From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> << A final discrepancy...why is the INS agent in the infamous photo wearing
>  green fatigues, while the videos we see of the INS agents entering and
>  leaving the house during the raid only show agents all in black?  Why is
>  this agent wearing a different uniform than his comrades? >>
> There's another strange thing here, but when I put my children to bed, they
> first had a bath, then put on pajamas and were tucked in.  A couch does for
> sleeping, but when I think of that freight car load of toys that were all
> over that place, I would think someone might have sprung for a youth bed.   I
> was looking at a picture of a child wearing normal street clothing and even
> (if I recall correctly) shoes.   That's an odd way to put a child to bed.

If you saw the 'house tour' video, Marisleysis breaks down in tears when she
displays Elian's broken bed ("They broke his bed!  They broke Elian's bed!  Boo
hoo hoo!"), which is right next to her bed in her bedroom that can't be bigger
than 9 feet by 12...

In her version of reality, Elian was sleeping in his room until shortly before
the raid, when he supposedly awoke on his own...perhaps he had been in pajamas
and perhaps she dressed him when he got up...perhaps that is what she was doing
in 'the backroom' prior to the raid (altho she then claims Elian was in the
livingroom on the couch with his 5 year old cousin when the INS entered...we are
never told where the 5 year old cousin slept that night, nor what the cousin
wore to sleep in)...

But one would think Elian would have been in barefeet...why put shoes on him at
5 in the morning, when one would think that nothing more than breakfast and
watching cartoons on TV was on Elian's agenda that morning?  Especially since
we are told that adults were still sleeping at that time, you'd think the last
thing they'd do is put noisy footwear on a 6 year old...


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