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Does Echelon Murder US Scientists Who Challenge the Special Collection
           By Virginia McCullough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                    Copyright 2000 by Virginia McCullough

            In January of 1992 a committee investigating "Scientists
            and Human Rights in Guatemala" met with the
            Guatemalan Ambassador to the United States, Juan Jose
            Caso-Fanjul. Among other concerns they expressed to
            him was their interest in seeing those responsible for the
            murder of anthropologist Myrna Mack brought to justice.
            Members of the committee gave the ambassador the
            committee's list of colleagues who were believed to have
            been killed for political reasons or who had simply

            One issue the committee addressed was "the attached list
            of 32 scientists, engineers, health professionals, and
            students of these disciplines, who are reported to have
            disappeared or have been murdered -- in some cases
            after being abducted". [For the complete report please go
            to: http://www.nap.edu/html/guat/mission.html ]

            It would be very interesting to have just such a
            committee appointed to look into the kidnappings,
            disappearances and murders of scientists executed in the
            United States. What type of outrage would be generated
            if just two of the murders connected to the Echelon
            technology could be examined? Would there be justice
            for the family of Dr. Eric Rosskoss who was killed on
            June 29, 1960? Would law enforcement suddenly find
            the killer of Alan David Standorf murdered in January of

            This author was an associate and friend of investigative
            reporter, Joseph "Danny" Casolaro. Danny was hot on
            the trail of what he called "The Octopus", an intricate
            web of black operations ranging from drugs-for-arms to
            pornography-for-control. The common denominator was
            profit. The gold and money was laundered through a
            variety of banks from Nugen Hand to BCCI, commonly
            called the Bank of Crooks and Criminals Inc.

            Casolaro shared information with many reporters around
            the world and interviewed numerous CIA/DIA/DEA/NSA
            operatives in his quest for the truth. He called me one
            evening and sounded very excited. He said that he was
            going to meet a source at the Sheraton Inn in
            Martinsburg, West Virginia. He claimed that the source
            was very close to Senator Byrd, the patron of the CIA.
            He announced that this source was going to "give me [the
            solution to] the Inslaw case on a silver platter".

            Two days later I received a call from a mutual friend
            who was crying. She told me she had just talked with the
            owners of the Inslaw Corporation, Bill and Nancy
            Hamilton. They were in shock and told her that Danny
            Casolaro had been found dead in his room at the
            Sheraton Inn. His naked body was found in a bathtub
            filled with bloody water. Both wrists had been slashed to
            the bone numerous times, drugs were found in his body,
            a 'suicide' note allegedly written in his own handwriting
            was found nearby. His clothes were found neatly folded
            on the bed. All of his countless files and reporter's notes
            were missing. No files or paperwork was found in his
            car. His body was embalmed before his family was
            notified as though someone was in a hurry to cover up a
            murder eventually labeled a suicide. The vast majority of
            reporters who had worked with Danny believe to this day
            that Casolaro was executed by the very forces he was

            The last person to see Danny Casolaro alive was a man
            named Bill Turner. I interviewed Turner many times
            over the phone before he was arrested and jailed on
            phony bank robbery charges. In one such interview,
            Turner told me that the only time he had seen the
            reporter depressed was in January of 1991, about six or
            seven months before his murder. Turner said Danny was
            sad and told him that he had "lost a very important
            source" whose body was discovered "stuffed in the trunk
            of his car at the Washington Airport."

            Pursuing that lead led to a conversation with Detective
            Joseph Young of the Airport Police. Young
            acknowledged that a man named Alan David Standorf,
            34, of Warrenton, Virginia, had been found in his car by
            an airport patrolman on January 29. Young stated that
            Standorf had apparently been beaten to death several
            weeks earlier and his body was covered with luggage and
            personal effects. Later Dr. Stephen Sheehy of the
            Medical Examiner's office in Northern Virginia would
            confirm that Standorf had died from a blunt force blow
            to the back of the head around January 4.

            Police said that Standorf was a civilian employee at Vint
            Hill Farm, a military installation near Manassas, Virginia.
            That facility is a US Army Information Systems
            Command Center that gathers electronic intelligence from
            spy satellites and other sources around the world. It
            operates in top secrecy under the National Security
            Agency. Standorf oversaw the repair and distribution of
            electronic equipment at Vint Hill.

