-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

GUARDIAN (London)  Monday March 13, 2000
         John Mullin, Ireland Correspondent

 Shoot to kill - army general's plan before Bloody Sunday
Secret memo weeks before killings called for targeting

The officer in day-to-day command of troops in Northern Ireland
recommended to his superior that the army adopt a policy of shooting
rioters three weeks before Bloody Sunday, it can be revealed today.

Major General Robert Ford wrote in a secret memo that rubber bullets and
CS gas no longer deterred rioters in no-go Catholic enclaves such as the
Bogside. The army dubbed them Derry's Young Hooligans.

Major General Ford recommended: "The minimum force necessary to achieve a
restoration of law and order is to shoot selected ringleaders among the
DYH, after clear warnings have been given."

His secret report to his boss in Northern Ireland, Lieutenant General
Harry Tuzo, includes recommendations on what bullets to use. It also may
throw light on the mysterious destruction two months ago of three army
rifles used at Bloody Sunday.

The memo's contents are certain to spark renewed controversy ahead of the
much-delayed start of Lord Saville of Newdigate's inquiry, which has so
far cost 13m. It is scheduled to begin taking evidence in Derry's
Guildhall on March 27.

Peter Pringle and Philip Jacobsen, authors of the forthcoming Bloody
Sunday chronicle "Those are real bullets, aren't they?", reveal Major
General Ford's memo in The Guardian today.

The Parachute Regiment shot dead 13 unarmed Catholics at an illegal civil
rights demonstration in Derry in disputed circumstances on January 30
1972. A man who was wounded died five months later.

Tony Blair announced Lord Saville's probe in January 1998, much to the
dismay of prominent figures in the armed forces. They had supported the
findings of Lord Chief Justice Lord Widgery's 1972 tribunal, which
effectively exonerated the army.

Lord Widgery's report enraged relatives of the deceased, sparking an
enduring campaign to re-examine the evidence. They believed they have had
to suffer a Ministry of Defence-inspired whispering campaign against those
who died for almost 30 years.

Lord Saville's inquiry has been dogged by controversy throughout,
particularly when it tried and failed to ensure soldiers were named when
they appeared to give evi dence. The House of Lords ruled they should be
entitled to anonymity.

Lawyers for the 14 people killed are due to return to the High Court in
Belfast today. They are seeking a judicial re view of Lord Saville's
decision to deny them a postponement.

They have each so far received 60,000 pages of evidence. But there is
still significant material outstanding, and they doubt whether they could
digest it in time if it were passed to them immediately.

As well as providing an insight into military attitudes towards rioters 30
years ago, lawyers for the victims hope that it may resolve the mystery of
two missing rifles. The Ministry of Defence admitted last month three had
been destroyed three months after it gave an undertaking to Lord Saville
to preserve them.

There were 29 rifles available to Lord Widgery's tribunal. But 14 were
later destroyed and 10 sold to private companies. There were five left
when Lord Saville demanded they be kept safe.

In his memo Major General Ford said they were entitled to use the
high-velocity, large-calibre bullets that their rifles took to deal with
rioters. But he was worried about possible collateral damage, with the
bullets able to kill one person and pass through into another.

He suggested modifying some of the rifles to take smaller bullets "to
enable ringleaders to be engaged with less lethal ammunition". Just before
Bloody Sunday Major General Ford had sent 30 of the altered weapons to
Derry for training purposes.

Lawyers confirmed they were determined to probe Major General Ford's memo.
Pringle and Jacobsen suggest one victim, Kevin McElhinney, 17, may have
been shot with one of the smaller bullets.

Peter Madden, whose firm Madden and Finucane represents nine of the 14
bereaved families, said: "We need to know if the modified rifles were
used. This is a very serious area, and you can rest assured it is a key
issue. We are all determined fully to explore it."

Michael McKinney, 49, whose elder brother Willie, then 27, was killed,
said: "They were all innocent victims. My brother was not in the IRA; he
was not a gunman; he did not throw nail-bombs. We are determined that the
full truth comes out this time."

A statement published yesterday suggested soldiers started shooting
believing they were under fire after a sergeant was apparently shot. He
had instead been hit by the empty cartridge from one of his men's rifles
after he accidentally shot himself in the foot.

A retired colonel, then a captain in the Parachute Regiment, said in his
statement to the inquiry some soldiers were "animals". They could not be
controlled and later gloated over their actions.

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