Nice Idea for a Book. BUT, What about the REAL Threat we
have with Foreign Troops in bases on U.S. soil. How about
the 25,000 Russian Special shock Troops training inside
AREA 51, with manuals in Russian on Training in the Urban
Assault technique to Confiscate all Civilian owned Firearms
in the U.S. according to State Dept. Paper # 7277 dated in
1961, which explains the U.N. Orders from the Security Council.

How about the ChiComms who had taken over the U.S. Navy
Base at Long Beach, CA the ONLY deep water port in the
Western U.S. Where they have been smuggling in weapons,
ammo, drugs and biological warfare materials. The ChiComms
Take over of the Panama Canal. With ChiComm soldiers at
both ends of the Panama Canal. Again using COSCO shipping
as a Front, just like in CA. Not to Mention the "Illegal Aliens" that
Cross the Boarder every day, the Mexican Army that crossed
over shooting at U.S. Boarder Patrol Agents because the Drug
Cartel put a $250,.000 Bounty on our Officers !!! Someone made
a "prediction" last year, just before Christmas, that in 2000 there
will be a revelation from the Govt. that the UFO's and Alien's are
True and came to America to Help us defend our World against
Communism. Remember the story: If It Is Too Good To Be True
Then It is. Well, It is Already April, Where is the Breakthrough?
If All those People Who Think the Aliens Have Landed, Would
Fight against the Take Over of our Republic From Our "Human"
Enemies - Then We would have "Them" on the run. And Take
Back America.

Mike Balog
U,A.I.C.- VT.

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