            Standorf's family stated that he had resigned from his
            civilian job the previous month because his Army
            Reserves had been called up for Persian Gulf War
            training at Fort Bragg, N.C. Family members last saw
            him alive on December 28 and he was last seen alive by
            his landlady on January 2.

            Standorf's mother would worry when Alan told her he
            might get out of military work to become a policeman.
            Most of Standorf's military career has been spent in
            intelligence divisions around the world. Alan's mother,
            Jeanette, told him that a policeman's job was dangerous
            and her son responded, "What I do now is dangerous".

            Within hours the Airport Police could or would no longer
            talk to reporters. When told that Standorf had been a
            source to murdered Danny Casolaro, Lt. Norman Ford,
            of the airport police, said, "This is not strictly a police
            investigation anymore. The government is involved too".
            He acknowledged to this reporter that the FBI and Army
            authorities were working together with police from the
            airport and Martinsburg, West Virginia.

            It was later confirmed that Standorf and Casolaro had
            been meeting and copying documents in a hotel room in
            Martinsberg. Someone did not appreciate their
            communicating and both men ended up murdered within
            the same year. Did Echelon kill a reporter and the man
            working at Vint Hill?

            Investigating the Standorf murder led to sources who
            wish to rename anonymous. These sources
            independently confirmed that another source of
            Casolaro's had been killed in June of 1990. All that was
            known, at that time, was that he had been run over on
            Highway I-95 near the Imporia, Virginia exit.

            The man turned out to be Dr. Eric Rosskoss who worked
            for the National Computer Security Center at the time of
            his death. Rosskoss had been a boyhood genius who
            earned his PhD from Vanderbilt and soon began working
            for the CIA, NSA, and the IDA [International Defense
            Agency]. The IDA was identified by an associate of
            Rosskoss's as a "spook agency".

            Dr. Rosskoss had worked at the National Computer
            Security Center since 1988 on a three year program
            entitled "The Trusix Papers". This was a trusted
            computer system for UNIX designed to develop security
            systems for large companies, according to another
            employee of the Center. The Trusix Papers had been
            criticized by several large companies who publicly stated
            that the development was really a front for the NSA that
            would allow the agency to install a 'back door' or 'Trojan
            Horse' in order to monitor the 'companies' private
            product development.

            In March or April of 1990, Eric told his parents that his
            employer or someone at the Center had injected errors
            into a paper he had written and was trying to get him to
            sign reaffirming his authorship of the paper. He sounded
            very upset.

            The last time his parents heard from their son, Eric, was
            at 2:00 a.m. on June 27, 1990. He called his parents and
            said, "There are strange goings on and I am going to get
            to the bottom ot it -- I know what I have to do".

            On Saturday, June 30, 1990 at 11:00 a.m., Eric's parents
            received a call from law enforcement. They were told
            that Eric was dead. He had apparently been seen walking
            naked down the center divider of Highway I-95.
            Someone called police who said they arrived within 45
            seconds but it was too late. A man who said that he had
            been driving all night had hit and killed Dr. Rosskoss at
            3:30 a.m. the night of Friday, June 29, 1990. Of course,
            the determination was that Eric had committed suicide.

            Rosskoss had been staying at the Comfort Inn where he
            had checked in to attend a meeting. None of his clothes
            were found; his shoes were gone; the glasses he needed
            to see were missing; no paperwork was discovered. It
            was as if Dr. Rosskoss had never been there.

            Eric's parents went to Virginia to pick up his car and
            drive it back. It behaved funny on the trip home. They
            took it to their mechanic who told them the lug bolts and
            pins were missing from the front wheel. The mechanic
            told them someone had tampered with the car. The
            parents contacted the local FBI and expressed their
            concern. The FBI responded to them by advising them
            "to stay out of Virginia" for their own safety.

            So this, then, is how America treats its scientists who
            work on the project called Echelon. Certainly it is not
            unreasonable to request a committee be formed to
            investigate the issue of Scientists and Human Rights in
            the United States. The results would determine just how
            free we are in this country.

            (c) 2000 Virginia McCullough First published by
            NewsMakingNews http://www.newsmakingnews.com

Jim Keith
1949 - 1999

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