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From: Mike Balogmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Friends & Associates:
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 3:30 Pm Est.
Subject: Anthrax protest

>           More Military Anthrax Revolt
> Air Force Reservists Break Ranks on Vaccination Military: The
> service requires anthrax shots. But some pilots who also fly for
> airlines are protesting, claiming risks to their health and careers.

> By AMY PYLE, Times Staff Writer
> DAVIS, Calif.--Maj. Ramona Savoie and Maj. James Hechtl were not
> the type to question authority. They were patriots first, Air Force
> pilots second and commercial pilots third. But facing a military
> that they be vaccinated against germ warfare--specifically the deadly
> virus--the Travis Air Force Base reservists found themselves caught
> military duty and civilian responsibility.

> If the anthrax vaccine is safe, why did the couple know people who had
> rashes, immune system disorders and seizures after taking just a few of
> required six shots in the anthrax series? Even if the chances of a bad
> were slight, how could they in good conscience take any risk with the
lives of their
> commercial passengers?
> "The price you put on 150 lives is incalculable," said Hechtl, a pilot
with South-
> west  Airlines. "We do owe it to our passengers to be in the best health
we can
> be; we owe it to our crew," added Savoie, who flies the Oakland-to-Dallas
> for American Airlines. Not to mention the fact that becoming incapacitated
in any
> way could jeopardize the Gulf War veterans' careers in the lucrative
> field, where pilots are not even allowed to take cold medicine for fear it
> dull their senses.

>Savoie had one more reason for concern: She was in a fertility program,
> to get pregnant. Now, at 45, she is expecting twins. So the two became
> leaders of an unlikely group of protesters:

> Air Force Reserve pilots who make their living flying commercial jets.
> On Monday, they joined 15 other pilots at a Davis news conference
> calling for an immediate cessation of the anthrax vaccination program.
> Most have shunned their weekend warrior duty for months to avoid having
> to disobey a direct vaccination order.
> "There is a time for blind obedience; we know that," said Lt. Col. Rick
> Morris, a Delta Air Lines pilot who transferred to a reserve desk job to
> avoid the inoculations. "But this is not wartime, [and] everybody's
> being told to close those eyes."

> The news conference was organized by Washington, D.C., attorney
> Mark Zaid, who has been civilian counsel in many of the courts martial
> involving anthrax vaccine refusals. He was an attorney in the nation's
> such case, that of an active-duty airman from Travis.

> Even before it was ordered for all troops in 1998, the vaccination stirred
> controversy because of questions about efficacy and possible connections
> to illness among Gulf War veterans. The military maintains that the
> is perfectly safe, pointing out that more than 400,000 service members
> taken it and only 620 have reported adverse effects. Of those, only 70
took time
> off work, said Army medical representative Virginia Stephanakis.

> Zaid said that number is meaningless because many problems are
> never reported. Pilots, in particular, do not want to jeopardize their
> status by acknowledging less than perfect health, he said.

> At Travis, about half of the 3,000 reservists have started the series of
> Base spokesman Lt. Tom Crosson said he had taken three and had
> "no reactions" at all. He would not comment further on the reservists'
> actions. Nationwide, more than 10,000 Air Force reservists and 22,000 Air
> National Guard members have been inoculated, Stephanakis said. Airline
> companies have not taken a position on the anthrax vaccine, though many of
> their pilots are in the reserves. At Southwest Airlines, spokeswoman Linda
> Rutherford said, about one in 10 pilots are reservists.

> Airlines have a somewhat symbiotic relationship with the military. The
> pays the millions that it costs to train a pilot. When that pilot is ready
to move on,
> the airlines provide flexibility for them to continue to serve their
country with as little
> as 24 hours' notice. That was how Savoie ended up at American and Hechtl
> Southwest while still piloting gigantic military transport planes on both
war and relief
> missions to Kosovo, Bosnia, Somalia and elsewhere. Travis continued to be
a big
> part of their social lives, too. It was, Savoie said, "like the lodge
without the hats."

> At their 1998 wedding, their squadron formed a tunnel with swords raised.
> Hechtl wore his dress blues and Savoie even slipped her medal-laden jacket
> over her white satin wedding dress during the reception.

> When they heard last spring that anthrax vaccines would soon be required
> of reservists who enter war zones, the two automatically figured they
> comply. Their medical records show they have taken dozens of shots in the
> past three years--from flu to typhoid--to meet reserve requirements. But
> of protests and problems elsewhere caused them to seek more information.
> The Internet led them to conflicting government reports and to Zaid, who
> testified before Congress on the subject.

> Instead of disobeying orders, both Hechtl and Savoie tried to transfer to
> jobs last June, before any orders were issued. While similar requests from
> were granted, theirs were turned down. Savoie opted to retire. But Hechtl,
who at 38
> is four years short of the 20 years required for military retirement
benefits, is
> continuing to fight his denial with Zaid's help.

> "We've put our full faith and trust in the U.S. government, we are such
> supporters," Hechtl said. But "the more research we did [on the vaccine],
> the more questions we had."

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