-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

So busy worrying about bringing more children
into the world so that many do not have to worry
about taking care of the adults.  I guess since
they are surplus - it has to be all right?
How about not worrying about that so much
- I do assume that you eat chicken eggs -
the unborn young, put a specific date of
being human, define what a human is that
makes us different from an ant type society,
and make a commitment to the ones already born
or to be born that they will live in the highest
values of Humanity.

I do not like what happened because they were Sadist
not Satanist, Christians, or anything else.
they were Sadistic in their dealings with other
life forms and seemed to advocate an ant type society.

considering who Koresh's mentors and supporters seem
to have been
Bush Sr. & his whelps - who supported Hitler and I assume the snuff
films that
        are happening over there now.
Clinton, Bill - who likes children, since it seems that most
        others see through him.
Clinton, Hillary - who does what ever she thinks it takes
        Moral, she left those a long time ago
Dole and Gore - who are trying to get in good by using
        things like Coors.
Reno - Sadist in training.
Considering the line up I assume that there had to
be CIA agents there too.  Blame the FBI?
And it seems if you  have CIA you have soviets
the sadist soviets at least.

Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> </A> -Cui Bono?-
> From: "Tara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I hate to burst the bubble you live in Ali, but the United States
> and Canada
> > are not (at least now) in any way, shape, or form even
> Christian-like.
> > Canada might be considered a Koreshian-like country, since we do
> kill our
> > own children (unborn, though, unlike that cult, which didn't seem to
> be
> > picky).
> The 'cult', as you deem it, never killed children, nor was ever even
> accused
> of killing children.
> June
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