-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 00-03-20 07:20:13 EST, J2 writes:

<< EXCELLENT! Now THAT'S the right idea. Put Chuck Heston and Bob Barr
 and ol' Wayne in a fenced in area and go get em with high powered
 hunting gear. Then lock up the CEOs and Boards of directors of the gun
 companies for flooding the market with deadly weapons and make them
 support the families of those killed for the rest of their lives.>>

This is the old "guns are evil" argument and it holds no truth in it.  I
thought you claimed to not be a religious person, gun controllers seem to be
a religious organization to me.  If gun manufacturing CEOs and members of the
Board of Dirctors should be locked up if someone commits a crime with one of
their weapons, then the reverse should also be true ... The Parents of the
criminals made him/her, therefore they should be locked up for life, made
sterile so they can't reproduce another violent offspring, and provide
restitution to the families of the victims.  We should also include the
people who manufacture swimming pools since more children drown in pools than
are killed by guns, and their parents are just as guilty for not putting a
lock on that swimming pool.  More children die in fires than by guns, so
let's prosecute the makers of matches and lighters also.  What about motor
vehicles?  They kill more people than guns, so lets hold the car
manufacturers and oil companies responsible also, and the people that sell
them or provide repair parts and include any individual who sells one of
these lethal weapons to another individual ... this pretty much includes most
of the adult population of the United States.  According to your reasoning we
are all criminals ... do you work for the government?  The government wants
to make criminals of  each and every one of us so they can enslave us to do
their bidding and use "legal" means to enforce the slavery.

We have laws already in place to control illegal carrying of guns, but the
government does not enforce them.  The "progressive" Democrat controlled
congress passed many bills including the unconstitutional "Brady bill" but
the Democratic president W.J. Clinton has chosen not to enforce these laws.
Why has he chosen not to enforce existing laws ... think about it, why
prosecute a few, when he can use this to take weapons away from the many.  If
we have no weapons, then the police, military and alphabet agencies can run
rampant and whoever is President will be King.  Clinton is just setting up
Dubya to be King.  You think not!!  Just look at it, Bushski Sr. didn't put
up much of a battle against Klintoon for president in '92, and he kept quiet
during the last 8 years when he could have raked zipperboy really good.  And,
have you noticed zipperboy has said nary a word against Dubya during this
campaign.  (Sorry, getting a little off-topic here.)

The talking heads sing praises to Clinton and the Brady bill for stopping
hundreds of thousands of criminals from obtaining guns, but how many were
prosecuted for trying to obtain a weapon illegally, less than 1/1000th.


* Federal law 18 USC Section 922 prohibits the sale of handguns to
individuals under 21 years of age, and prohibits the sale of any firearm or
ammunition to individuals under 18 years of age. It also generally prohibits
anyone under 18 from possessing a handgun.

* Seven days after the 1999 Littleton, Colorado school massacre, Bill and
Hillary Clinton held a press conference on gun control legislation. Bill
Clinton stated:

"And we smile about that, but there are some people who would be on this
platform today who lost their seats in 1994 because they voted for the Brady
Bill and they voted for the assault weapons ban, and they did it in areas
where people could be frightened."

"Do we know for absolutely certain that if we had every reasonable law and
the ones I'm going to propose here that none of these school violence things
would have happened? No. But we do know one thing for certain; we know there
would have been fewer of them, and there would have been fewer kids killed in
the last several years in America. We know that for certain. We know that."

* In about 5 years since enactment of the Brady Bill and Assault Weapons Ban
in 1993, there have been 9 "school massacres."

* Federal law 18USC Section 922 generally prohibits civilians from having
guns in school zones.

* About 6,000 children were caught with guns at school in 1997 and 1998. Out
of these, 13 were federally prosecuted.

* In Boston, the one city as of 1997 that has collected reliable data
regarding the previous arraignments of juvenile murderers, 77% of juveniles
who murdered other juveniles had prior criminal arraignments. The average
perpetrator had 9.7 arraignments.

