-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000403b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/02_04_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, excuses, news/views: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No cultists achieved salvation during production of this bulletin. Ratz.
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@ DOTS: http://www.angelfire.com/de/pdemps/dots.jpg
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: CORRECTION re: the frontline in today's previous bulletin:
[ @ Multiple Religion Abuse: http://www.dci.dk/grafik/DCcollage77.jpg ]

"Dci.dk is the most extreme Fundy-org. in Denmark, run by the infamous
theologian Johannes Aagaard." [ via [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Thanks, o.c. ]
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# The cult watchdog. Mike Garde is employed by Ireland's major churches
  to monitor the country's 100-plus alternative religions. He explains
  why we're now more susceptible to the `unsettling presence' of cults:

# 'Trust in God and everything will be alright,' they said, but it wasn't.
  Fear cult: http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/features/2000/0322/fea2.htm
@ Father Ted of Craggy Is. http://www.geocities.com/Paris/2694/craggy.html
# Pope John Paul II says: INDULGENCES ARE AN AID TO CONVERSION. More should
  be marketed and sold: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=48618

: Have you monitored any cults lately? Have any cults monitored you? Is your
cult monitoring other cults? Do you engage in cross-cult-ural warfare? D'ya
work for deities/demons, angels/aliens, robots/revisionists, financiers, me?

# Robertson Admits Satanic Connection. Williamsburg, VA. (IndNews)  To a
  shocked audience in his '700 CLUB' television studio, televangelist and
  CBN head the Rev. Pat Robertson admitted that he is a "tool of Satan."
  I *knew* it!  [via http://web.pitas.com/revelation66/ March 30, 2000]
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# EXHIBITION ON HOLY SHROUD OPENS IN ROME. Rome: As from last week, pilgrims
  visiting the Basilica of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem in Rome -where relics
  that according to an ancient tradition belong to the cross of the Lord
  Jesus are kept- may also deepen in another popular devotion rooted in the
  life of the Church and related to the crucifixion, death and rising of the
  Lord: the Holy Shroud. http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=48627

@ Apollonius of Tyana by Solarion. SEE! That Christianity borrowed from the
  pagans and not the other way around is also described in this exerpt from
  the channeled book 'Oahspe': http://homepages.go.com/~newviews/joshu.html

: Have'ya visited/created/exploited any holy relics lately? Do vast energies
invest those relics? Have you stolen icons of power from opposing religions?
Are stolen/borrowed/abstracted icons the most powerful? Do they glow? Much?

# Headless chicken sculpture made. FRUITA, Colo. (AP) - For 18 months in the
  1940s, it seemed as if Mike the headless chicken may be immortal. Now he's
  immortalized in a 4-foot [1.3M] metal sculpture in his hometown. An artist
  made the 300-pound replica using ax heads and hay-rake teeth, along with
  sickle blades and other cutting objects. Headless but hopping, like a Holy
  Roller: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2565336365-913
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# CIA discloses Korean spy records. WASHINGTON (AP) - The CIA lost so many
  Korean agents in futile attempts to operate behind enemy lines during the
  Korean War that the agency later privately judged its use of US-trained
  loyalists as "morally reprehensible." Thousands of agents wasted:

# Thief Grabs Nazi ENIGMA Code Machine. LONDON (Reuters) A thief out-foxed
  a former British spy centre by walking off with a rare ENIGMA machine:
# U.S. to Denmark: We're not spies. Canadian spy: Oh yes they are.
@ CIA's covert backing of Encounter shows no one is safe. Intellectuals
  think they are free, but they are pawns in an insidious game. Or not??

: Is your security service competent? Have you been penetrated? Are you run
by enemies/aliens/Illuminati/morons? Do security agents just pretend to be
morons so their opponents won't take them seriously? Are they hypnotized??

# Police Face Questions. WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Panicky police open fire
  on an escaped tiger and end up killing a veterinarian. Mayhem erupts
  in a courtroom after gang members smuggle grenades past cops into their
  own extortion trial. Officers blow up half an apartment building trying
  to flush out a pair of murder suspects. And that's just this month.
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# Sound Waves May Be Used To Generate Energy, Produce Weapons, More. Sound,
  as any deafened rocker will tell you, can be surprisingly powerful. Huh?
  So powerful, in fact, that scientists are discovering just what a little
  bit of pumped-up volume is capable of - from levitating objects in space
  to rearranging our guts. http://www.sightings.com/general/soundwaves.htm

# Shedding light on dark matter. (AP) The invisible and so far unidentified
  dark matter that accounts for 90% of the universe could soon be brought to
  light as scientists develop sensitive detectors capable of sniffing out
  tiny particles predicted by theory but not yet proven to exist. If weakly
  interacting massive particles - WIMPs - are detected, the finding could
  solve fundamental mysteries of the universe: how it formed after the Big
  Bang, the nature of its structure and whether it will all end in a Big
  Crunch. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2565372731-309

: Have you discovered any matter/energy/time/space lately? Have'ya developed
new applications for any of the above? D'ya prefer WIMPs or MACHOs? Are you
pumped up? Have you pumped-up any matter/energy/time/space lately? Sweating?

# Chandra Penetrates Mystery: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9621601
# Students Develop Mini Satellites: www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9622898
@ The Tao of Physics: http://www.blather.net/bookstore/capra_tao.html
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# UK to Back Human Embryo Cloning for Research. LONDON (Reuters) - Britain
  is expected to approve the cloning of human embryos for medical research,
  which could allow scientists to create spare parts for the body. I need'em
  NOW! http://news.excite.com/news/r/000402/20/science-britain-cloning2
  And http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_699000/699627.stm

# Pope slams artificial insemination, procreation methods, wasted embryos,
  teledildonics, Pokemon: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9622053
  women all vote twice? http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=48617

: What do you do with spare parts, extra fetuses, surplus blood, redundant
tissues, extraneous people, unused brains? Is there a good market for human
bits'n'pieces? Should this muck be bought, sold, rented, given away, tossed?

# Mummies yield medical secrets. (BBC) Egyptologists say mummies are now
  being used as a test bed in experiments involving some of the very latest
  medical equipment, including DNA checks, hi-tech scanning & insemination.
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  "There is no sin except stupidity." --Oscar Wilde

* Rev.R.Carter, ULC * http://skepticon.pitas.com * FAX: 603-415-3736
* SkeptiNews bulletins now *ONLINE* at: http://skeptinews.pitas.com/
* Fringes of Thought, Experience, Behavior, Knowledge, Foreboding...

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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