-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

In a message dated 03/08/2000 10:15:15 PM Central Standard Time,

" A hippo needs 100 pounds of food everyday,
 compared with a few pounds for human beings. Further it does not produce
 any of the food it consumes. No animal ever does. Only human beings
 produce their own food."
" If there were an economic argument against overpopulation, you would
  think that it would apply to all animals except human beings."

Animals don't produce a lot of things which people do.
Animals don't appropriate vast areas of the earth and interrupt the
natural varieties of plant and animal life with monocultures of hybrid and
genetically engineered crops.
Animals don't permanently destroy vast areas of plantlife and animal habitat
by strip mining, clear-cut lumber harvesting,  building cities and paving over
the ground with asphalt and concrete.
Animals don't dump millions of tons of industrial waste poisons and
pollutants into the earth's water systems and atmosphere.
You point out that "lions eat goats" and "jayhawks eat chickens".
Yes...but animal predators do not hunt and kill their prey to extinction.
If they did, the lions would have driven zebras to extinction long ago and
the killer whales would have eaten all the seals.
The point is that animals do not stress and distort  the earth's
ecosystems as man does.
While we are able to artificially increase the life-carrying capacity
of our planet through clever methods of increasing food supply, we are
severely damaging the quality of life....our own, and the life of the
other species that co-inhabit the earth with us.
30 billion plus people on earth may be a possibility, but if it's true
that we are an intelligent species, we will make other choices.
     Regards to All

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