Mr. Poley; Whose Side Are You On Anyway? The Feminazi Liberals,
who push their lesbian - Marxist Propaganda or the with the Silent
Majority who Like me are Damn sick and Tired of all this Waste of
Taxpayers Money; [Illegally  collected] All their damn Whinning.

As someone who has delivered a baby in the back of an ambulance
and in the back of a patrol car, I can see the Difference between Murder
and Abortion. Murder is Murder, Abortion is the same no matter how you
"justify" it with Pontification by Intellectual Flatulence. IT's Still
Murder for
Convince. Look at all the Lists of People Waiting for Adoption? NO EXCUSE.

The Rich Liberal windbags like Hanoi Jane, Rosie "O", Queen Fatifia and
the rest are selling our countrymen and countrywomen Liberal Propaganda
that tries to "Justify" their excuses for their pet causes. They along with
"Clinics" are making money hand over fist. The Looser's are the decent
people in America, the Sheeple who "watch" those programs put on by the
Liberal Shill Mindless Propaganda Machine who are Not Unbiased
and Will Not Allow Opposing Views to "spoil" their Propaganda Machine.
How would they like it if Someone years ago decided they would be the
Excess Human Baggage, they would be the "Cannon Fodder" for the Camps
and Next War.

I am not a Hypocrite and will stand shoulder to shoulder to Fight for Real
Justice, Defend America from All enemies both Foreign and Domestic. If
All the Nay Saying Sob Sisters who didn't like it here Really Saw What Life
is like in Communist Countries, The Slavery, the Hardships, Starvation,
Political Murders, etc. They would Swear their Alligence to America and
Stop Pushing Us Into the New World Order. But alot of them are Intellectual
Morons, They cannot see that if the NWO Subversives Took Over; they would
be the First to Go to the Camps, be targeted for Extermination, Because the
NWO would have no further use for them. If You don't Believe me Look in
History, Stalin had 50 Million executed for the State. And the "Pol Pot
in Cambodia - Or do You Forget the Killing Fields in which 3 million People
were "execuated" by AK47 Toting Communist Propaganda Brainwashed
"Teenagers". Read Huxleys "Brave New World" and Orwell's "1984". I don't
expect Liberal shills and fellow Disruptor's to Understand. As they Have
Sold Us Out for a Few Pieces of Silver. Save us all the heart ache. Why
they All go to Cuba, the Slave Nation State that everyone Tries to escape if
they want to follow the Propaganda there so much.

 [U.A,.I.C. - VT.]

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