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April 7, 2000

Justice ignored findings of probe in Tripp file case

By Jerry Seper

     The Justice Department held up action for 20 months on a
Defense Department investigation of the release of Pentagon
employee Linda R. Tripp's personnel file before deciding not to
seek an indictment, despite concerns that the law had been

     Acting Inspector General Donald Mancuso told the Senate
Armed Services Committee Thursday he turned over his report in
July 1998 after an extensive investigation, and was advised last
week by the Justice Department there was "no direct evidence upon
which to pursue any violation of the Privacy Act."

     Mr. Mancuso, under questioning by Sen. James M. Inhofe,
Oklahoma Republican, acknowledged that the probe had concluded
that Defense Department spokesman Kenneth H. Bacon ordered
release of documents from Mrs. Tripp's file that were covered
under the federal Privacy Act.

     Asked by Mr. Inhofe if the release of the records was
illegal, Mr. Mancuso said: "I think the facts show that
information was released by Mr. Bacon and it related to Linda
Tripp and those were the basic conclusions of our report."

     "Someone needs to be held accountable in this matter. The
law has been broken and there is clearly an ongoing cover-up,"
Mr. Inhofe said. "In Watergate, people went to jail for these
kinds of violations of the law. Somebody should probably go to
jail here."

     At the Pentagon, Rear Adm. Craig Quigley confirmed that the
inspector general's report had been submitted to the Justice
Department, and that the department had decided against
prosecution in the case.

     Adm. Quigley told reporters during the Pentagon's afternoon
briefing that the report has since been returned to the Defense
Department, whence it was sent to Mr. Bacon and Pentagon employee
Clifford Bernath for comment.

     "The tentative findings of the DOD inspector general have
now been provided to both parties in the investigation. They've
been offered an opportunity to provide further comment," he said.
"When those comments are back in the IG's hands, if they choose
to do so, they would then consider those as part of the final
report, and then send that on to the secretary."

     Adm. Quigley said he expected the process to be completed by
the end of the month. The inspector general's office had been
asked by Defense Secretary William S. Cohen to investigate the

     Justice Department spokesman John Russell said the inspector
general's case was reviewed by lawyers in the department's
criminal division, who made a determination that they would not
prosecute the matter. He said this finding was sent to the
Defense Department, but he declined further comment.

     In 1992, presidential candidate Bill Clinton accused Bush
administration officials of rifling through his State Department
passport file and promised at the time that if anyone did
something similar in his administration, he would "fire them the
next day."

     Mr. Bacon was traveling Thursday in the Middle East with Mr.
Cohen and was unavailable for comment. Mr. Bernath was out of
town Thursday and also unavailable for comment.

     Mrs. Tripp is the Pentagon official who first blew the
whistle on Mr. Clinton's affair with former White House intern
Monica Lewinsky. Mrs. Tripp has since filed a lawsuit accusing
the White House and the Defense Department of using confidential
Pentagon records to smear her reputation.

     The inspector general's investigation focused on accusations
that the Defense Department released information to the news
media from confidential and required forms Mrs. Tripp filed with
the Pentagon. In those forms, she said she had never been
arrested when in fact she had — in what later was described as a
teen-age prank that had taken place 30 years ago.

     The Pentagon leak was orchestrated by Mr. Bacon, a Clinton
appointee who later said he was sorry he did not consult the
Privacy Act before authorizing the disclosure.

     The information was passed to Jane Mayer, a reporter for the
New Yorker magazine who once worked with Mr. Bacon at the Wall
Street Journal, and was used for a damaging story on Mrs. Tripp's
background at a time Miss Lewinsky's relationship with Mr.
Clinton had become a major public issue.

     Mrs. Tripp had spurred the sex-and-lies investigation of Mr.
Clinton by turning over to independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr
tapes she had secretly recorded of conversations with Miss
Lewinsky, who had been transferred from the White House to the

     Both Miss Lewinsky and Mr. Clinton acknowledged having a
sexual relationship, which led to the president's impeachment by
the House on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr.
Clinton was acquitted by the Senate.

     The actual leak of Mrs. Tripp's security clearance form to
the New Yorker came from Mr. Bernath on March 13, 1998. At the
time, Mr. Cohen called the leak "certainly inappropriate, if not
illegal" because Mrs. Tripp's file "was supposed to be protected
by the privacy rules."

     Mr. Inhofe said that since the Justice Department had
declined to prosecute in the case, "the ball is now squarely in
Secretary Cohen's corner."

     "It is his job to ensure some semblance of justice in this
case," he said. "Like in so many other cases, the American people
simply can no longer trust the decisions of the Clinton
administration's sad excuse for a Department of Justice."

     Before the Lewinsky scandal broke Jan. 21, 1998, Mrs. Tripp
headed the Defense Department's Joint Civilian Orientation
Conference (JCOC), which teaches influential Americans about the

     After the uproar created by the Lewinsky scandal, Mrs. Tripp
worked out an arrangement with the Pentagon that allowed her to
work at home.

     Mrs. Tripp, in her lawsuit, said the disclosures were
designed to spread "embarrassing or damaging information . . .
for partisan political purposes."

     She named 11 current or former administration figures —
first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and White House officials Bruce
Lindsey, Cheryl Mills, Lanny Davis, Rahm Emanuel, Paul Begala,
Ann Lewis, Lanny Breuer, Sidney Blumenthal, Harold Ickes and
Mickey Kantor —as having "engaged in communications . . . about
Linda Tripp," although it does not describe them as defendants or
claim they made unlawful disclosures.

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