While a lone Cuban boy is illegally kidnapped by the federal fascist
jackboots, hundreds of thousands of illegal Mexicans swarm into this
country bringing lawlessness, violence, criminal gangs, corruption, and
insurrection with them. Local governments taken over by "democratic
process". The invasion is ignored by the media and supported by the
feds and the globalists.

Learn what's going on from the front lines:
Voice of the Citizens Together

Insurrection in the southwest, enemies take over Universities:

A love note from La Raza:

What the illegals think of Americans:

Will Clinton and Reno send the illegal Mexicans home in the same fashion as
No.  They are too important to the global economy.
And Clinton and Reno are too busy licking the boots of their global

The only thing free about "free trade" is that Americans are being freely
sold into slavery.
Right Rush (NAFTA) Limbaugh?
American you are dying and don't even know it.
If not you then who will take a stand?
If not now then when will there be time to free this land?
 From the curse of the serpents disguised as the Holy ones
Who crept in unawares by the cover of night
Who conspired to deceive us and rob and relieve us
Of life worth livin' for
It's time we rock them in their ivory towers
Make them fear the rage in the wrath of the coming storm
Rock them in their ivory towers
Make them feel the fire in the ire of the people's scorn
Rock them with this sound
'Till the sound shakes the ground
And the towers crumble down and they drown
In the blood, sweat and tears
-Carl Klang

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