we are seeing in the mass media -- an
emphasis upon homosexuality far out of proportion to its occurrence in society?

According to the recently published "fact book" entitled UNDERSTANDING
(a fascinating tome chock-full of reliable statistics that tell us much
about today's world), homosexuals comprise only 13% of males and 7% of
females worldwide. That makes gays a demographically evident, but not
particularly substantial, minority. If it comprises only about "ten
percent" of us, the gay community is about four times less relevant to
matters of public policy than the growing Hispanic community (which will
comprise about 40% of the US population by the year 2020.)

Why, then, if it is relatively statistically uncommon, is homosexuality
ALWAYS in the news? It has become a constant drum beat! Gay this, gay that!

Yet, at the same time, witness the fact that homosexuality remains
something about which the population generally remains squeamish.
Witness the active concealment of Hillary Clinton's lesbianism by the
Clinton Administration. Witness Proposition 22 in California, which
makes only a marriage between a man and a woman legal.

Against the backdrop of these social crosscurrents looms the
undisputable fact that from the perspective of an elite that would wish
to curtail human population, gayness is synonymous with goodness. Gays
are far less likely to have children, and thus they help stem
overpopulation by not replacing themselves with progeny. Because they
have fewer children, they are far more likely to accumulate capital,
which also benefits the financial elite.

Maybe, in light of these factors, the global planners have already
introduced into general circulation a chemical designed to increase the
incidence of homosexuality.
If such a chemical were designed to promote a homosexual orientation, it
would first have to attack heterosexual potency and performance. Hence,
were it designed to promote male sexual dysfunction, which seems to be a
growing phenomenon, maybe that chemical is already upon us. Maybe that
chemical is aspartame!

>From the international elites' point-of-view, the script might go
something like this:


(with conviction)

If population reduction is our paramount goal, why kill 90% of the human
beings on this planet with bombs, guns, viruses, floods, and vaccines,
if we can chemically castrate them instead! Just whip somethin' up, and
put it in their Coke, godammit!

What better way to curtail population than to make straight men impotent
and men with bisexual inclinations homosexuals?

This might all seem like paranoid imaginings, but consider this:

Back when aspartame was introduced, they called it "aspartame." Then,
they came up with the more attractive name "Nutrasweet." But was
"aspartmane" really such a bad word? Indeed, it sounds friendly, kind of
like the words "aspire" and "spearmint."

Maybe, the word aspartame had to be shelved not because it was a word
with a NEGATIVE connotation, but because it was a word with a MEANINGFUL
connotation. Maybe the word "aspartame" contained a dark pun about what
this new "sweetener" was actually developed to achieve, and they had to
find a less suggestive trademark.

Consider, for a moment, the etymology of the word "aspartame":

ASP (synonymous with "snake,'" symbolizing, from antiquity, the penis)
AR (from the Latin stem "ars," meaning "art" or "the art of") TAME (to
control, subdue, domesticate, or civilize)

asp-ar-tame = (snake) + (the art of making) + (subdued), "the art of
subduing the snake," hence, "the means for controlling the penis."

It makes perfect sense!

A plot by the New World Order to make us IMPOTENT, and if not impotent, GAY!

The Bilderbergers and the Trilateralists go post-modern!

The handwriting is on the wall!

It spells ASPARTAME!

Gentlemen, stay away from it!

It's gonna make you sweeter than you ever imagined!

And if your performance is already impaired, join our movement!

The flag we fly under isn't a rainbow, it's a white flag (formerly the
flag of surrender), with the word VIAGRA written on it!

VIAGRA, formed from the words "vigorous," "vagina" and "Niagara"!

A lawyer, journalist, and novelist, Andrew D. Basiago writes frequently
on matters of politics, social justice, and the environment.

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