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 Sullivan's Letter about Jim Keith's B…</A>

Mass Control Redux

      The late Jim Keith's new book, Mass Control: Engineering Human
Consciousness (IllumiNet Press), contains several chapters on the ostensible
victims of Operation Monarch, a secret mind control project, who have come
forward in the wake of Cathy O'Brien's book, Trance Formation. Steamshovel
editor presented one of these chapters to one of the victims interviewed by
Keith, Katherine Sullivan, who offers her corrections below.

Dear Steamshovel:

      I appreciate your sending me the xeroxed copy of "my" chapter in Jim
Keith's book so quickly. I am especially glad you did because he made a
number of errors, and also misunderstood some things I said. Because of this,
I need to make corrections. I realize it's too late that the book is out, but
at least perhaps you can file this letter away to share with whoever makes
inquiries about that chapter.

      First, I need to share something I've only learned since he interviewed
me. I suffered ten additional years of hardcore trauma as my memories came
back and I literally relived so many horrible experiences. Because I was very
upset and overwhelmed by all I was remembering, and because I suffer not only
from D.I.D. but also from P.T.S.D., I was not able to logically sift through
the memories to determine what was probably factual, what was propaganda fed
to me by my handlers, and what was misunderstanding.

      Only in the last year have I been able to step back and take a harder
look at what they told me. Perhaps to them, especially those with Nazi
ideologies, the lies were reality. But that doesn't make it reality to the
rest of us. Example: I was told over and over that by the year 2000, they
were going to overthrow the US government in honor of Hitler and start a new
world government. This never materialized.

      Another example: they told me they were going to create a mock UFO
invasion, and also have the image of Jesus Christ appear in the sky, to
confuse and bring men -- particularly Christians -- to their knees. So far,
neither has happened.

      They had me totally convinced that they were in control of the world. I
fully believed that they could kill me or my daughter any time they chose.
After having been gang raped and tortured and so much more for most of my
life by these people, I believed they were all-powerful and would do
everything they talked about in their get-togethers and planning meetings.
Only recently have I realized they are far from all-powerful, and that a lot
of what they said they would do was the rantings of insanely grandiose men
who are far out of touch with real life.

      When I gave inforinafion to ACHES-MC, to Mr. Keith, and to others about
what I'd heard the movers and shakers talk about, I believed they really
would do it and presented the informafion that way. If I could go back and do
this over again, I would tell the interviewers that I was only told that they
were planning to do such-and-such. I would not present it as facts. I now
realize it was much to my disadvantage to present information as it was given
to me, because it leaves me looking like a fruitcake!

      The other broad clarification I need to make is that a lot of the code
names I heard were just that. Code names. They may or may not mean anything
to anyone outside the Octopus network. The reason I listed as many as I could
in the CKLN series was to throw out a line and see if anyone else had heard
of these phrases and words used in such ways. So far I've gotten very little
verification. That tells me that either these were not true code names, or
were about activities so covert that it will probably be decades before I get
verificafions. If the second hypothesis is true, I am willing to wait ... as

Now for the corrections

      (P. 154:) I was in treatment for codependency in late summer, 1989. My
daughter was in treatment in the same rehab facility before me, for A&D
issues. (She had taken a gun to school and fully planned -- in a rather
mindless way -- to kill a friend, then to stand on the cafeteria table and
"blow her brains all over everybody." Thank God, she was stopped before she
did either.) During that 31-day stint, I recovered childhood memories of
having been sexually abused by my dad, and him making me and my full brothers
do it to each other in front of him. (They still do not seem to remember any
of this.) The ritual abuse memories came a year later, and the government
memories about a year after that. This seems to be about on target for the
progression of such memories. One remembers what is most bearable first, then
more and more difficult material as one's strength and skills develop to cope
with it.

      My memories of assassin programming were inadvertently triggered, but I
did not attempt to kill hospital nurses and staff. Keith misinterpreted what
I said. I talked to hospital personnel in those alter-states, about what I
was trained to do and could do there and then. I did ask them, when I felt
those parts of me getting control, to put me in restraints so they could talk
to those parts in safety. This was done numerous times in Charter-Grapevine,
Texas in late summer, 1991.

      (P. 155): I am not sure which agencies had at me when I was a child. I
still am not sure. A lot of weird stuff was done to me outside of rituals. I
even was put through some kind of spook school for children. But nobody
exactly announced to me which agencies were involved. I was first aware of
NASA, then of the CIA's involvement in the mid 70's, and of NSA and ISA in
the mid 80's. (NSA and ISA were working in tandem to shut down us Deltas. I
do not know why to this day, but I am grateful for their decision.)

      My dad originally worked for Western Electric. I believe it was in the
late 70's or mid-80's that Western Electric finally merged with, and became
part of, AT&T. Dad did some overseas trips for the companies, but the bulk of
his work was stateside. I said dad did work for the CIA, but I have no proof
that he was literally employed by them. I knew him as a middleman between the
CIA, KGB, Aryan Brotherhood (of which he was especially proud), local Mafia
families, and so on. "Jack of all trades, master of none" they would have
called him.

