Nope - "partition" was correct.

I wonder if you have checked to what extent Australian Privacy Laws would
apply to you publishing private and confidential details of your, as you
say, advertisers on the Internet if they have not consented to such? I
assume you DID get their consent?

If they have not consented to such, this would indeed be an immoral act on
your part if one has ever seen one - potentially also in breach of privacy
laws. And if that being the case - if I were your client - the manner in
which you have behaved clearly indicates you cannot be trusted.

Perhaps you'd like to publish the telephone number of this advertiser also -
if you like we'll get in touch and just confirm if permission was granted to
you to splatter their details all over the Internet?

If you did not get permission - then you're obviously quite an
intellectually disturbed individual to go to such lengths as publish what
would be confidential client data to the Internet. What does this say for
your (lack of) integrity I wonder?

Personally, if I was aware of magazines acting against peoples Privacy - I
would have no hesitation at withdrawing any and all support from such a
dirty and devious publication. But as I said, you must surely have their
consent, otherwise you would not have acted with such bald-faced immorality.

Obviously my innocent and innocuous questions have triggered some kind of
mental trauma within Dunks - wonder if he's ever considered that he might be
a mind-control victim or slave perhaps, they say such behave thusly.

Seems dear old Dunks permits himself to "question", I guess what his ilk
would possibly call "consensus reality" - but when one poses simple
questions about his own "consensus reality" version, immediately the big GAG
has to be applied - and he abuses questioners with lines like "bullshit
detector" and jumps down their throat with accusation and abuse! Surely a
great example and advert for his self-professed "alternative view" journal.
THIS, is what "alternative" is about?

I don't think its any wonder therefore that his supposed evil media
conspiracy take no notice of the guy - frankly, from what we see here you'd
possibly have to think to yourself in terms of  "nutter"?

Now the Australian media gave ample and gross treatment to one of our
politicians who didn't even know the dictionary definition of xenophobic -
but who practiced it non-the-less, now if our dear old admittedly droll
media gave this polly enormous attention - you can't really take Dunky's
self-flagellation about media persecution seriously - it rather sounds more
like an invention of his own paranoid mind. I guess its one of those
sensationalist, soap opera type, conspiracy speak clichés that are always
dredged out when you're desperately baiting for readership.

I don't really know why is he so touchy - he could've answered a simple
 "Yes" or "No" to the original question.

But it does seem we have innocently stumbled onto something here - What is
Dunks hiding? Who really funds Nexus? Who are his political allies? Is there
a secret agenda that he is really peddling? Why does he want to gag
questioners? Who is this mysterious writer that he fears? Should we advise
the Federal Police- for this mysterious writer may be a target of sorts
after his apparent expose of Nexus? I suppose next he'll be wanting my
personal home phone number for more abuse, or perhaps my private bank
account details? Man! This guy is kinda starting to sound freaking scary!

Well it seems from dear old Dunky's paranoid replies that these questions,
and thoughts, may now be more important than ever before. One thing is for
certain though folks - with each response - his credibility diminishes.

Seriously, we must ask ourselves why all the Gestapoville like tactics to
gag free inquiry?

----- Original Message -----
From: "nexusmagazine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 10:30 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Who is David Sutherland?

