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Digital Society

Chinese Log On to Honor the Dead

Virtual immortality.

THOUSANDS of Chinese urban professionals are building digital "memorial
halls" for their ancestors on the internet, joining a nationwide surge in
enthusiasm for paying respects to the graves of family members.

After decades of enforced atheism, traditional rites and beliefs have soared
in popularity, as Chinese shaken by the collapse of the old Communist
certainties seek a new spiritual direction. Despite government warnings
against "superstition" and calls for cremation rather than wasting precious
land on graves, many of the new rich are lavishing their money on the dead.

Thousands of internet users are logging on to a web site devoted to ancestor
worship, founded by Beijing computer graduates with Singapore Chinese
investment, in time for the annual festival of Qing Ming, Tomb Sweeping Day,
tomorrow. The web site has provoked approving newspaper headlines, and claims
to have had 300,000 visits in the first few days of operation.

Tomorrow will see pious families cleaning graves, making offerings of cake,
fruit and incense, and burning paper funeral money to give the deceased
something to spend in the afterlife. Provincial Communist cadres have been
caught erecting vast mausoleums to their own memories. Beijing issued a stern
warning that all memorials built with public funds had to receive government

But a growing number of well-educated Chinese have found work far from their
home towns, and cannot return for Qing Ming. The new Chinese-language
internet site offers urbanites the chance to construct their own "memorial
halls" for family members, choosing from a variety of architectural and
religious styles.

Photographs can be posted in the hall, as well as poems, prayers, obituaries
and brief snatches of music. Visitors may light candles, and lay virtual
flowers. Halls are free for the moment, though the company aims to charge
wealthy patrons for the construction of elaborate memorials. More than 1,000
"halls" have been built.
The London Telegraph, April 4, 2000

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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