From: "Jim Condit Jr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To "Bill Shannon": Oh! Tough toe nails! You had to listen to truth for 30
> minutes from Marisleysius!

The truth according to the Brothers Grimm...

> She was plenty educated for a first generation
> Cuban American and, since your knocking Cuban Americans so freely, I'd sure
> rather listen to her slightly latinized English than the perfect English
> spoken by all the diabolically-oriented lefty-pro-communist Khazar Jews who
> inhabit and run "our" newsmedia -- for heavens sakes, I've begin to wonder
> if my television has turned into the "electronic Jew" in these last few
> years.

I thought antisemitism was banned from this list...

> This is the same faction that has supported and kept Castro in power
> since 1959,

As opposed to the Italian Mafia who supported and kept in power the corrupt
regimes prior to Castro?

> I'm charging that the Clinton/Castro/Craig thugs drugged Elian immediately.
> News flash for you: the picture of Elian with Dad (who's also in a tough
> spot) show a bandaid right over where an IV would have been started -- of
> course, that picture's under heavy attack for being doctored,

Yes, and if it WAS doctored, one would expect the bandaid to be airbrushed out,
if indeed it represents what you claim it represents.

But there is no reason for Elian to have been given an IV, if what you are
suggesting is that he was drugged with some sort of psychoactive drug...such
medications are usually given orally, occasionally intraveneously via an
injection (which wouldn't have required a bandage), but rarely through an
IV drip...

But I still wonder about the surgeon being on the flight to DC, rather than a
pediatrician...the presence of the surgeon on the flight suggests that Elian
perhaps DID undergo some sort of medical procedure at the hospital he was
brought to after being taken in the dawn raid...

I suspect perhaps some sort of tracking device may have been implanted in him,
so that authorities will be able to track his movements, especially if one
faction or the other kidnaps him...

> The burden
> of PROOF is on the federal kidnappers. PRODUCE THE BOY! THey CAN'T.

In our form of jurisprudence, the burden of proof is on the accuser, not the
accused.  It's up to YOU to produce proof for your allegations.

Just because the Miami faction abused the boy by turning his life into the
Truman Show, doesn't mean that others should be expected to continue that
abuse.  The kid needs time to be alone, and not paraded like a pet in front
of crowds...a caring person would NOT parade the child in front of cameras...

> Everyone I know who's not brain dead,
> including medical personnel I know, said immediately that the kid was being
> drugged. Rush Limbaugh said on Friday that if they took the kid they would
> immediately drug him.

As opposed to the drugging the Miami faction was doing?  Plus the obvious
drugs that Marisleysis is using....'stress', indeed...

> You, obviously, are not the least bit disturbed that
> the boy has disappeared.

Okay, if the boy's 'disappeared', where is he?

> YOu call Donato a thug -- the guy who rescued Elian from the ocean.

I don't know if he is a 'thug''s interesting that this supposed
fisherman has hardly gone fishing since the day he 'discovered' Elian,
and instead spends day after day hanging around the Gonzalez home in
Miami.  A very strange fisherman, who can afford to not go out fishing
for weeks on end.  I know fishermen in MY area can't even afford to
give up one day of fishing, let alone weeks....

So just like the Gonzalez's, this guy seemingly has no who's
paying the bills?

Since you seem to have all the answers, perhaps you can tell us how the
Gonzalez's support themselves, and can be expected to adequately support
a 6 year old to adulthood, when none of them have a job...?  ;-)

It's really bugging you that the majority of Americans support Elian
being returned to his father, isn't it?


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