Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From:Trudy W. Schuett
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 6:40 PM
To: NCF list
Subject: [ncnculture] [Fwd: Domestic Violence - Colorado House Bill HB

"Dr. Charles E. Corry" wrote:
>       Today brings images evocative of Nazi Germany. In a case of
> gross mismanagement and incompetence our government uses practices I
> joined the Marine Corps to try and stop.
>       Supposedly to reunite a child with his father the best way to do
> it is to threaten a 6-year old boy with a submachine gun in predawn
> darkness using 151 combat-armed agents dressed in a fashion only the
> Gestapo could admire.
>       In a land where the rule of law was in force a single marshal
> would have walked up to the door of the home where the boy was, in
> full daylight, with a warrant or subpoena. The citizens in question
> would obey willingly out of respect for the courts, the law, and the
> police. Oh how far we have come from that!
>        Instead, in most of the United States, the greatest fear a
> father has is of dealing with the "family" courts.
>        Today, most commonly the marshal at the door or at his
> workplace is bringing a restraining order telling him he cannot ever
> see his children again because the mother claims he has abused her or
> the children.
>        Usually such restraining orders are issued ex parte and he has
> no chance to defend himself. The perfunctory hearing two weeks later
> is likely to be based more on hearsay than established rules of
> evidence.
>        In family court, the mere accusation of abuse or violence is
> sufficient to deny custody and visitation for a father.
>        It bears repeating that the safest place for a woman is in her
> home with the biological father of her children!
>        Despite that well-established fact, the Colorado legislature
> has passed law after law that destroys families by the thousands and
> drives fathers from their children on unsubstantiated claims by a
> woman that she was abused or assaulted.
>        Every available study shows that false allegations of child and
> domestic abuse are rampant in our society and occur by the millions
> every year. In a free society we cannot solve the problem of family
> violence and abuse unless we first solve the problem of false
> allegations.
>        And now comes the Colorado legislature with one more draconian
> measure that purports to control domestic violence by raising the
> level of punishment for such offenses to a felony in certain cases.
> HB 1158 has now passed in the House and is before the full state
> Senate, having passed out of committee on April 19th.
>        HB 1158 also further degrades due process by eliminating the
> requirement to notify a man who doesn't show up for the temporary
> orders hearing that the restraining order has been made permanent.
>        As an oceanographer I was often at sea for months at a time.
> Imagine a restraining order issued ex parte against me while I was at
> sea or doing research in some remote corner of the earth. I come home
> knowing nothing about it because HB 1158 doesn't require
> notification. I'm arrested, in jail, convicted, and have done nothing
> wrong except pursue my research. I get out of jail and go grocery
> shopping. She sees me there and I'm back in jail. Out again and one
> of the kids call me, or she calls me, and I make the mistake of
> answering the phone. No contact order means I'm back in jail again,
> only this time it is a felony charge under HB 1158.
>        Or it might happen to a long-haul trucker, a salesman, or a guy
> on an extended fishing or hunting trip. And I hear tales of this
> happening to men all the time under current law.
>        But now, without discernible testimony from any fathers, male
> victims of domestic violence, or victims of false allegations, we are
> going to make punishments even harsher, deny due process, destroy
> more families, and take more fathers away from their children.
>        Does the new law address mutual combat among couples who fight?
> Those are 50% of the cases but now we simply punish the man, destroy
> the family, and leave the children without a father. That makes no
> sense!
>        Does HB 1158 address how we might fix the problem of domestic
> violence? No! Simply harsher punishments are provided and due process
> denied.
>        Will the new law deter any act of domestic violence? Unlikely.
>        Will the new law further clog the courts? Absolutely.
>        Will HB 1158 be used to destroy families and deny fathers
> access to their children? Unquestionably.
>        So what does HB 1158 provide for citizens? Another method for
> vindictive women to flagellate some male they have taken a dislike to.
>        HB 1158 is bad law that solves nothing and will not prevent or
> deter any vengeance-minded individual. In fact, it will almost
> certainly be used for vengeance.
>        The issue of domestic violence deserves serious effort to find
> ways to fix the problem, not the blame.
>        HB 1158 simply provides another tool for punishment. We already
> have the largest number of men in jail of any country on earth. Will
> sending more men to America's version of the gulag solve any of our
> problems?
>        I call on our state Senators to reject HB 1158 and, instead,
> seek responsible methods of solving the problem of domestic violence.
> The legislature should seek input from all interested parties.
> Solutions should be sought that are based on unbiased research and
> not grossly distorted statistics and malicious "factoids" that have
> no basis in reality. Lets fix the problem, not the blame!
>         Your help in contacting your state senator and expressing your
> opposition to HB 1158 would be greatly appreciated. Their address can
> be easily found on the home page of the Colorado General Assembly at:
>         http://www.state.co.us/gov_dir/stateleg.html
> --
> Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., FGSA
> 455 Bear Creek Road
> Colorado Springs, CO 80906-5820
> Telephone:      (719) 520-1089
>                 (800) 874-8670
> Facsimile:      (719) 328-1588
> E-mail:         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Home page: http://boulder.earthnet.net/~ccorry
> Domestic Violence Against Men: http://www.dvmen.org

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