-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

From: Mike Balog [U.A.I.C.-VT.] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Special Receipant List:
Date: Wed., April 5, 2000 11:00:00 Am EDT.
From: The Republican <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 9:03 PM
Subject: Truly Scary

> FWD via Jim Hardin.
> Note:  I can attest somewhat to the article below, but
> my experience was not nearly as troubling.  Five years
> ago when my then 8 year old son had an appendectomy
> we were presented with a form that asked point blank
> if we had firearms in the home and if so if they were
> locked up.  I responded that it was not their business
> and questioned them as to why the interest in firearms.
> They stated that it was because of the danger that
> guns present in the home.  I wrote to the administrator
> with some firearm facts, including that bicycles and pools
> were more of a danger and presented no protection
> benefits as did firearms, pointing out that they did not
> ask about pools or bikes, or alcohol for that matter.  I
> received no response.  - Tony
> Friends,
> Forget the census. The medical profession is much more intrusive.
> The medical profession has long been opposed to gun ownership.
> And, leadership at the National Center for Disease Control, in
> Atlanta, was recently shaken up after their dis-information on gun
> ownership was exposed for what it was.
> Also, doctors have, for several years, been informants for
> law enforcement. There have been many cases where doctors,
> required by law, have reported suspected cases of abuse that
> were found to be baseless. Nevertheless, lives and families were
> sometimes destroyed when families went to a "doctor" for help.
> Now, we see the foundation of "abuse" being defined as a
> parent who owns a gun. What happened to the first duty of
> a doctor: "Cause no harm".
> Jim Hardin
> The Freedom Page
> http://freedompage.home.mindspring.com
> To receive Freedom Page mail, put "Subscribe"
> as subject to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To be removed, put "Remove" as subject.
> Alabama Committee To Get Us Out of the UN
> http://themustardseed.home.mindspring.com
> From: "helenhendrickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [wa-ccw] OT: Truely scary
>  >This, from the American Academy of Pediatrics has me really worried.
>  >
>  >http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/children/04/03/kids.firearms/index.html
>  >
>  >Within the article is the following:
>  >
>  >"The Chicago-based group representing 55,000 children's doctors urged
>  >pediatricians to ask questions about guns as they take their
>  >patients' histories and to suggest that parents remove guns from the
>  >home."
>  >
>  >Is this the first step toward declaring parents with guns in the
>  >house "unfit", and that the pediatritions will be calling social
>  >services in to monitor children in houses that might contain guns?
>  >Given the almost carte-blance power that we give to authorities to
>  >investigate child abuse (e.g. Winatchi), this really has me worried.
>  >It doesn't seem to far fetched, given this, to have Dr's. declare
>  >that having guns in the house is a form of child endangerment that
>  >needs to be overseen by authorities.
>  >
>  >Dave Wagner
> [Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
> Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]
> ------------------------------
> A.K. Pritchard
> http://www.ideasign.com/chiliast/
> http://rosie.acmecity.com/songfest/189/
> To subscribe to  "The Republican"  email list - just ask!
> "The Bill of Rights was provided as a barrier, to protect
> the individual against arbitrary exactions of... legislators,
> (and) courts... it is the primary distinction between
> democratic and totalitarian way." ReStoller, Supreme
> Court of Florida, en blanc, 36 SO. 2ND 433, 445 (1948)

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