nessie wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> >
> > If one is a Jew, one can't be an atheist, and vice-versa.
> Jews are an ethnic group. Some Jews are religious. Some aren't. Practicing
> the religion doesn't make one a Jew. Having a Jewish mother does. Really.
> Ask one.

Hey, I'm one. Actually I'm both.
And you are right of course. But just to clarify a bit further...
One is a Jew if one is born to a Jewish mother and practices the
religion, or self identifies voluntarily, or converts voluntarily.

One is NOT a Jew if one believes in human deities even if one is
born to a Jewish mother and takes on traditional trappings.

For example - William Cohen is not a Jew because his father converted and
he became a Christian and grew up as on. Mad Albright is not a Jew because
her parents converted to Catholicism when she was a child and she denies ever
having been one. Then she converted to Episcopalianism because that's the
brand of choice for the elites in this country.

Hymie Goldberg is not a Jew even though he speaks with Jewish intonations,
wears a taleth, blows the shofar ( not chauffeur )on special occasions, and
sings ditzy little Jewish tunes about the return of Jesus.

I, on the other hand am a Jew because I was born of a Jewish mother and choose
to identify as one even though I don't practice the religion, am not Liberal,
am not a professional, and hate Barbara Streisand.

I hope that helps.


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