Bearden, Bearden, everywhere...

"Free Energy" is very intriguing, in every sense of the word...

Lt. Col Tom Bearden (retd.) is a ubiquitous presence in the field, one whose
rank and security clearances place in and amongst the "defense intelligence"
One is driven to speculate about how "retired" Lt. Col Tom Bearden (retd.)
actually is -
and about the interests of the power behind the  Dept. of Defense & other
governmental components in relation to "Free Energy."

An ex-partner in "Free Energy" research of Lt. Col Tom Bearden (retd.) is
ONE of a statistically significant portion of "Free Energy" researchers
who've met untimely deaths.

It's interesting to speculate on "who does" and "who does not" have an
allegiance to the entrenched capital overlords - the "owners" of captial
wealth and thereby of governmental process, and whether those interests are
served by positive, and open development of "Free Energy" ....

still.. and interesting article..

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Trudy W. Schuett
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 11:13 PM
To: NCF list
Subject: [ncnculture] [Fwd: Free Energy secrets placed in public domain]

"A.J. Craddock" wrote:
> Free Energy secrets placed in public domain
> In an altruistic move, electrical inventor John Bedini has placed the
> secrets of his over-unity battery in the public domain, and has stated
> his willingness to co-operate with qualified organizations or
> individuals to help develop it for the good of humanity and the
> biosphere.
> He and Lt. Col Tom Bearden (retd.), a leading theoretician in extended
> electromagnetics, have circulated the offer widely amongst key members
> of the Executive Branch, Congress, and the scientific community.
> This offer and an explanation of the theory involved is posted on the
> CSETI Website at
> The general public are strongly encouraged to bring this to the
> attention of your local Government, Scientific and Industrial
> representatives in order to obtain development funding and start
> getting non-polluting energy sources such as this up and running on a
> mass scale.
> There is not much time - the bottom-end species of the food chain are
> already being wiped out by pollution, and this will inevitably work
> its way up the chain.
> Regards
> Tony Craddock
> Web Administrator

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