From: "David Guyatt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The guy who wrote this is a PhD and so is way ahead of the game, but he is
easy enough to follow and his statistical analysis is a peach that
demonstrates how and why the official gold market is rigged.  The London
gain versus the NY loss over the period is so exact that a 17th century
master cabinet-maker wouldn't blink in admiration.

It's another nugget from LeMetropoleCafe


Harry J. Clawer Ph.D.
March 12, 2000


As a person who has a long time interest in numismatics and precious metals
in general, the information explosion provided by the Internet has excited
me. I am able to track, almost to the minute, gold, silver, platinum, and
palladium prices around the world, day and night. In the last several months
that is exactly what I've been doing.

Stimulated by the large jump in the POG during September of 1999, I watched
more closely than ever. Sometime during January I became aware of what
seemed to be a trend in the international spot market pricing. It appeared
that on many occasions, after the NY closing, the price would rise in the
overseas markets overnight, and the London AM fix would exceed the previous
NY close. In a parallel fashion, the trading in NY would, at sometime during
the day, sell off from the London AM fix and close below it.

Several contributors to the Gold-Eagle Internet Site & Forum have suggested
that there is coming, if it's not already under way, a war to see who will
be the challenger or the replacement for the U.S. dollar. Others have
postulated a manipulation of the gold price, centered in New York, to keep
it from rising. If either, or both of these hypotheses are true, then it is
likely that during this time period more gold will be accumulated overseas
(e.g., Asia and/or Europe), with a tendency for prices to rise. At the same
time, there should be a tendency for prices to fall in New York as the U.S.
groups try to push the price down. The first part of the effect I have
described, rising overnight prices in fact goes along with the accumulation
hypothesis. The second part of my observation seems to reflect a
manipulation during the trading in New York to reverse or dampen the
overseas accumulation.

Since I taught the application of statistical analysis to various sorts of
data for over 30 years, it was only natural to turn to a more exact look at
the data then I was getting from my visual impressions. I started collecting
the London gold fix prices and the NY gold close near the end of January

The column of data labeled London AM - Previous NY reflects the first part
of my original impressions that the price tended to rise between the NY
close and the London AM fix. For twenty-three out of thirty-one times, or
over 74% of the differences, this result appeared. The column of data
labeled NY close - London AM reflects the second part of the cycle, the
falling of prices in New York from their London AM close. Twenty-two out of
thirty-two observations or about 69% portray this price drop.

If the differences in closing prices were merely a chance phenomenon
reflecting unassociated buyers in a market going nowhere, the direction of
changes in both columns would vary closely around 50%. If there were a
multi-country trend to buy and a concerted effort in New York to suppress
the price, then the price differences would vary significantly from the 50%

In order to determine if the frequency of the direction of the differences
in favor of a higher price in the London AM fix was beyond a reasonable
chance expectation, I applied a binomial test with a correction for
continuity to that frequency. Since it was my prediction that this direction
was expected I applied what is know as a one-tailed test. The results
indicate that the probability that the London AM fix exceeds the previous NY
close with this frequency, by chance, is less than 1 in 100. In fact 8 out
of 9 times that the price change equaled or exceeded $2 / ounce it was up in
London over the NY close. Over this period of trading days the total gain
per ounce would have been $41.15 from the New York close, through the
overseas markets, to the London AM fix

The NY close - the London AM fix column shows that during this period of
time the NY market closed down from the London AM fix twenty-two out of
thirty-two times. Applying the same statistical method as before I
discovered that this outcome would have occurred less than 5 times in 100 by
chance. The concerted effort to push the price down in New York resulted in
a net loss of $40.90 over the trading days observed.

Even though we see the consistent rise in the London AM fix for a net gain
of $41.15 during the trading days followed, the net loss in New York of
$40.90 almost exactly offsets it. The net difference between the total POG
gain overseas and the total POG loss in NY is only $.25! Someone who was
thinking manipulation might say to the New York people "Come on - At least
be a little more subtle".

An additional comparison, the change in price from the London AM to the
London PM fix supports the previous conclusions. For twenty-two out of
thirty-three trading days the price was down at the PM fix. This is also a
rate of one-sided differences that is likely to have occurred less than 5
times in 100 by chance. It appears that the selling pressure in New York had
a downward effect on the London price. New York begins its trading between
the AM & PM London fixes.

I have located daily London fix data for the last several years and I'm
currently searching for NY spot closing data for the same time periods. This
analysis should be repeated over a longer period of time to see how far back
in time this pattern extends. But meanwhile….

Up to London! Down in NY! Does this represent the start of the war to
accumulate gold to back competitor currencies to the U.S. dollar vs. U.S.
led manipulation centered in New York?

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