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Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/special/ech/6662/1.html">F
ormer CIA Director Says US Economic Spying Tar…</A>
Former CIA Director Says US Economic Spying Targets "European Bribery"

Duncan Campbell   12.03.2000
"We have spied on that in the past. I hope ... that the United States
government continues to spy on bribery."

Former United States Central Intelligence Agency director James Woolsey
confirmed in Washington this week that the US steals economic secrets "with
espionage, with communications [intelligence], with reconnaissance
satellites", and that there was now "some increased emphasis" on economic

He claimed that economic spying was justified because European companies had
a "national culture" of bribery and were the "principle offenders from the
point of view of paying bribes in major international contracts in the

Responding to the European Parliament report on interception capabilities and
the Echelon satellite surveillance system, Woolsey said that the
"Interception Capabilities 2000" report which had been presented to the
parliament's Citizens' Rights Committee on 23 February, was "intellectually
honest". In two cases cited in the report, "the fact [is] that the subject of
American intelligence collection was bribery."

"That's correct", he told a packed audience of foreign press journalists:
"We have spied on that in the past. I hope ... that the United States
government continues to spy on bribery."

Woolsey maintained that the products of US economic espionage were normally
acted on by the US government rather than given to US companies to use. He
claimed that the US had little need of high-tech espionage because "in a
number of areas ... American industry is technologically the world leader".

However, this was "not universally true. There are some areas of technology
where American industry is behind those of companies in other countries.
[But] by and large American companies have no need nor interest in stealing
foreign technology in order to stay ahead".

But if US intelligence did compile intelligence on technical breakthroughs by
foreign companies, Woolsey believed that this would be passed on.

"Would [...] somebody do a technological analysis of something from a
friendly country, which had no importance, other than a commercial use, and
then let it sit on the shelf because it couldn't be given to the American
company? I think that would be a misuse of the [intelligence] community's
resources. I don't think it would be done."

Whether economic or military, most US intelligence data came from open
sources, he said. But "five percent is essentially secrets that we steal. We s
teal secrets with espionage, with communications, with reconnaissance

Explaining his view that Europe was the main centre of world industrial
bribery, he asked "Why ... have we in the past from time to time targeted
foreign corporations and government assistance to them?"

"Some of our oldest friends and allies have a national culture and a national
practice such that bribery is an important part of the way they try to do
business in international commerce ... The part of the world that where this
culture of getting contracts through bribery, that actually has a great deal
of money, and is active in international contracting is to a first
approximation Europe".
"[...] The principle offenders, from the point of view of paying bribes in
major international contracts in the world, are Europe. And indeed, they are
some of the very same companies -- the companies are in some of the very same
countries where the most recent flap has arisen about alleged American
industrial espionage."

This was not industrial espionage, he believed. "I ... reserve the term
industrial espionage to mean espionage for the direct benefit of an industry.
... I don't call it industrial espionage if the United States spies on a
European corporation to find out if it is bribing its way to contracts in
Asia or Latin America that it can't win honestly."

"Some of our old friends and allies are in this business as well, not only by
putting microphones in the head rests of their airliners which cross the
Atlantic, in first class seats, but in other ways as well ... There are
European countries where .. if you leave your briefcase when you go to
dinner, if you're a businessman and there's anything sensitive in it, you
should have your head examined".

"We have spied on that in the past. I hope, although I have no immediate
verification, that the United States government continues to spy on bribery."

"But whether it does or not, it seems to me that it should be understandable
to anyone who reads the [European Parliament] report, to anyone who thinks at
all about whether American corporations need to steal technological secrets
from foreign corporations, and anyone who is at all sophisticated about the
way international trade and commerce works, that bribery is - or should be in
any case - and certainly was in my time at the heart of U.S. intelligence's
need to collect secret intelligence regarding foreign corporations and
foreign governments' assistance to them".


Copyright © 1996-99 All Rights Reserved. Alle Rechte vorbehalten
Verlag Heinz Heise, Hannover
last modified: 12.03.2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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