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Follow The Money - Before Exiling Elian

John LeBoutillier
Thursday April 6, 2000

Who is paying for Greg Craig to serve as Juan Miguel Gonzalez' lawyer?
Craig is the Washington D.C. lawyer who probably charges $600 per hour and
recently represented President Clinton during his impeachment trial.

Keep in mind that lawyers like Mr. Craig charge even for TV appearances. So
every time we see  Craig on the "Today" show with Katie Couric or on ABC
with Sam and Cokie, you can also hear the "ca-ching" of the cash register.
Legal bills can add up into the five figures very quickly. And he  just
made a whirlwind roundtrip to Havana, probably on a private plane with
another lawyer from his firm, that will cost thousands more in fees and

Certainly Elian's father can not and is not paying this tab. He is but a
slave of the Cuban State and would have virtually no assets. Under Castro's
Soviet-style communism, men like Juan Miguel can only keep what they save
from their earnings - which often averages around $12-$40 per month.

So who is paying for Craig - and who hired him?

Either Castro's government - broke and desperate for money, thus the heavy
push to have us lift our trade embargo - is paying, or Clinton arranged for
someone else to pay.

Either way raises some questions:

1) Did Fidel hire Craig figuring that the lawyer was "wired" with Clinton
and could thus get Clinton to send Elian back?

2) Did Clinton "assign" Craig to this job thinking that, if he could get
him off in the Republican-controlled Senate, he could figure a legal way to
ship little Elian back to Cuba?

3) Or did someone else - perhaps a rich Castro sympathizer in favor of
trading with Havana or some left-wing church group sympathetic to communist
governments - foot the bill and hire Craig?

What are the odds that any member of the national news media will even ask
Mr. Craig these questions when he next appears on television?

After Diane Sawyer's disgraceful performance last week with Elian, it is
hard to see anyone - other than the Fox News Channel - who will ask these
important questions of Mr. Craig.

Does Fidel have "something" on Clinton and figure the best way to
communicate this to our El Presidente is through his impeachment lawyer?
These are all key questions that need to be answered before Elian is exiled
back to Camp Cuba.

We, the taxpayers, have a right to know how our tax dollars are being used
in this case. And we have a right to know how Greg Craig is dealing with
our paid employees - Clinton, Reno, and the INS officials and lawyers, for
example. And, if some tax-exempt church or charitable group is paying for
Mr. Craig, we have a right to know that, too, because we are indirectly
"subsidizing" his fees through that tax-exempt status.

During the Watergate investigation the cardinal rule became "Follow the
money". That applies here, too. If we find out who is paying for this Oval
Office confidant, this expensive and "wired" inside-the-beltway "fixer," we
will know the real reasonso many forces are so determined to ship one
little boy back to communism.

By the way, all you Court-TV junkies and lovers of legal cases, legal fees
are notprotected by lawyer-client privilege. Thus it is not impossible that
through some proceeding we may be able to find out who is paying.

My advice to Elian's Miami relatives: Get your legal team working 'round
the clock to force this information out into the public domain - before you
relinquish custody of Elian. If you can find out who is paying for
Clinton's lawyer you may be able to turn this whole issue around.

My prediction: Castro will make some type of heavy-handed blunder and it
will tilt this issue back in favor of Elian remaining in America. And, if
Fidel lets the father come here, there is a chance the Miami relatives will
be able to get him to defect.

Now wouldn't that be sweet justice - for both Fidel and his soulmate, Clinton?

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