-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Great book. Authors a nice guy too. Gavin.

<< From: Ed Wolfe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >Subject: [piml] "Unintended Conseqeunces" pgs. 337 and 338
 >Rec'd from: Patricia Neill
 >In light of current events, the following excerpt from Ross' book merits
 >The quote is from "Unintended Consequences" pages 337 and 338:
 >"A woman is confronted by a big, strong, stranger.  She doens't know
 >  what he's planning, and she's cautious.  Getting away from him is not
 >  possible.  They're in a room and he's standing in front of the only way
 >  out, or she's in a wheelchair - whatever.  Leaving the area is not an
 >  option.
 >"So now he starts to do things she doesn't like.  He asks her for
 >  money. She can try to talk him out of it, just like we argue for lower
 >  taxes, and maybe it will work.  If it doesn't, and she gets outvoted,
 >  she'll probably choose to give to give it to him instead of getting into
 >  a fight to the death over ten dollars.  You would probably choose to pay
 >  your taxes rather than have the police arrive to throw you in jail.
 >"Maybe this big man demands some other things, other minor
 >assaults on this women's dignity.  When should she claw at his eyes or
 >shove her
 >  ballpoint pen in his throat?  When he tries to force her to kiss him?
 >  Tries to force her to let him touch her?  Tries to force her to have sex
 >  with him?"  Henry took a deep breath and shrugged.
 >"Those are questions that each woman has to answer for herself.
 >There is one situation, though, where I tell women to fight to the death.
 >  That's when the man pulls out a pair of handcuffs and says, 'Come on, I
 >  promise I won't hurt you, this is just so you won't flail around and
 >  hurt either of us by accident.  Come on, I just want to talk, get in the
 >  van and let me handcuff you to this eyebolt here, and I promise I won't
 >  touch you.  I'm not asking you to put on a gag or anything, and since
 >  you can still scream for help, you know you'll be safe.  Come on, I got
 >  a full bar in here, and color TV, and air-conditioning, great stereo,
 >  come on, just put on the cuffs.'
 >"I tell women that if that ever happens, maybe the man is telling the
 >  truth, and maybe after talking to her for a while he'll let her go and
 >  she will have had a good time drinking champagne and listening to
 >  music.  But if she gets in the van and puts her wrists in the handcuffs,
 >  she has just given up her future ability to fight, and now it is too
 >  late."  Henry realized he had been making eye contact with all the other
 >  people in the lecture hall, just as he did when he taught a course.  Now
 >  he looked directly at the professor.
 >"How do you spot the precise point where a society is standing at the
 >  back of the van and the State has the handcuffs out?"


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