Oh. Is That A Fact Really? June "Fonda".
Oh, Lacky of Marxist Propaganda?

International Law in Reference to
Picking Up someone from a Sinking
Refugee Vessal - by Our Coast Guard
within our Shore - Doesn't Apply.

Especially when the Parent Who Fled
a Communist County Was the Legal
Guardian. BTW Oh Great One. The
Boy was Born 2 yrs. After She had
been divorced by "Elian's Father".
How about that? How About a DNA
TEST ? Let Reno & the INS Chase
the Mexican Drug Scum Back to
Mexico and Leave the Boy Alone.

The Man with the Plan in Havana Has
NO LEGAL Custody. Further, He remarried
and has a Child by the New Wife. All this
is a Political Game for "El Producto"
to Save face. Kennedy Would NOT give in !!!

I Remember the Cuban Missle Crisis, My
Father was Connected' with Civil Defense
then, And I was Later on. And my family fought
their way out of Communist Hungry in 1956 too.

Does that mean that when they swam across
the river to Freedom under machine gun fire
from "Friendly Russian T-54 Tanks" that
People like you would tell them, Oh , the
International Lawyers say you all have to
return to the Oppression you fought to leave?

I don't think so. And I suppose you were with
your "girlfriends" Protesting Vietnam, while our
class trip was a one way ticket for many of us.
And those of us that returned were spat on and
called "Baby Killers" by your friends? Once a
Commie Always A Commie Liberal Shill. Looks
to me they grew up still fighting the Liberal Cause
and Continued to Sell us Out. We're NO FONDA
JANE Here, JUNE. Hasta La Viesta Baby.

~ Mike ~
De Oppresso Liber
Title 10 USC.

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