-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

I 've said it before, and I'll say it again. I sincerely believe that Posner
is a government plant used to write this "unbelievable" crap extolling the
"guilt" of those formally charged with the assassinations of JFK and MLK.
Up until Posner's book "Case Closed"?; there were numerous accounts with
credible facts and testimonies put forth in book after book making the
"Warren Commision" look like a bunch of fools.(Personally, I don't believe
the members of the W.C. really believed their own accounts of the murder of
JFK) They are just too intelligent to swallow the info. claiming those
"alleged" facts concerning Oswald's guilt as the "lone nut" who was able to
kill JFK all by himself. I also find it hard to believe that Posner really
believes that info.
Whatever you were paid Posner, I hope it was truly worth it to you, because
you really sold-out your credibility as a reasonable intelligent person.
I mean, after digesting all the info. put forth regarding the murder, how is
it that you can think your "spin" on all of it can hold water? Where is your
deductive reasoning?
Your book did nothing in the way of swaying the public's opinion regarding
JFK's murder. It just made you look like a fool who sold-out to the powers
that be in an effort to sway the American public's opinion-but to no

Just my opinion,
PS I realize this is a
late reply; been busy lately!

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