April 18, 2000

Election Regulators Dismiss Complaint Against Bush Parody Site
Federal regulators have dismissed a complaint filed by the presidential
campaign of Governor George W. Bush of Texas against an Internet critic
whose site,, uses its potentially confusing Web address to serve
up scathing parodies of Bush's official site.

 The Federal Election Commission said on Friday that it had dismissed the
complaint on the grounds that it was too low a priority to warrant the use
of the commission's resources.

By dismissing the case in this way, the agency failed to resolve an issue
raised by the complaint and by the commission's previous opinions on
Internet matters: whether the activities of individuals advocating the
election or defeat of political candidates online are subject to government
regulation, much like political action committees that spend millions of
dollars on mailings and television advertising.

The creator of the site, Zack Exley, said he was pleased with the dismissal
when he learned of it from a reporter Monday. But he said he was concerned
that the FEC had not addressed the larger issue of political activity by
individual voters on the Web.

"If that means that my case is closed, that's good for me," said Exley, who
is a computer consultant in New York. "But the issue is still open, and that
means that the FEC still has to do the right thing in the end."

In the complaint, which was filed nearly a year ago, Benjamin L. Ginsberg, a
lawyer for the Bush campaign, argued that Exley was campaigning and should
comply with relevant election laws. The complaint said Exley should be
required to post a disclaimer identifying the site's origin, to file with
the FEC as a political action committee and to disclose the amount of money
spent on the site.

When asked whether the Bush campaign planned any further action against the
parody site, Scott McClellan, a campaign spokesman, said that the campaign
had not done anything new to address the issue since last May.

"We just hope people will use good judgment and common sense," McClellan
said. "If you look at all the Web sites, you'll see that free speech is
alive and well in America, and Governor Bush has a very thick skin."

FEC officials did not comment, in keeping with a policy of not discussing
compliance cases. In a summary of the case, an investigator for the
commission wrote: "There is no evidence of serious intent to violate the
FECA [Federal Election Campaign Act], and this matter is less significant
relative to other matter pending before the Commission." The file was closed
on Feb. 29, and the dismissal was made public late Friday.

At the time the complaint was filed, the Bush campaign was criticized for
its handling of the matter. Campaign officials contended that they needed to
do something about because the public was confusing it with the
official site at

But the publicity surrounding the complaint drove thousands of curious
visitors to the parody site. The site, in various incarnations, has featured
cartoons of the governor with cocaine on his face and letters from Texas
inmates convicted of drug-related crimes.

The site got more attention when the governor responded to a question about
it by telling reporters, "There ought to be limits to freedom."

Internet political experts said that the campaign's approach to the matter
showed that the governor's advisers, who were running a traditional
television-oriented campaign, lacked sophistication in the handling of the

The Bush complaint also threw a spotlight on the FEC's handling of Internet
issues. In the past, the FEC has ruled that people like Exley, if they spent
enough money, could be required to register as political action committees.
Such arguments have alarmed civil libertarians, who have warned that the
approach could chill political speech on the Internet.

"Once again, the FEC has left the individual citizen, voter or unaffiliated
activist in legal limbo," said James X. Dempsey, senior staff counsel for
the Center for Democracy and Technology, a nonprofit group in Washington.

"It's very unlikely that the FEC is going to take legal action to impose
fines or registration requirements on the individual Internet user who
creates a Web page criticizing or praising a political candidate," he said.
"But why didn't they just come out and say that?"

Dempsey said that he might interpret the action on the Bush complaint as a
sign that regulators would be unwilling to use their resources to fine
individuals who advocate the election or defeat of a candidate online.

Concerns about the commission's actions against people expressing political
opinions online came to the fore last year. In a controversial opinion
issued in 1998, the commission found that a Web site built by Leo Smith, a
supporter of a Congressional candidate in Connecticut, should be treated as
a campaign expenditure because it directed visitors to vote for a candidate.

Though the commission did not determine whether Smith's site cost enough to
trigger reporting requirements, it specified that Web site costs include a
portion of "the domain name registration fee, the amount invested in the
hardware (computer and peripherals) that created the Web site and the
utility costs associated with creating and maintaining the site."

Under this interpretation, if a Web publisher spent $250 on a site, he would
be required to file a disclosure form with the FEC. If he spent more than
$1,000, he would have to register as a political action committee.

The commission has addressed Internet campaigning in several opinions since
then. Though the recent opinions have taken a more laissez-faire approach to
the Internet, commissioners have never clarified the legal status of
individuals like Smith who call for the election or defeat of candidates

Exley said that because the FEC did not decide on this issue, the onus is on
the public to keep watch. "We have to keep our eye on things, and make sure
they do the right thing in the end," he said.

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