> >Just to dispel the ignorant state you're in at the moment - the comment
> >heard on the 3AW station in Melbourne, on a talkback show hosted by a
> >Price. You can check with them, seeing as this point irks you so.
> >All I did was ask whether or not the statement made on public radio was
> >correct as to what a chap had said about your magazine being linked with
> >League of Rights in Australia- which some say is a Neo-Nazi group.
> I would be surprised if 3AW ran such an item recently.  They did run
> something a few years ago.  I am happy to stand corrected if you can
> supply an approximate time frame.  Be sure that I will be contacting the
> radio station to lodge a complaint and to ask for a right of reply.
> I had every right to be suspicious of you.  You first ask answers to
> questions that you knew answers to, then you reveal that you do read
> NEXUS and claim to have seen mug shots of David Icke inside.
> Oh, by the way, aren't you the same David Sutherland who has run at least
> one full page advert in NEXUS Magazine yourself.  What did he call
> himself  then - ah yes - Advanced Multimedia Distributors, PO Box 313,
> Niddrie, Victoria 3042.   That David Sutherland also had a thing for the
> holocaust and neo-nazis.  Any relation Mr David Sutherland - although
> there must be lots of David Sutherlands using a business name of
> 'newmedia' in Melbourne surely?
> >And you're saying you've never ran adverts for D'Icke with his images
> >therein? Not that I really care - but you never promoted the guy? You've
> >never ran anything in your mag about the guy?
> As I said, we reviewed one of his books, and recently, David Icke's
> Australian organisation has run 3 adverts in the magazine.  What am I
> supposed to do, decline the ads for personal reasons?  Suppress freedom
> of advertising?  Act like a Nazi?  David Icke's groups run ads in the
> major newspapers also, are they guilty by association? Give me a break!
> >As to it being a New Age type mag - I would suggest that I am not the
> >to have this impression - generally, if memory serves right - my local
> >Agent dumps your mag in the same section as all the other New Age
> >nonsense - it does appear that others get the same sense from your mag -
> >even as to where it ought be classified at the News Agent.
> SOME newsagents do, but if you ever bothered to check the contents, we
> are vastly different.  For the record, most newsagents put NEXUS in with
> either science magazines, or with Time, the Bulletin etc.
> In case you ever both to check the difference, "New age" magazines have
> articles of length 500 words, not 5,000 like NEXUS.  All their articles
> are advertorials for some course or workshop, and they have 5 times more
> ads than we do.  Also, none of their articles have any references or
> footnotes.
> >The guy I heard on the air said he was going to partition his News store
> >have the mag removed. As you may have read some of my other posts here I
> >not one for censorship of thought - even if it repels me. So in this I
> >disagree with what was said. But it does raise the question as to why
> >strong emotion would be expressed.
> That should be 'petition' his newstore.  Strong emotion is being
> expressed by people who deliberately use the media to try to discredit
> NEXUS and myself.  Don't you think it amazing that a mainstream
> radiostation like 3AW would NOT contact my office for some sort of
> response.  How interested do you think they are in the truth?  How
> interested are you in the truth I wonder?
> >If you feel I am incorrect in my assessment of your mag, or any questions
> >that have been raised  - you are quite free to forward me copies, or any
> >other information, you may wish for me to further review - I can forward
> >my mailbox via private e-mail if you wish.
> Save us both some money and visit my webpage for a whole pile of free
> articles.  If the free articles on my webpage, don't satisfy, visit the
> contents pages (with article desciptions) for any back issue you care to
> select.  See if YOU can find anything right-wing in any of them.
> I also find it hard to believe that before you asked those silly
> questions about my right-wing connections, you didn't visit my website
> (web address in my signature remember?).   Surely you could have answered
> your own questions by visiting the site, but no, you wanted to make sure
> this group knew of neo-nazi smears against NEXUS.  Why - I ask?
> >I personally don't know this writer guy you obsessively rant about - but
> >he writes as you suggest - as well as I do - he must be an interesting
> >In fact, you've got me intrigued with him - do you have his number, or
> >e-mail address, or know where he writes?
> He was most likely the guy you heard on 3AW, a favourite haunt of his.
> Believe me, if I had his number or address I would be handing it out to a
> lot more people than you.  He has been a very naughty boy.
> I notice you carefully dodged many other questions I had.  Why was that?
> Maybe I am paranoid about you, but you are the one spreading manure about
> my 'connections' in the guise of 'questions'.
> As for why I replied rudely to you - you asked rudely.  Everyone else
> with questions about NEXUS has asked intelligent questions, AFTER they
> visited the webaddress given obviously in my signature.  Also, everyone
> else usually asked them privately, and politely.  They did NOT assume
> guilt by association, spread smear by implication etc.
> I don't have to be paranoid to see your questions reeked of mischief and
> lacked sincerity.
> Again, I ask the question WHY do you do this?
> And please post for all to see, your confirmation or denial, that you are
> the same David Sutherland who has advertised in NEXUS Magazine
> (February-March 1996, volume 3, #2).
> Duncan
> Duncan M. Roads
> Editor, NEXUS Magazine
> PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
> Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381
>      ICQ#62399259
> "The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
> On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
> (Aldous Huxley)
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> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
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