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    Activists restage police shooting of
    Rudolph at the scene
    Witnesses describe events for black police

    By SHANNON TANGONAN, The Courier-Journal

    Civil-rights activists staged a re-enactment of the shooting
    of Desmond Rudolph yesterday in the alley where the
    event occurred, saying they are still searching for the

    With the Rev. Louis Coleman at the wheel of his sport
    utility vehicle and others portraying police officers,
    witnesses to Rudolph's shooting led reporters, Rudolph
    family members and onlookers from the back of 3607 Del
    Park Terrace through the alley behind the house.

    Members of the National Black Police Association, who
    attended the re-enactment, criticized police conduct and
    said they would take up the matter with the U.S. Justice

    "The evidence clearly shows that this young man was
    unjustifiably killed," said Doris Byrd, chairwoman of the
    National Black Police Association. "There was no reason
    for his young life to have been taken."

    On May 13, Rudolph was driving a stolen Chevrolet Blazer
    and was attempting to flee from Louisville police officers
    when the vehicle struck a pole and became wedged
    against some stumps. Officers Chris Horn and Paul
    Kinkade fired 22 rounds into the truck, hitting him at least
    10 times.

    Byrd, who is a sergeant with the Chicago Police
    Department, said officers made a series of errors. She
    criticized the officers for failing to secure the stolen vehicle
    and for not taking cover if they felt their lives were in

    Sgt. Rodney Estes, a Louisville police spokesman, said he
    didn't see the re-enactment and that "everyone is entitled
    to their opinion."

    Louisville Public Safety Director Ron Ricucci issued a
    report last month that said several tactical and
    investigative errors were made. But no officer is expected
    to be suspended or fired when an internal investigation is
    completed, Ricucci said.

    Quinesha Rudolph, 25, Desmond Rudolph's cousin,
    attended the re-enactment and said police could have
    used different tactics.

    "Police were wrong for killing him. . . . They need some
    kind of punishment."

    Joyce Whitten, who witnessed the shooting and took part
    in the re-enactment, said the Blazer was stuck when
    officers on the driver's side of the vehicle shouted for
    Rudolph to "get out" and then started shooting.

    "The shots just rang out as if the vehicle was exploding,"
    Whitten said.

    Coleman said activists involved in the re-enactment
    wanted the National Black Police Association's views of the
    shooting. "We want the truth," he said.
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