      I believe dad was traumatized as a child, and I have received
venfications from family members on this. I do not know when his own
programming started, but I did see others control him in hypnotic
alter-states. His personality shifted drastically at such times.

      ( P. 156:) Dr. Black may have also been spelled Schwarz. I am very
interested in finding out his real identity. He had tremendous influence on
me in my childhood. Cisco Wheeler, I've been told, has said her father was
known as Dr. Black. Someday I will ask her about it. Others have told me that
he may have been Mengele. Yuch.

      I no longer feel love for Kissinger, only pity. I was still
stockholming when I did the CKLN interview. Kissinger was open with me about
being a Luciferian; most of what I learned about their beliefs, he taught me.
I since learned that he is a member of the Lucis Trust, which started as
Lucifer Publishing. Voila.

      I was told that the AOR was under the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller
Foundation and Rothschilds. Again, I believed what they told me. I was
brainwashed and could not separate what they told me from hard facts.

      All of the listed organizations, I had personal experience with one way
or another. I could only share ftom my personal experience. I put out these
names because again, I was trolling for verificafions.

      (P. 157:) Kissinger personally told me that Maitreya was going to be
Lucis Trust's promo'd Christ. The "antichrist." I found out two years ago
that Share International, which is connected to Lucis Trust, is the
organization promoting Maitreya. Interesting verification.

      (P. 159:) My error: I did not receive the verification about the elixir
of life from a book by Texe Marrs. I found it in a book about the occult and
Nazism. I only found this out after I reviewed some of my papers months after
the interviews with Keith took place. I forgot to tell him.

      (P. 160:) A programming location was not in Coffeesville. It was
misspelled, and should be Cockeysville, MD. I said I was taken from a school
there, and was transported to another area for classroom training and special
hands-on training. I've had strong nagging memories that the school may have
been at or near the Naval base in Annapolis (?). I have recovered many more
memories of this spook school for children, I was told several months ago
that a set of twin survivors have written about a spook school for kids; I
haven't heard more about this, yet. Noone else has come forward with such
information, to my knowledge. But with as many children as I ran into, there
must be quite a few with this type of background.

      (P. 16 1:) I found out about Dr. Hammond's Greenbaum speech in 1994,
through Daniel Ryder. That was three years after I recovered the information,

      For me, Delta was ops programming. Kill/assassin training, conditioning
and programming. This was probably my primary program. I have found numerous
Delta alter-states, each trained and conditioned to do specific types of ops.

      Theta involves much more than "psychic killing." It includes just about
everything psychic, including reading auras, psychic healing, etc. Angleton
was my main teacher about Theta capabilities. He was very good at this
subject. "Dot Purple" is incorrect. It should be "Dark Purple."

      (P. 164:) I am very relieved to see the millennium panic is over with.
Most people have come back to the realization that there are many years
ahead. The tribulation panic was a bust. Even Billy Graham has backed off
from talking about it in such a gloomy way. That is a victory!

      Kissinger had talked about having Clinton assassinated, in my presence.
I am very pleased to see that the "assassination" came in the form of Monica
Lewinsky. I don't like to see anyone be killed. Not anymore.

      My memories were not contaminated, to my knowledge. I've only found one
that was, and it was a result of reading some of Cathy O'Brien's material.
(It's why I refuse to read Brice Taylor/Sue Ford's book.) Keith and I did not
discuss how incredibly careful I was to document everything I could first
about what I remembered, and then sit on it for years, and only then, after
no more information came up, ask around about where I could get direct
verifications on the specific memories. Even when I bought or checked a book
about such a subject out of a library, I always looked at the index instead
of skimming through the book. If the book didn't have an index, I didn't look
at it. I looked for specific words (ie: Kissinger and Maitreya) and read only
those chapters that explained what I had already remembered. I did this to
protect my sanity, because there isn't much information in mainstream media
about these subjects.

      I was told last week by a neuropsychologist that I also have damage to
my right brain. I am not happy about this, but also am not surprised.

      Dad's notes were from a Sunday School class, not a philosophical
self-help class. He made for a very weird Sunday School teacher.

      (P. 165:) Dad did not commit suicide. He could have given the
circumstances, but he did not. I was forced to witness one of dad's covert
"friends" make him unconscious, and then they had me help them clean out his
file cabinets in his apartment while he was with at least one of the killers
down in his rented second garage. Approx. two days later, the apartment
manager and dad's criminal lawyer found his body in his Grand Prix. Official
cause of death was carbon monoxide poisoning. I have since spoken to the
coroners and told them what I remembered. I was advised that they would
reopen the investigation if I could deliver proofs that dad had worked for
the CIA. (This was odd, given that dad's body had been cremated and his ashes
scattered.) I decided it was not in my best interest to give them more
information, because if I was the only person I could prove was there, what
was to keep them from saying I did it? I let them know I would not be giving
them any more information. I've not gotten this far in my healing to be
blamed for something I did not do. Witnessing his death was one of the most
traumatizing things I ever experienced, and yet it unlocked my mental prison
door. I don't know whether I'd rather off his killers or hug them.

      I hope this clears things up. Thanks again for sending the chapter to

Katherine Sullivan

Previous Things Are Gonna Slide!
Operation Mongoose
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