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Marine Times Published: 03-20-00 Category: WASHINGTON
Page: 20

House Panel Pushes To End Mandatory Anthrax Program

By Deborah Funk

A House panel pushed forward recommendations to suspend the
Pentagon's mandatory anthrax vaccination program, citing concerns of
safety and efficacy.

By a voice vote March 9, the full Committee on Government Reform
adopted the report of its national security subcommittee that, with
limited exceptions, would make the program voluntary until a better
vaccine is developed.

"This program is wrong," said committee chairman Rep. Dan Burton,
R-Ind. "This vaccine has not been adequately tested. People in the
armed forces are being asked to choose between their health, the
well-being of their family and their career."

Burton and the subcommitte's report questioned whether the vaccine
would work in a battlefield situation, particularly against strains of
anthrax for which there are no studies with the vaccine.

Some service members fear retaliation if they express their concerns
or tell their doctors they are ill. Testimony in earlier hearings showed
that for every person who reports an adverse reaction, two more do
not, Burton said.

Burton pointed to cases where troops became ill for long periods of
time after receiving the shots, forfeited careers by refusing the vaccine
or chose to alter their careers to avoid the injections.

The report also raised the issue of the program's vulnerability to
supply shortages and price increases because it has only one supplier.
The current method of making the licensed vaccine requires a
dedicated facility. But a new generation vaccine made with new
technology would not require a dedicated facility.

Vintage technology

The vaccine was licensed in 1970 after being developed in the 1950s
and 1960s. It requires a schedule of six shots over 18 months plus
annual boosters.

"We would not ask our armed forces to fight a battle using rifles and
tanks designed in the 1950s. We should not ask them to risk their
lives relying on 1950s-vintage medical technology, when modern
science has the capacity to produce a safer, more effective vaccine,"
said Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., chairman of the panel's
national security subcommittee.

Launched two years ago, the anthrax vaccination program is one of
the measures the Pentagon is taking to protect U.S. troops against a
biological warfare threat.

Following last month's release of the subcommittee's report, the
Defense Department submitted a 76-page rebuttal. It included Food
and Drug Administration testimony that the vaccine is safe and
effective. It cited an FDA letter saying the vaccine's label does not
prevent the vaccine's use to protect against inhalational anthrax and it
is not experimental.

Disappointing response

In view of the lengthy response to the report, some defense officials
were disappointed in the committee's actions, a source said.

Not everyone on the committee endorsed all of the recommendations,
however. The Government Reform Committee's ranking Democrat,
Rep. Henry Waxman of California, agreed that a sole source places
the program vulnerable to supply shortages and price increases, and
that the program's administration is "logistically complex," but he said
it is not too complex to succeed.

Because committee members are not medical experts, they should
defer to the FDA's opinion on safety and efficacy. Committee
members also are not experts on the threat, Waxman said.

"The anthrax program clearly has problems," Waxman said. "But the
anthrax vaccine is one of the few defenses we currently have against
this deadly threat. The decision whether to use the vaccine despite its
defects or imperfections requires careful balancing of risks and

Despite the committee's adoption of the report, the panel has no
legislative authority or budgetary jurisdiction over the Defense
Department nor the anthrax vaccination program. The program's
oversight rests with the House Armed Services Committee, which so
far has supported the program.

Copies of the report will be sent to the House Armed Services and
Appropriations committees.

Informally, it keeps the issue alive before Congress, and just like any
other member of Congress, supporters of the report could offer the
recommendations as amendments to the defense authorization bill or
the appropriations bill.

Copyright 2000 Army Times Publishing Company. All Rights
Anthrax Vaccine Information Center
Whether you agree with all his positions or not, Keyes
obviously stands out as the only Constitutionalist in a crowd
of socialist Presidential candidates.
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