For Immediate Release: April 13, 2000
(Media Only)Contact: Violet Nichols, Producer, "The Alex Jones Show"

Everyone Invited Out to the 7th Annual Anniversary
Memorial and Church Commemoration on Mount

Austin/Waco, TX – It has been 7 months since Documentary Filmmaker/Radio Host
Alex Jones put the call out for volunteers to come together to rebuild the
on Mount Carmel. Spearheading this historical effort, Jones called on the
to "resurrect this structure as a memorial to remind all Americans that we must
always keep a watchful eye on the big government police state activities
that are
growing with frequency in our nation."

With the sad anniversary date of the siege soon upon us, it is a time for our
country to remember the 81 men, women and children who needlessly lost their
lives on Mount Carmel. It is also important to note that Janet Reno, Judge
Smith, Clinton and others continue to attempt to cover-up their criminal
with regards to the Waco siege of 1993.

The dedication of the new church is scheduled to take place on the seventh
anniversary of the end of the siege of 1993 (April 19, 2000) from 10AM to 2PM.
Confirmed speakers include Ramsey Clark, former US Attorney General, Gordon
Novell, Head of Force One Security and the Chief Investigator for the Branch
Davidians, and Clive Doyle, Branch Davidian Survior. Alex Jones will also speak
and act as the Master of Ceremonies. The dedication of the new church will
include speeches and acknowledgements by Alex Jones, Mike Hanson,
Construciton Coordinator, and George Pulliam, Site engineer. Everyone is
and welcome to attend this anniversary which will be unlike the other six,
because there will be a new church, and because so much hard-core evidence
has come out documenting the fact that the Feds premeditatedly created the
Waco tragedy as a Hollywood production to introduce America to authoritarian

The new church can be viewed on by clicking here.

With regards to the church, most of the work is done on Sundays, when the
majority of the volunteer crew travels from Austin to Waco. Americans have
traveled from all corners of the nation, including one self-described "dirt
that walked from West Virginia to work for a week on the memorial church.

$92,000 later the church is basically complete, (all donations from private
volunteers) volunteers are now putting in fixtures and wood flooring.
specialists estimate that had commercial contractors built the building it
have cost more than a quarter of a million dollars. Besides monetary donations,
the effort has received various symbolic gifts, such as: a flagpole and
custom-made flag to replace the one taken down by the ATF during the siege,
trees and shubbery, and thousands of dollars worth of gravel and mulch to
raconteur the road that was destroyed by the tanks in 1993.

Volunteers also beautified the church grounds by removing rusted razor wire,
rubble and by planing the pock-marked landscape with heavy equipment. Thanks
to the incredible volunteer spirit of the American people and their refusal to
accept the government’s lies covering up the mass murder of those killed at the
siege, the entire area has basically received a giant makeover.

Alex Jones is available for interview and comment at the contact number above.
He is also available on site at Mount Carmel Saturday Night (4/15/00) and
(4/16/00). Additional information on the church rebuilding effort,
including Alex
Jones’ background, directions to the church, photos of the church, and how to
volunteer for the effort can be obtained from his web site at
To obtain past press releases or to schedule an interview, please contact
Nichols at 512-443-5856.
One Man Awake
One man awake awakens another,
The second awakens his next-door neighbor,
And three awake can rouse the town,
And turn the whole place upside down.
And many awake can raise such a fuss
That it finally awakens the rest of us.
One man up with dawn in his eyes,
-Author Unknown
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