* In the 1997 Pearl, Mississippi school massacre, sixteen year old Luke
Woodham stabbed his mother to death and then proceeded to school where he
shot 9 students, killing 2 of them. An assistant principal using a gun
stopped Woodham. The assistant principal kept the gun locked in his car
outside the school zone and ran to his car to obtain the gun. The assistant
principal controlled Woodham for four and a half minutes before the police

* John Lott's crime study found that states which adopted concealed carry
laws saw an 84% decrease in the number of multiple victim public shootings,
resulting in a 90% decline in deaths arising from such instances.

Take a close look at the NRA.  The people that run it are not preaching in
favor of the second amendment.  They compromise the second amendment every
chance they get and the membership praises them for it.  The NRA leaders can
be compared to the leaders of unions who have also sold out their

<< Then make it mandatory for each and every gun owner to get finger
 printed and licensed to own the weapon. Then for a period of one year
 make it legal for police to stop and search any one for an
 unregistered weapon. ONLY for unregistered weapons. Any other contraband
discovered can not be used as evidence. If someone is packing an unlicensed
 in public, they must do mandatory five years with no parole.

 Gun manufacturers and gun sellers MUST show that the customer is
 licensed to own a gun or face a mandatory five year sentence.>>

What were you thinking here?  Give the government the right to steal what is
rightfully your's ... a fingerprint ... the government has no legal right to
your fingerprint.  Holy Shit!!!  you want the government to have leagal
authority for unlawful search and seizures for one year?  If they get that
authority, you think they will give it up after one year ... no way.  Then
they will expand it to drugs of course, then large sums of money (and
consider you a drug dealer ... maybe an arms dealer), maybe they will arrest
people for a tail light being defective or any other thing they deem to be
illegal in their infinite wisdom.  Never, never give up a freedom for
supposed safety.

<< Anyone committing a crime with a gun MUST go to jail for a minimum of
 ten years without parole. Any accidental shooting or killing of a
 person will be the liability of the shooter AND the owner of the
 weapon, and they both must be liable for all damages suffered by the
 victim. The same goes for the suicide of anyone other than the gun

Are you saying here that we do not have the right to our own life?  It is our
life and if someone doesn't want to live, they have every right to commit
suicide by any means hey want.  You can't prosecute someone who has blown
their brains out.

<< Anyone committing murder of one person WITH A GUN must go to prison
 for life without parole, and MUST compensate the closest family for the
 rest of his/her life. Anyone committing murder with a gun of more than
 one person MUST be killed by the state.>>

This seems to point toward legalization of slavery.  Not a bad idea if all
criminals were forced to pay for their actions.  I would include all
"managers" of public and private corporations in this as well.  The crimes
they commit would make them slaves for the rest of their lives, and I mean
hard labor, real physically demanding work rather than the supposed "work"
they do of directing and controlling their personal slaves of the corporation
... the real workers.

<< Any police or government official killing an unarmed civilian Must get
 life without parole, and compensate the family for the rest of his
 life. Any police or government official who kills unarmed civilians
 must get the death penalty and be killed by the state. Any government
 official ordering the killing of an American citizen, MUST get the
 death penalty.

 There should be no statute of limitations for government murder of
 unarmed civilians AND there can be NO PARDONS either. >>

The statements above are excellent ideas and should be made into laws
immediately.  I would vote for anyone supporting legislation of this type.
The government should be controlled by the people, better yet, do away with
government altogether.  If someone was to seriously look at how government
has been killing the citizenry over the last 200 or so years, we could
probably come up with enough evidence to kill off or imprison nearly all
government officials, especially at the Federal level, but without guns to
back us up, we would only be targets, unarmed targets.  The major moguls of
corporations would also have their heads on the chopping block as well ...
After all, corporations are just little pissant governments controlling our
futures and taking our lives as they see fit.

Bob Stokes

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