---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 11:53:48 -0400
From: Carl S. Webber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Abduction of Elian and the Decay of Liberty

All repression, and most coups d'etats are carried out by force
under the name of "law and order".

It is, of course, a true claim: the acting organization is
concerned with IT'S OWN law and order, or IT'S OWN interpretation
of what that is. The same is true for the insurgents.

When strong differences of opinion arise in a society between an
established government and other groups, the established
government has an enormous built-in advantage with its control
over the police, the army, and to some extent, over the means of
communication and transport. This is not inherently bad since
anarchy is worse than law and order.

The writers of the American Constitution were fully aware of
these facts, arising as they themselves had from a long and
painful armed revolt against an existing government. For the most
part (overlooking the slavery issue), the Constitution has worked
very well and for quite a long time when compared with many

However, perfection is a goal, but not a place at which we can
ever arrive. Government is like a fish: it dies from the head
down. Our present leader is a perjurer who has appointed many who
are more loyal to him than to the principles of the Constitution.
The Department of Justice turns a blind eye to his misdeeds. Many
in Congress because of either (or both) partisan zeal or self
serving interests, failed to impeach. Some appointed judges show

Not all citizens are happy with this situation. The abduction of
a half orphaned six year old boy by a posse of Federal Marshals
symbolizes the brutal use of force to gain political advantage.

All force is brutal yet most government actions are designed to
gain the approval of the electorate and or the consent or
intimidation of the governed. But we have become a nation who in
the majority do not even bother to go to the polls. We are a
people whose principal means of communication is a televised
delivery system that tends to convey the unexamined Marxist views
of owners, editors and commentators. These people are
representative of a large segment of the whole population which
hears and applauds them.

On the surface, the abduction of Elian appears like an unpopular
move, but there are strong motives behind it. No government wants
to appear weak. Further in the Elian case, black politicians are
enraged: letting Elian remain free would magnify their view that
Latinos are better received and treated than blacks from
Haiti,the Dominican Republic and Africa. The Democrat party needs
their votes. The Cuban population, by and large hard working and
religious, is more allied to the Republican party than with the
party of welfare and easy morals: their votes are long lost.

It was an easy decision. The Clinton administration can claim to
be "upholding the rule of law and order", and improve their
election prospects in November. For them, a win-win deal. For the
nation, a sorry loss from which the only gain could be voters
prepared to examine their conscience and to go to the polls to
express them. If not, we will prove Khruschev wrong. "They" will
not bury us, we will do it to ourselves.

Carl S. Webber


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             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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